Blueprint for a Molecular-Spin Quantum Processor
The implementation of a universal quantum processor still poses fundamental issues related to error mitigation and correction, which demand investigation of also platforms and computing schemes alternative to the main stream. A possibility is offered by employing multilevel logical units (qudits), naturally provided by molecular spins. Here we present the blueprint of a molecular spin quantum processor consisting of single molecular nanomagnets, acting as qudits, placed within superconducting resonators adapted to the size and interactions of these molecules to achieve a strong single spin-to-photon coupling. We show how to implement a universal set of gates in such a platform and to readout the final qudit state. Single-qudit unitaries (potentially embedding multiple qubits) are implemented by fast classical drives, while an alternative scheme is introduced to obtain two-qubit gates via resonant photon exchange. The latter is compared to the dispersive approach, finding in general a significant improvement. The performance of the platform is assessed by realistic numerical simulations of gate sequences, such as Deutsch-Josza and quantum simulation algorithms. The very good results demonstrate the feasibility of the molecular route towards a universal quantum processor.
Driven-dissipative topological phases in parametric resonator arrays
We study the phenomena of topological amplification in arrays of parametric oscillators. We find two phases of topological amplification, both with directional transport and exponential gain with the number of sites, and one of them featuring squeezing. We also find a topologically trivial phase with zero-energy modes which produces amplification but lacks the robust topological protection of the others. We characterize the resilience to disorder of the different phases and their stability, gain, and noise-to-signal ratio. Finally, we discuss their experimental implementation with state-of-the-art techniques.
Kibble–Zurek mechanism of Ising domains
The formation of topological defects after a symmetry-breaking phase transition is an overarching phenomenon that encodes the underlying dynamics. The Kibble–Zurek mechanism (KZM) describes these non-equilibrium dynamics of second-order phase transitions and predicts a power-law relationship between the cooling rates and the density of topological defects. It has been verified as a successful model in a wide variety of physical systems, including structure formation in the early Universe and condensed-matter materials. However, it is uncertain if the KZM mechanism is also valid for topologically trivial Ising domains, one of the most common and fundamental types of domain in condensed-matter systems. Here we show that the cooling rate dependence of Ising domain density follows the KZM power law in two different three-dimensional structural Ising domains: ferro-rotation domains in NiTiO3 and polar domains in BiTeI. However, although the KZM slope of NiTiO3 agrees with the prediction of the 3D Ising model, the KZM slope of BiTeI exceeds the theoretical limit, providing an example of steepening KZM slope with long-range dipolar interactions. Our results demonstrate the validity of KZM for Ising domains and reveal an enhancement of the power-law exponent for transitions of non-topological quantities with long-range interactions.