Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 28 entries.
28. Exploring supersymmetry: Interchangeability between Jaynes-Cummings and anti-Jaynes-Cummings models
27. Quantum Information Scrambling in Adiabatically Driven Critical Systems
Quantum information scrambling refers to the spread of the initially stored information over many degrees of freedom of a quantum many-body system. Information scrambling is intimately linked to the thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems, and has been typically studied in a sudden quench scenario. Here, we extend the notion of quantum information scrambling to critical quantum many-body systems undergoing an adiabatic evolution. In particular, we analyze how the symmetry-breaking information of an initial state is scrambled in adiabatically driven integrable systems, such as the Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick and quantum Rabi models. Following a time-dependent protocol that drives the system from symmetry-breaking to a normal phase, we show how the initial information is scrambled, even for perfect adiabatic evolutions, as indicated by the expectation value of a suitable observable. We detail the underlying mechanism for quantum information scrambling, its relation to ground- and excited-state quantum phase transitions, and quantify the degree of scrambling in terms of the number of eigenstates that participate in the encoding of the initial symmetry-breaking information. While the energy of the final state remains unaltered in an adiabatic protocol, the relative phases among eigenstates are scrambled, and so is the symmetry-breaking information. We show that a potential information retrieval, following a time-reversed protocol, is hindered by small perturbations, as indicated by a vanishingly small Loschmidt echo and out-of-time-ordered correlators. The reported phenomenon is amenable for its experimental verification, and may help in the understanding of information scrambling in critical quantum many-body systems.
26. Cavity Control of Topological Qubits: Fusion Rule, Anyon Braiding and Majorana-Schr\”odinger Cat States
We investigate the impact of introducing a local cavity within the center of a topological chain, revealing profound effects on the system’s quantum states. Notably, the cavity induces a scissor-like effect that bisects the chain, liberating Majorana zero modes (MZMs) within the bulk. Our results demonstrate that this setup enables the observation of non-trivial fusion rules and braiding — key signatures of non-Abelian anyons — facilitated by the spatially selective ultra-strong coupling of the cavity photon field. These MZM characteristics can be directly probed through fermionic parity readouts and photon Berry phases, respectively. Furthermore, by leveraging the symmetry properties of fermion modes within a two-site cavity, we propose a novel method for generating MZM-polariton Schr\”odinger cat states. Our findings present a significant advancement in the control of topological quantum systems, offering new avenues for both fundamental research and potential quantum computing applications.
25. Quantum Chaos in Random Ising Networks
We report a systematic investigation of universal quantum chaotic signatures in the transverse field Ising model on an Erd\H{o}s-R\’enyi network. This is achieved by studying local spectral measures such as the level spacing and the level velocity statistics. A spectral form factor analysis is also performed as a global measure, probing energy level correlations at arbitrary spectral distances. Our findings show that these measures capture the breakdown of chaotic behavior upon varying the connectivity and strength of the transverse field in various regimes. We demonstrate that the level spacing statistics and the spectral form factor signal this breakdown for sparsely and densely connected networks. The velocity statistics capture the surviving chaotic signatures in the sparse limit. However, these integrable-like regimes extend over a vanishingly small segment in the full range of connectivity.
24. Exploring Supersymmetry: Interchangeability Between Jaynes-Cummings and Anti-Jaynes-Cummings Models
The supersymmetric connection that exists between the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) and anti-Jaynes Cummings (AJC) models in quantum optics is unraveled entirely. A new method is proposed to obtain the temporal evolution of observables in the AJC model using supersymmetric techniques, providing an overview of its dynamics and extending the calculation to full photon counting statistics. The approach is general and can be applied to determine the high-order cumulants given an initial state. The analysis reveals that engineering the collapse-revival behavior and the quantum properties of the interacting field is possible by controlling the initial state of the atomic subsystem and the corresponding atomic frequency in the AJC model. The substantial potential for applications of supersymmetric techniques in the context of photonic quantum technologies is thus demonstrated.
23. Kibble–Zurek mechanism of Ising domains
The formation of topological defects after a symmetry-breaking phase transition is an overarching phenomenon that encodes the underlying dynamics. The Kibble–Zurek mechanism (KZM) describes these non-equilibrium dynamics of second-order phase transitions and predicts a power-law relationship between the cooling rates and the density of topological defects. It has been verified as a successful model in a wide variety of physical systems, including structure formation in the early Universe and condensed-matter materials. However, it is uncertain if the KZM mechanism is also valid for topologically trivial Ising domains, one of the most common and fundamental types of domain in condensed-matter systems. Here we show that the cooling rate dependence of Ising domain density follows the KZM power law in two different three-dimensional structural Ising domains: ferro-rotation domains in NiTiO3 and polar domains in BiTeI. However, although the KZM slope of NiTiO3 agrees with the prediction of the 3D Ising model, the KZM slope of BiTeI exceeds the theoretical limit, providing an example of steepening KZM slope with long-range dipolar interactions. Our results demonstrate the validity of KZM for Ising domains and reveal an enhancement of the power-law exponent for transitions of non-topological quantities with long-range interactions.
22. Experimental validation of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism on a digital quantum computer
The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) captures the essential physics of nonequilibrium quantum phase transitions with symmetry breaking. KZM predicts a universal scaling power law for the defect density which is fully determined by the system’s critical exponents at equilibrium and the quenching rate. We experimentally tested the KZM for the simplest quantum case, a single qubit under the Landau-Zener evolution, on an open access IBM quantum computer (IBM-Q). We find that for this simple one-qubit model, experimental data validates the central KZM assumption of the adiabatic-impulse approximation for a well isolated qubit. Furthermore, we report on extensive IBM-Q experiments on individual qubits embedded in different circuit environments and topologies, separately elucidating the role of crosstalk between qubits and the increasing decoherence effects associated with the quantum circuit depth on the KZM predictions. Our results strongly suggest that increasing circuit depth acts as a decoherence source, producing a rapid deviation of experimental data from theoretical unitary predictions.
21. Locality of spontaneous symmetry breaking and universal spacing distribution of topological defects formed across a phase transition
The crossing of a continuous phase transition results in the formation of topological defects with a density predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). We characterize the spatial distribution of pointlike topological defects in the resulting nonequilibrium state and model it using a Poisson point process in arbitrary spatial dimensions with KZM density. Numerical simulations in a one-dimensional ϕ4 theory unveil short-distance defect-defect corrections stemming from the kink excluded volume, while in two spatial dimensions, our model accurately describes the vortex spacing distribution in a strongly coupled superconductor indicating the suppression of defect-defect spatial correlations.
20. Role of boundary conditions in the full counting statistics of topological defects after crossing a continuous phase transition
In a scenario of spontaneous symmetry breaking in finite time, topological defects are generated at a density that scales with the driving time according to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). Signatures of universality beyond the KZM have recently been unveiled: The number distribution of topological defects has been shown to follow a binomial distribution, in which all cumulants inherit the universal power-law scaling with the quench rate, with cumulant rations being constant. In this work, we analyze the role of boundary conditions in the statistics of topological defects. In particular, we consider a lattice system with nearest-neighbor interactions subject to soft antiperiodic, open, and periodic boundary conditions implemented by an energy penalty term. We show that for fast and moderate quenches, the cumulants of the kink number distribution present a universal scaling with the quench rate that is independent of the boundary conditions except for an additive term, which becomes prominent in the limit of slow quenches, leading to the breaking of power-law behavior. We test our theoretical predictions with a one-dimensional scalar theory on a lattice.
19. Benchmarking quantum annealing dynamics: The spin-vector Langevin model
The classical spin-vector Monte Carlo (SVMC) model is a reference benchmark for the performance of a quantum annealer. Yet, as a Monte Carlo method, SVMC is unsuited for an accurate description of the annealing dynamics in real-time. We introduce the spin-vector Langevin (SVL) model as an alternative benchmark in which the time evolution is described by Langevin dynamics. The SVL model is shown to provide a more stringent test than the SVMC model for the identification of quantum signatures in the performance of quantum annealing devices, as we illustrate by describing the Kibble-Zurek scaling associated with the dynamics of symmetry breaking in the transverse field Ising model, recently probed using D-Wave machines. Specifically, we show that D-Wave data are reproduced by the SVL model.
18. Uhlmann fidelity and fidelity susceptibility for integrable spin chains at finite temperature: exact results
We derive the exact expression for the Uhlmann fidelity between arbitrary thermal Gibbs states of the quantum XY model in a transverse field with finite system size. Using it, we conduct a thorough analysis of the fidelity susceptibility of thermal states for the Ising model in a transverse field. We compare the exact results with a common approximation that considers only the positive-parity subspace, which is shown to be valid only at high temperatures. The proper inclusion of the odd parity subspace leads to the enhancement of maximal fidelity susceptibility in the intermediate range of temperatures. We show that this enhancement persists in the thermodynamic limit and scales quadratically with the system size. The correct low-temperature behavior is captured by an approximation involving the two lowest many-body energy eigenstates, from which simple expressions are obtained for the thermal susceptibility and specific heat.
17. Exact thermal properties of free-fermionic spin chains
An exact description of integrable spin chains at finite temperature is provided using an elementary algebraic approach in the complete Hilbert space of the system.
We focus on spin chain models that admit a description in terms of free fermions, including paradigmatic examples such as the one-dimensional transverse-field quantum Ising and XY models. The exact partition function is derived and compared with the ubiquitous approximation in which only the positive parity sector of the energy spectrum is considered. Errors stemming from this approximation are identified in the neighborhood of the critical point at low temperatures. We further provide the full counting statistics of a wide class of observables at thermal equilibrium and characterize in detail the thermal distribution of the kink number and transverse magnetization in the transverse-field quantum Ising chain.
16. Universal statistics of vortices in a newborn holographic superconductor: beyond the Kibble-Zurek mechanism
Traversing a continuous phase transition at a finite rate leads to the breakdown of adiabatic dynamics and the formation of topological defects, as predicted by the celebrated Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). We investigate universal signatures beyond the KZM, by characterizing the distribution of vortices generated in a thermal quench leading to the formation of a holographic superconductor. The full counting statistics of vortices is described by a binomial distribution, in which the mean value is dictated by the KZM and higher-order cumulants share the universal power-law scaling with the quench time. Extreme events associated with large fluctuations no longer exhibit a power-law behavior with the quench time and are characterized by a universal form of the Weibull distribution for different quench rates.
15. Rényi entropy singularities as signatures of topological criticality in coupled photon-fermion systems
We show that the topological phase transition for a Kitaev chain embedded in a cavity can be identified by measuring experimentally accessible photon observables such as the Fano factor and the cavity quadrature amplitudes. Moreover, based on density matrix renormalization group numerical calculations, endorsed by an analytical Gaussian approximation for the cavity state, we propose a direct link between those observables and quantum entropy singularities. We study two bipartite entanglement measures, the von Neumann and R\’enyi entanglement entropies, between light and matter subsystems. Even though both display singularities at the topological phase transition points, remarkably only the R\’enyi entropy can be analytically connected to the measurable Fano factor. Consequently, we show a method to recover the bipartite entanglement of the system from a cavity observable. Thus, we put forward a path to experimentally access the control and detection of a topological quantum phase transition via the R\’enyi entropy, which can be measured by standard low noise linear amplification techniques in superconducting circuits. In this way, the main quantum information features of Majorana polaritons in photon-fermion systems can be addressed in feasible experimental setups.
14. Probing the universality of topological defect formation in a quantum annealer: Kibble-Zurek mechanism and beyond
The number of topological defects created in a system driven through a quantum phase transition exhibits a power-law scaling with the driving time. This universal scaling law is the key prediction of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM), and testing it using a hardware-based quantum simulator is a coveted goal of quantum information science. Here we provide such a test using quantum annealing. Specifically, we report on extensive experimental tests of topological defect formation via the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model on two different D-Wave quantum annealing devices. We find that the quantum simulator results can indeed be explained by the KZM for open-system quantum dynamics with phase-flip errors, with certain quantitative deviations from the theory likely caused by factors such as random control errors and transient effects. In addition, we probe physics beyond the KZM by identifying signatures of universality in the distribution and cumulants of the number of kinks and their decay, and again find agreement with the quantum simulator results. This implies that the theoretical predictions of the generalized KZM theory, which assumes isolation from the environment, applies beyond its original scope to an open system. We support this result by extensive numerical computations. To check whether an alternative, classical interpretation of these results is possible, we used the spin-vector Monte Carlo model, a candidate classical description of the D-Wave device. We find that the degree of agreement with the experimental data from the D-Wave annealing devices is better for the KZM, a quantum theory, than for the classical spin-vector Monte Carlo model, thus favoring a quantum description of the device. Our work provides an experimental test of quantum critical dynamics in an open quantum system, and paves the way to new directions in quantum simulation experiments.
13. Quantum Non-equilibrium Many-Body Spin-Photon Systems
In this Ph.D. thesis dissertation concerns the quantum dynamics of strongly-correlated quantum systems in out-of-equilibrium states. The research is neither restricted to static properties or long-term relaxation evolutions nor does it neglect effects on any relevant subsystem as is frequently done with the environment in master equations approaches. The focus of this work is to explore different quantum systems during several regimes of operations, then discover results that might be of interest to quantum control, and hence to quantum computation and quantum information processing. Our main results can be summarized as follows in three parts: Signature of Critical Dynamics, Driven Dicke Model as a Test-bed of Ultra-Strong Coupling, and Beyond the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism.
12. Full Counting Statistics of Topological Defects after Crossing a Phase Transition
We consider the number distribution of topological defects resulting from the finite-time crossing of a continuous phase transition and identify signatures of universality beyond the mean value, predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. Statistics of defects follows a binomial distribution with $\mathcal{N}$ Bernouilli trials associated with the probability of forming a topological defect at the locations where multiple domains merge. All cumulants of the distribution are predicted to exhibit a common universal power-law scaling with the quench time in which the transition is crossed. Knowledge of the distribution is used to discuss the onset of adiabatic dynamics and bound rare events associated with large deviations.
11. Experimentally testing quantum critical dynamics beyond the Kibble–Zurek mechanism
We experimentally probe the distribution of kink pairs resulting from driving a one-dimensional quantum Ising chain through the paramagnet-ferromagnet quantum phase transition, using a single trapped ion as a quantum simulator in momentum space. The number of kink pairs after the transition follows a Poisson binomial distribution, in which all cumulants scale with a universal power-law as a function of the quench time in which the transition is crossed. We experimentally verified this scaling for the first cumulants and report deviations due to noise-induced dephasing of the trapped ion. Our results establish that the universal character of the critical dynamics can be extended beyond the paradigmatic Kibble-Zurek mechanism, which accounts for the mean kink number, to characterize the full probability distribution of topological defects.
10. Enhancing violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities in nonequilibrium correlated many-body systems by interactions and decoherence
We identify different schemes to enhance the violation of Leggett-Garg inequalities in open many-body systems. Considering a nonequilibrium archetypical setup of quantum transport, we show that particle interactions control the direction and amplitude of maximal violation and that in the strongly-interacting and strongly-driven regime bulk dephasing enhances the violation. Through an analytical study of a minimal model, we unravel the basic ingredients to explain this decoherence-enhanced quantumness, illustrating that such an effect emerges in a wide variety of systems.
9. Universal Dynamics of Inhomogeneous Quantum Phase Transitions: Suppressing Defect Formation
In the nonadiabatic dynamics across a quantum phase transition, the Kibble-Zurek mechanism predicts that the formation of topological defects is suppressed as a universal power law with the quench time. In inhomogeneous systems, the critical point is reached locally and causality reduces the effective system size for defect formation to regions where the velocity of the critical front is slower than the sound velocity, favoring adiabatic dynamics. The reduced density of excitations exhibits a much steeper dependence on the quench rate and is also described by a universal power-law, that we demonstrated in a quantum Ising chain.
8. Vulnerability of Quantum Information Systems to Collective Manipulation
arXiv:1901.08873, Quantum Information Science – Recent Advances and Computational Science Applications (2024)
The highly specialist terms `quantum computing’ and `quantum information’, together with the broader term `quantum technologies’, now appear regularly in the mainstream media. While this is undoubtedly highly exciting for physicists and investors alike, a key question for society concerns such systems’ vulnerabilities — and in particular, their vulnerability to collective manipulation. Here we present and discuss a new form of vulnerability in such systems, that we have identified based on detailed many-body quantum mechanical calculations. The impact of this new vulnerability is that groups of adversaries can maximally disrupt these systems’ global quantum state which will then jeopardize their quantum functionality. It will be almost impossible to detect these attacks since they do not change the Hamiltonian and the purity remains the same; they do not entail any real-time communication between the attackers; and they can last less than a second. We also argue that there can be an implicit amplification of such attacks because of the statistical character of modern non-state actor groups. A countermeasure could be to embed future quantum technologies within redundant classical networks. We purposely structure the discussion in this chapter so that the first sections are self-contained and can be read by non-specialists.
7. Pulsed Generation of Quantum Coherences and Non-classicality in Light-Matter Systems
We show that a pulsed stimulus can be used to generate many-body quantum coherences in light-matter systems of general size. Specifically, we calculate the exact real-time evolution of a driven, generic out-of-equilibrium system comprising an arbitrary number N qubits coupled to a global boson field. A novel form of dynamically-driven quantum coherence emerges for general N and without having to access the empirically challenging strong-coupling regime. Its properties depend on the speed of the changes in the stimulus. Non-classicalities arise within each subsystem that have eluded previous analyses. Our findings show robustness to losses and noise, and have potential functional implications at the systems level for a variety of nanosystems, including collections of N atoms, molecules, spins, or superconducting qubits in cavities — and possibly even vibration-enhanced light harvesting processes in macromolecules.
6. Universal two-time correlations, out-of-time-ordered correlators, and Leggett-Garg inequality violation by edge Majorana fermion qubits
In the present work we propose that two-time correlations of Majorana edge localized fermions constitute a novel and versatile toolbox for assessing the topological phases of 1D open lattices. Using analytical and numerical calculations on the Kitaev model, we uncover universal relationships between the decay of the short-time correlations and a particular family of out-of-time-ordered correlators, which provide direct experimental alternatives to the quantitative analysis of the system regime, either normal or topological. Furthermore we show that the saturation of two-time correlations possesses features of an order parameter. Finally, we find that violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities can indicate the topological-normal phase transition by looking at different qubits formed by pairing local and non-local edge Majorana fermions.
5. Dynamics of entanglement and the Schmidt gap in a driven light–matter system
The ability to modify light-matter coupling in time (e.g. using external pulses) opens up the exciting possibility of generating and probing new aspects of quantum correlations in many-body light-matter systems. Here we study the impact of such a pulsed coupling on the light-matter entanglement in the Dicke model as well as the respective subsystem quantum dynamics. Our dynamical many-body analysis exploits the natural partition between the radiation and matter degrees of freedom, allowing us to explore time-dependent intra-subsystem quantum correlations by means of squeezing parameters, and the inter-subsystem Schmidt gap for different pulse duration (i.e. ramping velocity) regimes — from the near adiabatic to the sudden quench limits. Our results reveal that both types of quantities indicate the emergence of the superradiant phase when crossing the quantum critical point. In addition, at the end of the pulse light and matter remain entangled even though they become uncoupled, which could be exploited to generate entangled states in non-interacting systems.
4. Energy transfer in N-component nanosystems enhanced by pulse-driven vibronic many-body entanglement
The processing of energy by transfer and redistribution plays a key role in the evolution of dynamical systems. At the ultrasmall and ultrafast scale of nanosystems, quantum coherence could in principle also play a role and has been reported in many pulse-driven nanosystems (e.g. quantum dots and even the microscopic Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHC-II) aggregate). Typical theoretical analyses cannot easily be scaled to describe these general $N$-component nanosystems; they do not treat the pulse dynamically; and they approximate memory effects. Here our aim is to shed light on what new physics might arise beyond these approximations. We adopt a purposely minimal model such that the time-dependence of the pulse is included explicitly in the Hamiltonian. This simple model generates complex dynamics: specifically, pulses of intermediate duration generate highly entangled vibronic (i.e. electronic-vibrational) states that spread multiple excitons — and hence energy — maximally within the system. Subsequent pulses can then act on such entangled states to efficiently channel subsequent energy capture. The underlying pulse-generated vibronic entanglement increases in strength and robustness as $N$ increases.
3. Ultra‐Fast Control of Magnetic Relaxation in a Periodically Driven Hubbard Model
Motivated by cold atom and ultra-fast pump-probe experiments we study the melting of long-range antiferromagnetic order of a perfect N\’eel state in a periodically driven repulsive Hubbard model. The dynamics is calculated for a Bethe lattice in infinite dimensions with non-equilibrium dynamical mean-field theory. In the absence of driving melting proceeds differently depending on the quench of the interactions to hopping ratio $U/J_0$ from the atomic limit. For $U \gg J_0$ decay occurs due to mobile charge-excitations transferring energy to the spin sector, while for $J_0 \gtrsim U$ it is governed by the dynamics of residual quasi-particles. Here we explore the rich effects strong periodic driving has on this relaxation process spanning three frequency $\omega$ regimes: (i) high-frequency $\omega \gg U,J_0$, (ii) resonant $l\omega = U > J_0$ with integer $l$, and (iii) in-gap $U > \omega > J_0$ away from resonance. In case (i) we can quickly switch the decay from quasi-particle to charge-excitation mechanism through the suppression of $J_0$. For (ii) the interaction can be engineered, even allowing an effective $U=0$ regime to be reached, giving the reverse switch from a charge-excitation to quasi-particle decay mechanism. For (iii) the exchange interaction can be controlled with little effect on the decay. By combining these regimes we show how periodic driving could be a potential pathway for controlling magnetism in antiferromagnetic materials. Finally, our numerical results demonstrate the accuracy and applicability of matrix product state techniques to the Hamiltonian DMFT impurity problem subjected to strong periodic driving.
2. Quantum Hysteresis in Coupled Light–Matter Systems
We investigate the non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of a canonical light-matter system, namely the Dicke model, when the light-matter interaction is ramped up and down through a cycle across the quantum phase transition. Our calculations reveal a rich set of dynamical behaviors determined by the cycle times, ranging from the slow, near adiabatic regime through to the fast, sudden quench regime. As the cycle time decreases, we uncover a crossover from an oscillatory exchange of quantum information between light and matter that approaches a reversible adiabatic process, to a dispersive regime that generates large values of light-matter entanglement. The phenomena uncovered in this work have implications in quantum control, quantum interferometry, as well as in quantum information theory.
1. Quantum phase transitions detected by a local probe using time correlations and violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities
In the present paper we introduce a way of identifying quantum phase transitions of many-body systems by means of local time correlations and Leggett-Garg inequalities. This procedure allows to experimentally determine the quantum critical points not only of finite-order transitions but also those of infinite order, as the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition that is not always easy to detect with current methods. By means of simple analytical arguments for a general spin-$1 / 2$ Hamiltonian, and matrix product simulations of one-dimensional $X X Z$ and anisotropic $X Y$ models, we argue that finite-order quantum phase transitions can be determined by singularities of the time correlations or their derivatives at criticality. The same features are exhibited by corresponding Leggett-Garg functions, which noticeably indicate violation of the Leggett-Garg inequalities for early times and all the Hamiltonian parameters considered. In addition, we find that the infinite-order transition of the $X X Z$ model at the isotropic point can be revealed by the maximal violation of the Leggett-Garg inequalities. We thus show that quantum phase transitions can be identified by purely local measurements, and that many-body systems constitute important candidates to observe experimentally the violation of Leggett-Garg inequalities.