Retrieved 27 papers from
Loading ORCID 0000-0002-1855-0671 from ./quinfog/0000-0002-1855-0671.json
Found orcid work with no valid DOI. { "external-ids": { "external-id": [ { "external-id-normalized": { "transient": true, "value": "pprn:12891577" }, "external-id-normalized-error": null, "external-id-relationship": "self", "external-id-type": "wosuid", "external-id-url": { "value": "" }, "external-id-value": "PPRN:12891577" } ] }, "last-modified-date": { "value": 1683561543039 }, "work-summary": [ { "created-date": { "value": 1683561543039 }, "display-index": "0", "external-ids": { "external-id": [ { "external-id-normalized": { "transient": true, "value": "pprn:12891577" }, "external-id-normalized-error": null, "external-id-relationship": "self", "external-id-type": "wosuid", "external-id-url": { "value": "" }, "external-id-value": "PPRN:12891577" } ] }, "journal-title": { "value": "ArXiv" }, "last-modified-date": { "value": 1683561543039 }, "path": "/0000-0002-1855-0671/work/134571314", "publication-date": { "day": null, "month": null, "year": { "value": "2018" } }, "put-code": 134571314, "source": { "assertion-origin-client-id": null, "assertion-origin-name": null, "assertion-origin-orcid": null, "source-client-id": { "host": "", "path": "APP-1DSJAQCZ1PW1VN5X", "uri": "" }, "source-name": { "value": "Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync" }, "source-orcid": null }, "title": { "subtitle": null, "title": { "value": "Pulsed Generation of Quantum Coherences and Non-classicality in Light-Matter Systems" }, "translated-title": null }, "type": "journal-article", "url": { "value": "" }, "visibility": "public" } ] }
Found orcid work with no valid DOI. { "external-ids": { "external-id": [ { "external-id-normalized": { "transient": true, "value": "pprn:12713643" }, "external-id-normalized-error": null, "external-id-relationship": "self", "external-id-type": "wosuid", "external-id-url": { "value": "" }, "external-id-value": "PPRN:12713643" } ] }, "last-modified-date": { "value": 1683561543031 }, "work-summary": [ { "created-date": { "value": 1683561543031 }, "display-index": "0", "external-ids": { "external-id": [ { "external-id-normalized": { "transient": true, "value": "pprn:12713643" }, "external-id-normalized-error": null, "external-id-relationship": "self", "external-id-type": "wosuid", "external-id-url": { "value": "" }, "external-id-value": "PPRN:12713643" } ] }, "journal-title": { "value": "ArXiv" }, "last-modified-date": { "value": 1683561543031 }, "path": "/0000-0002-1855-0671/work/134571313", "publication-date": { "day": null, "month": null, "year": { "value": "2017" } }, "put-code": 134571313, "source": { "assertion-origin-client-id": null, "assertion-origin-name": null, "assertion-origin-orcid": null, "source-client-id": { "host": "", "path": "APP-1DSJAQCZ1PW1VN5X", "uri": "" }, "source-name": { "value": "Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync" }, "source-orcid": null }, "title": { "subtitle": null, "title": { "value": "Functional advantages offered by many-body coherences in biochemical systems" }, "translated-title": null }, "type": "journal-article", "url": { "value": "" }, "visibility": "public" } ] }
Validated 22 unique DOIs out of 24 elements from orcID 0000-0002-1855-0671
Database for Fernando J. Gómez-Ruiz has 28 papers