Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 100 entries.
100. Programming optical-lattice Fermi-Hubbard quantum simulators
Fermionic atoms in optical lattices provide a native implementation of Fermi-Hubbard (FH) models that can be used as analog quantum simulators of many-body fermionic systems. Recent experimental advances include the time-dependent local control of chemical potentials and tunnelings, and thus enable to operate this platform digitally as a programmable quantum simulator. Here, we explore these opportunities and develop ground-state preparation algorithms for different fermionic models, based on the ability to implement both single-particle and many-body, high-fidelity fermionic gates, as provided by the native FH Hamiltonian. In particular, we first design variational, pre-compiled quantum circuits to prepare the ground state of the natively implemented FH model, with significant speedups relative to competing adiabatic protocols. Besides, the versatility of this variational approach enables to target extended FH models, i.e., including terms that are not natively realized on the platform. As an illustration, we include next-nearest-neighbor tunnelings at finite dopings, relevant in the context of $d$-wave superconductivity. Furthermore, we discuss how to approximate the imaginary-time evolution using variational fermionic circuits, both as an alternative state-preparation strategy, and as a subroutine for the Quantum Lanczos algorithm to further improve the energy estimation. We benchmark our protocols for ladder geometries, though they can be readily applied to 2D experimental setups to address regimes beyond the capabilities of current classical methods. These results pave the way for more efficient and comprehensive explorations of relevant many-body phases with existing programmable fermionic quantum simulators.
99. Chiral quantum optics: recent developments, and future directions
Chiral quantum optics is a growing field of research where light-matter interactions become asymmetrically dependent on momentum and spin, offering novel control over photonic and electronic degrees of freedom. Recently, the platforms for investigating chiral light-matter interactions have expanded from laser-cooled atoms and quantum dots to various solid-state systems, such as microcavity polaritons and two-dimensional layered materials, integrated into photonic structures like waveguides, cavities, and ring resonators. In this perspective, we begin by establishing the foundation for understanding and engineering these chiral light-matter regimes. We review the cutting-edge platforms that have enabled their successful realization in recent years, focusing on solid-state platforms, and discuss the most relevant experimental challenges to fully harness their potential. Finally, we explore the vast opportunities these chiral light-matter interfaces present, particularly their ability to reveal exotic quantum many-body phenomena, such as chiral many-body superradiance and fractional quantum Hall physics.
98. Long-range interactions in Weyl dense atomic arrays protected from dissipation and disorder
Long-range interactions are a key resource in many quantum phenomena and technologies. Free-space photons mediate power-law interactions but lack tunability and suffer from decoherence processes due to their omnidirectional emission. Engineered dielectrics can yield tunable and coherent interactions, but typically at the expense of making them both shorter-ranged and sensitive to material disorder and photon loss. Here, we propose a platform that can circumvent all these limitations based on three-dimensional subwavelength atomic arrays subjected to magnetic fields. Our key result is to show how to design the polaritonic bands of these atomic metamaterials to feature a pair of frequency-isolated Weyl points. These Weyl excitations can thus mediate interactions that are simultaneously long-range, due to their gapless nature; robust, due to the topological protection of Weyl points; and decoherence-free, due to their subradiant character. We demonstrate the robustness of these isolated Weyl points for a large regime of interatomic distances and magnetic field values and characterize the emergence of their corresponding Fermi arcs surface states. The latter can as well lead to two-dimensional, non-reciprocal atomic interactions with no analogue in other chiral quantum optical setups.
97. Multi-qubit quantum state preparation enabled by topology optimization
Using topology optimization, we inverse-design nanophotonic cavities enabling the preparation of pure states of pairs and triples of quantum emitters. Our devices involve moderate values of the dielectric constant, operate under continuous laser driving, and yield fidelities to the target (Bell and W) states approaching unity for distant qubits (several natural wavelengths apart). In the fidelity optimization procedure, our algorithm generates entanglement by maximizing the dissipative coupling between the emitters, which allows the formation of multipartite pure steady states in the driven-dissipative dynamics of the system. Our findings open the way towards the efficient and fast preparation of multiqubit quantum states with engineered features, with potential applications for nonclassical light generation, quantum simulation, and quantum sensing.
96. Topological, multi-mode amplification induced by non-reciprocal, long-range dissipative couplings
Non-reciprocal couplings or drivings are known to induce steady-state, directional, amplification in driven-dissipative bosonic lattices. This amplification phenomena has been recently linked to the existence of a non-zero topological invariant defined with the system’s dynamical matrix, and thus, it depends critically on the couplings’ structure. In this work, we demonstrate the emergence of unconventional, non-reciprocal, long-range dissipative couplings induced by the interaction of the bosonic chain with a chiral, multi-mode channel, and then study their impact on topological amplification phenomena. We show that these couplings can lead to topological invariant values greater than one which induce topological, multi-mode amplification and metastability behaviour not predicted in other setups. Besides, we also show how these couplings can also stabilize topological amplifying phases in the presence of local parametric drivings. Finally, we conclude by showing how such phenomena can be naturally obtained in two-dimensional topological insulators hosting multiple edge modes.
95. Directional spontaneous emission in photonic crystal slabs
Spontaneous emission is one of the most fundamental out-of-equilibrium processes in which an excited quantum emitter relaxes to the ground state due to quantum fluctuations. In this process, a photon is emitted that can interact with other nearby emitters and establish quantum correlations between them, e.g., via super and subradiance effects. One way to modify these photon-mediated interactions is to alter the dipole radiation patterns of the emitter, e.g., by placing photonic crystals near them. One recent example is the generation of strong directional emission patterns-key to enhancing super and subradiance effects-in two dimensions by employing photonic crystals with band structures characterized by linear isofrequency contours and saddle-points. However, these studies have predominantly used oversimplified toy models, overlooking the electromagnetic field’s intricacies in actual materials, including aspects like geometrical dependencies, emitter positions, and polarization. Our study delves into the interaction between these directional emission patterns and the aforementioned variables, revealing the untapped potential to fine-tune collective quantum optical phenomena.
94. Topological Josephson parametric amplifier array: A proposal for directional, broadband, and low-noise amplification
Low-noise microwave amplifiers are crucial for detecting weak signals in fields such as quantum technology and radio astronomy. However, designing an ideal amplifier is challenging, as it must cover a wide frequency range, add minimal noise, and operate directionally – amplifying signals only in the observer’s direction while protecting the source from environmental interference. In this work, we demonstrate that an array of non-linearly coupled Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPAs) can collectively function as a directional, broadband quantum amplifier by harnessing topological effects. By applying a collective four-wave-mixing pump with inhomogeneous amplitudes and linearly increasing phase, we break time-reversal symmetry in the JPA array and stabilize a topological amplification regime where signals are exponentially amplified in one direction and exponentially suppressed in the opposite. We show that compact devices with few sites $N\sim 11-17$ can achieve exceptional performance, with gains exceeding 20 dB over a bandwidth ranging from hundreds of MHz to GHz, and reverse isolation suppressing backward noise by more than 30 dB across all frequencies. The device also operates near the quantum noise limit and provides topological protection against up to 15% fabrication disorder, effectively suppressing gain ripples. The amplifier’s intrinsic directionality eliminates the need for external isolators, paving the way for fully on-chip, near-ideal superconducting pre-amplifiers.
93. Optically defined cavities in driven-dissipative photonic lattices
The engineering of localised modes in photonic structures is one of the main targets of modern photonics. An efficient strategy to design these modes is to use the interplay of constructive and destructive interference in periodic photonic lattices. This mechanism is at the origin of defect modes in photonic bandgaps, bound states in the continuum and compact localised states in flat bands. Here we show that in lattices of lossy resonators, the addition of external optical drives with controlled phase enlarges the possibilities of manipulating interference effects and allows designing novel types of localised modes. Using a honeycomb lattice of coupled micropillars resonantly driven with several laser spots at energies within its photonic bands we demonstrate the localisation of light in at-will geometries down to a single site. These localised modes can be seen as fully reconfigurable optical cavities with the potentiality of enhancing nonlinear effects and of controlling light-matter interactions with single site resolution.
92. Non-stationary dynamics and dissipative freezing in squeezed superradiance
In this work, we study the driven-dissipative dynamics of a coherently-driven spin ensemble with a squeezed, superradiant decay. This decay consists of a sum of both raising and lowering collective spin operators with a tunable weight. The model presents different critical non-equilibrium phases with a gapless Liouvillian that are associated to particular symmetries and that give rise to distinct kinds of non-ergodic dynamics. In Ref. [1] we focus on the case of a strong-symmetry and use this model to introduce and discuss the effect of dissipative freezing, where, regardless of the system size, stochastic quantum trajectories initialized in a superposition of different symmetry sectors always select a single one of them and remain there for the rest of the evolution. Here, we deepen this analysis and study in more detail the other type of non-ergodic physics present in the model, namely, the emergence of non-stationary dynamics in the thermodynamic limit. We complete our description of squeezed superradiance by analysing its metrological properties in terms of spin squeezing and by analysing the features that each of these critical phases imprint on the light emitted by the system.
91. Anisotropic quantum emitter interactions in two-dimensional photonic-crystal baths
Quantum emitters interacting with two-dimensional photonic-crystal baths experience strong and anisotropic collective dissipation when they are spectrally tuned to 2D Van-Hove singularities. In this work, we show how to turn this dissipation into coherent dipole-dipole interactions with tuneable range by breaking the lattice degeneracy at the Van-Hove point with a superlattice geometry. Using a coupled-mode description, we show that the origin of these interactions stems from the emergence of a qubit-photon bound state which inherits the anisotropic properties of the original dissipation, and whose spatial decay can be tuned via the superlattice parameters or the detuning of the optical transition respect to the band-edges. Within that picture, we also calculate the emitter induced dynamics in an exact manner, bounding the parameter regimes where the dynamics lies within a Markovian description. As an application, we develop a four-qubit entanglement protocol exploiting the shape of the interactions. Finally, we provide a proof-of-principle example of a photonic crystal where such interactions can be obtained.
90. Filtering Multiphoton Emission from State-of-the-Art Cavity QED
Engineering multiphoton states is an outstanding challenge with applications in multiple fields, such as quan- tum metrology, quantum lithography or even biological systems. State-of-the-art methods to obtain them rely on post-selection, multi-level systems or Rydberg atomic ensembles. Recently, it was shown that a strongly driven two-level system interacting with a detuned cavity mode can be engineered to continuously emit n-photon states. In the present work, we show that spectral filtering of its emission relaxes considerably the requirements on the system parameters even to the more accessible bad-cavity situation, opening up the possibility of implementing this protocol in a much wider landscape of different platforms. This improvement is based on a key observation: in the imperfect case where only a certain fraction of emission is composed of n-photon states, these have a well defined energy separated from the rest of the signal, which allows to reveal and purify multiphoton emission just by frequency filtering. We demonstrate these results by obtaining analytical expressions for relevant figures of merit of multiphoton emission, such as the n-photon coupling rate between cavity and emitter, the fraction of light emitted as n-photon states, and n-photon emission rates. This allows us to make a systematic study of such figures of merit as a function of the system parameters and demonstrate the viability of the protocol in several relevant types of cavity QED setups, where we take into account the impact of their respective experimental limitations.
89. Exploring qubit-qubit entanglement mediated by one-dimensional plasmonic nanowaveguides
We exploit the qubit-qubit coupling induced by plasmon-polariton modes in a one-dimensional nanowaveguide to obtain various two-qubit entanglement situations. Firstly, we observe three phenomena occurring when preparing the initial state of the system and leaving it freely relax: spontaneous formation of entanglement, sudden birth and revival. Then, we show that plugging a laser to each of the qubit, the system arrives to an steady state which, depending on their inter-qubit distance, can also be entangled. For this situation, we also characterize the quantum state of the system showing the entanglement-purity- diagram typical for two-qubit systems.
88. Linear and nonlinear coupling of quantum dots in microcavities
We discuss the topical and fundamental problem of strong-coupling between a quantum dot an the single mode of a microcavity. We report seminal quantitative descriptions of experimental data, both in the linear and in the nonlinear regimes, based on a theoretical model that includes pumping and quantum statistics.
87. Improving quantum metrology protocols with programmable photonic circuits
Photonic quantum metrology enables the measurement of physical parameters with precision surpassing classical limits by using quantum states of light. However, generating states providing a large metrological advantage is hard because standard probabilistic methods suffer from low generation rates. Deterministic protocols using non-linear interactions offer a path to overcome this problem, but they are currently limited by the errors introduced during the interaction time. Thus, finding strategies to minimize the interaction time of these non-linearities is still a relevant question. In this work, we introduce and compare different deterministic strategies based on continuous and programmable Jaynes-Cummings and Kerr-type interactions, aiming to maximize the metrological advantage while minimizing the interaction time. We find that programmable interactions provide a larger metrological advantage than continuous operations at the expense of slightly larger interaction times. We show that while for Jaynes-Cummings non-linearities the interaction time grows with the photon number, for Kerr-type ones it decreases, favoring the scalability to big photon numbers. Finally, we also optimize different measurement strategies for the deterministically generated states based on photon-counting and homodyne detection.
86. Passive photonic CZ gate with two-level emitters in chiral multi-mode waveguide QED
Engineering deterministic photonic gates with simple resources is one of the long-standing challenges in photonic quantum computing. Here, we design a passive conditional gate between co-propagating photons using an array of only two-level emitters. The key resource is to harness the effective photon-photon interaction induced by the chiral coupling of the emitter array to two waveguide modes with different resonant momenta at the emitter’s transition frequency. By studying the system’s multi-photon scattering response, we demonstrate that, in certain limits, this configuration induces a non-linear $\pi$-phase shift between the polariton eigenstates of the system without distorting spectrally the wavepackets. Then, we show how to harness this non-linear phase shift to engineer a conditional, deterministic photonic gate in different qubit encodings, with a fidelity arbitrarily close to 1 in the limit of large number of emitters and coupling efficiency. Our configuration can be implemented in topological photonic platforms with multiple chiral edge modes, opening their use for quantum information processing, or in other setups where such chiral multi-mode waveguide scenario can be obtained, e.g., in spin-orbit coupled optical fibers or photonic crystal waveguides.
85. Nonlinearity-enabled localization in driven-dissipative photonic lattices
Recent experimental work has demonstrated the ability to achieve reconfigurable photon localization in lossy photonic lattices by continuously driving them with lasers strategically positioned at specific locations. This localization results from the perfect, destructive interference of light emitted from different positions and, because of that, occurs only at very specific frequencies. Here, we examine this localization regime in the presence of standard optical Kerr non-linearities, such as those found in polaritonic lattices, and show that they stabilize driven-dissipative localization across frequency ranges significantly broader than those observed in the linear regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that, contrary to intuition, in most siutations this driven-dissipative localization does not enhance non-linear effects like optical bistabilities, due to a concurrent reduction in overall intensities. Nevertheless, we are able to identify certain parameter regions where non-linear enhancement is achieved, corresponding to situations where emission from different spots constructively interferes.
84. Dipole-dipole interactions mediated by a photonic flat band
Flat bands (FBs) are energy bands with zero group velocity, which in electronic systems were shown to favor strongly correlated phenomena. Indeed, a FB can be spanned with a basis of strictly localized states, the so called “compact localized states” (CLSs), which are yet generally non-orthogonal. Here, we study emergent dipole-dipole interactions between emitters dispersively coupled to the photonic analogue of a FB, a setup within reach in state-of the-art experimental platforms. We show that the strength of such photon-mediated interactions decays exponentially with distance with a characteristic localization length which, unlike typical behaviours with standard bands, saturates to a finite value as the emitter’s energy approaches the FB. Remarkably, we find that the localization length grows with the overlap between CLSs according to an analytically-derived universal scaling law valid for a large class of FBs both in 1D and 2D. Using giant atoms (non-local atom-field coupling) allows to tailor interaction potentials having the same shape of a CLS or a superposition of a few of these.
83. Photonic quantum metrology with variational quantum optical nonlinearities
Photonic quantum metrology harnesses quantum states of light, such as NOON or Twin-Fock states, to measure unknown parameters beyond classical precision limits. Current protocols suffer from two severe limitations that preclude their scalability: the exponential decrease in fidelities (or probabilities) when generating states with large photon numbers due to gate errors, and the increased sensitivity of such states to noise. Here, we develop a deterministic protocol combining quantum optical non-linearities and variational quantum algorithms that provides a substantial improvement on both fronts. First, we show how the variational protocol can generate metrologically-relevant states with a small number of operations which does not significantly depend on photon-number, resulting in exponential improvements in fidelities when gate errors are considered. Second, we show that such states offer a better robustness to noise compared to other states in the literature. Since our protocol harnesses interactions already appearing in state-of-the-art setups, such as cavity QED, we expect that it will lead to more scalable photonic quantum metrology in the near future.
82. Variational Quantum Simulators Based on Waveguide QED
Waveguide QED simulators are analogue quantum simulators made by quantum emitters interacting with one-dimensional photonic band-gap materials. One of their remarkable features is that they can be used to engineer tunable-range emitter interactions. Here, we demonstrate how these interactions can be a resource to develop more efficient variational quantum algorithms for certain problems. In particular, we illustrate their power in creating wavefunction ans\”atze that capture accurately the ground state of quantum critical spin models (XXZ and Ising) with less gates and optimization parameters than other variational ans\”atze based on nearest-neighbor or infinite-range entangling gates. Finally, we study the potential advantages of these waveguide ans\”atze in the presence of noise. Overall, these results evidence the potential of using the interaction range as a variational parameter and place waveguide QED simulators as a promising platform for variational quantum algorithms.
81. Probing and harnessing photonic Fermi arc surface states using light-matter interactions
Fermi arcs, i.e., surface states connecting topologically-distinct Weyl points, represent a paradigmatic manifestation of the topological aspects of Weyl physics. Here, we investigate a light-matter interface based on the photonic counterpart of these states and we prove that it can lead to phenomena with no analogue in other setups. First, we show how to image the Fermi arcs by studying the spontaneous decay of one or many emitters coupled to the system’s border. Second, we demonstrate that the Fermi arc surface states can act as a robust quantum link. To do that we exploit the negative refraction experienced by these modes at the hinges of the system. Thanks to this mechanism a circulatory photonic current is created which, depending on the occurrence of revivals, yields two distinct regimes. In the absence of revivals, the surface states behave as a dissipative chiral quantum channel enabling, e.g., perfect quantum state transfer. In the presence of revivals, an effective off-resonant cavity is induced, which leads to coherent emitter couplings that can entangle them maximally. In addition to their fundamental interest, our findings evidence the potential offered by the photonic Fermi arc light-matter interfaces for the design of more robust quantum technologies.
80. Driven-dissipative topological phases in parametric resonator arrays
We study the phenomena of topological amplification in arrays of parametric oscillators. We find two phases of topological amplification, both with directional transport and exponential gain with the number of sites, and one of them featuring squeezing. We also find a topologically trivial phase with zero-energy modes which produces amplification but lacks the robust topological protection of the others. We characterize the resilience to disorder of the different phases and their stability, gain, and noise-to-signal ratio. Finally, we discuss their experimental implementation with state-of-the-art techniques.
79. Topological multimode waveguide QED
Topological insulators feature a number of topologically protected boundary modes linked to the value of their bulk invariant. While in one-dimensional systems the boundary modes are zero dimensional and localized, in two-dimensional topological insulators the boundary modes are chiral, one-dimensional propagating modes along the edges of the system. Thus, topological photonic insulators with large Chern numbers naturally display a topologically protected multimode waveguide at their edges. Here, we show how to take advantage of these topologically protected propagating modes by interfacing them with quantum emitters. In particular, using a Harper-Hofstadter lattice, we find situations in which the emitters feature quasiquantized decay rates due to the increasing number of edge modes, and where their spontaneous emission spatially separates in different modes. We also show how using a single $\pi$-pulse the combination of such spatial separation and the interacting character of the emitters leads to the formation of a single-photon time-bin entangled state with no classical analog, which we characterize computing its entanglement entropy. Finally, we also show how the emitters can selectively interact with the different channels using nonlocal light-matter couplings such as the ones that can be obtained with giant atoms. Such capabilities pave the way for generating quantum gates among topologically protected photons as well as generating more complex entangled states of light in topological channels.
78. Tunable photon-mediated interactions between spin-1 systems
The exchange of virtual photons between quantum optical emitters in cavity QED or quantum nanophotonic setups induces interactions between them which can be harnessed for quantum information and simulation purposes. So far, these interactions have been mostly characterized for two-level emitters, which restrict their application to engineering quantum gates among qubits or simulating spin-1/2 quantum many-body models. Here, we show how to harness multi-level emitters with several optical transitions to engineer a wide class of photon-mediated interactions between effective spin-1 systems. We characterize their performance through analytical and numerical techniques, and provide specific implementations based on the atomic level structure of Alkali atoms. Our results expand the quantum simulation toolbox available in such cavity QED and quantum nanophotonic setups, and open up new ways of engineering entangling gates among qutrits.
77. Tuning Long-Range Fermion-Mediated Interactions in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators
Engineering long-range interactions in cold-atom quantum simulators can lead to exotic quantum many-body behavior. Fermionic atoms in ultracold atomic mixtures can act as mediators, giving rise to long-range RKKY-type interactions characterized by the dimensionality and density of the fermionic gas. Here, we propose several tuning knobs, accessible in current experimental platforms, that allow to further control the range and shape of the mediated interactions, extending the existing quantum simulation toolbox. In particular, we include an additional optical lattice for the fermionic mediator, as well as anisotropic traps to change its dimensionality in a continuous manner. This allows us to interpolate between power-law and exponential decays, introducing an effective cutoff for the interaction range, as well as to tune the relative interaction strengths at different distances. Finally, we show how our approach allows to investigate frustrated regimes that were not previously accessible, where symmetry-protected topological phases as well as chiral spin liquids emerge.
76. Unconventional mechanism of virtual-state population through dissipation
Virtual states are a central concept in quantum mechanics. By definition, the probability of finding a quantum system in a virtual state should be vanishingly small at all times. In contrast to this notion, we report a phenomenon occurring in open quantum systems by which virtual states can acquire a sizable population in the long time limit, even if they are not directly coupled to any dissipative channel. This means that the situation where the virtual state remains unpopulated can be metastable. We describe this effect by introducing a two-step adiabiatic elimination method, that we termed hierarchical adiabatic elimination, which allows one to obtain analytical expressions of the timescale of metastability in general open quantum systems. We show how these results can be relevant for practical questions such as the generation of stable and metastable entangled states in dissipative systems of interacting qubits.
75. Decimation technique for open quantum systems: A case study with driven-dissipative bosonic chains
The unavoidable coupling of quantum systems to external degrees of freedom leads to dissipative (non-unitary) dynamics, which can be radically different from closed-system scenarios. Such open quantum system dynamics is generally described by Lindblad master equations, whose dynamical and steady-state properties are challenging to obtain, especially in the many-particle regime. Here, we introduce a method to deal with these systems based on the calculation of (dissipative) lattice Green’s function with a real-space decimation technique. Compared to other methods, such technique enables obtaining compact analytical expressions for the dynamics and steady-state properties, such as asymptotic decays or correlation lengths. We illustrate the power of this method with several examples of driven-dissipative bosonic chains of increasing complexity, including the Hatano-Nelson model. The latter is especially illustrative because its surface and bulk dissipative behavior are linked due to its non-trivial topology, which manifests in directional amplification.
74. Connecting steady-states of driven-dissipative photonic lattices with spontaneous collective emission phenomena
Recent experimental advances enable the fabrication of photonic lattices in which the light propagates with non-trivial energy dispersions. When interfaced with quantum emitters, such systems yield strong collective spontaneous emission phenomena, such as perfect sub-radiance, in which the decay into the bath is completely suppressed, forming bound-states-in-the-continuum. Since such photonic lattices are generally lossy, an alternative way of probing them consists in coherently driving them to an steady-state from which photoluminescence can be extracted. Here, we formalize connections between these two seemingly different situations and use that intuition to predict the formation of non-trivial photonic steady-states in one and two dimensions. In particular, we show that subradiant emitter configurations are linked to the emergence of steady-state light-localization in the driven-dissipative setting, in which the light features the same form than the spontaneously formed bound-states-in-the-continuum. Besides, we also find configurations which leads to the opposite behaviour, an anti-localization of light, that is, it distributes over all the system except for the region defined between the driving lasers. These results shed light on the recently reported optically-defined cavities in polaritonic lattices, and can guide further experimental studies.
73. Photon-Mediated Stroboscopic Quantum Simulation of a
Z 2
Lattice Gauge Theory
Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories (LGTs), aiming at tackling non-perturbative particle and condensed matter physics, has recently received a lot of interest and attention, resulting in many theoretical proposals, as well as several experimental implementations. One of the current challenges is to go beyond 1+1 dimensions, where four-body (plaquette) interactions, not contained naturally in quantum simulating devices, appear. In this Letter, we propose a method to obtain them based on a combination of stroboscopic optical atomic control and the non-local photon-mediated interactions appearing in nanophotonic or cavity QED setups. We illustrate the method for a $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ lattice Gauge theory. We also show how to prepare the ground state and measure Wilson loops using state-of-the-art techniques in atomic physics.
72. Qubit-photon bound states in topological waveguides with long-range hoppings
Quantum emitters interacting with photonic band-gap materials lead to the appearance of qubit-photon bound states that mediate decoherence-free, tunable emitter-emitter interactions. Recently, it has been shown that when these band-gaps have a topological origin, like in the photonic SSH model, these qubit-photon bound states feature chiral shapes and certain robustness to disorder. In this work, we consider a more general situation where the emitters interact with an extended SSH photonic model with longer range hoppings that displays a richer phase diagram than its nearest-neighbour counterpart, e.g., phases with larger winding numbers. In particular, we first study the features of the qubit-photon bound states when the emitters couple to the bulk modes in the different phases, discern its connection with the topological invariant, and show how to further tune their shape through the use of giant atoms, i.e., non-local couplings. Then, we consider the coupling of emitters to the edge modes appearing in the different topological phases. Here, we show that giant atoms dynamics can distinguish between all different topological phases, as compared to the case with local couplings. Finally, we provide a possible experimental implementation of the model based on periodic modulations of circuit QED systems. Our work enriches the understanding of the interplay between topological photonics and quantum optics.
71. Photon-Mediated Interactions near a Dirac Photonic Crystal Slab
Dirac energy-dispersions are responsible of the extraordinary transport properties of graphene. This motivated the quest for engineering such energy dispersions also in photonics, where they have been predicted to lead to many exciting phenomena. One paradigmatic example is the possibility of obtaining power-law, decoherence-free, photon-mediated interactions between quantum emitters when they interact with such photonic baths. This prediction, however, has been obtained either by using toy-model baths, which neglect polarization effects, or by restricting the emitter position to high-symmetry points of the unit cell in the case of realistic structures. Here, we develop a semi-analytical theory of dipole radiation near photonic Dirac points in realistic structures that allows us to compute the effective photon-mediated interactions along the whole unit cell. Using this theory, we are able to find the positions that maximize the emitter interactions and their range, finding a trade-off between them. Besides, using the polarization degree of freedom, we also find positions where the nature of the collective interactions change from being coherent to dissipative ones. Thus, our results significantly improve the knowledge of Dirac light-matter interfaces, and can serve as a guidance for future experimental designs.
70. Bridging the gap between topological non-Hermitian physics and open quantum systems
We relate topological properties of non-Hermitian systems and observables of quantum open systems by using the Keldysh path-integral method. We express Keldysh Green’s functions in terms of effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians that contain all the relevant topological information. We arrive at a frequency dependent topological index that is linked to the response of the system to perturbations at a given frequency. We show how to detect a transition between different topological phases by measuring the response to local perturbations. Our formalism is exemplified in a 1D Hatano-Nelson model, highlighting the difference between the bosonic and fermionic cases
69. Quantum electrodynamics in anisotropic and tilted Dirac photonic lattices
One of the most striking predictions of quantum electrodynamics is that vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can lead to spontaneous emission of atoms as well as photon-mediated interactions among them. Since these processes strongly depend on the nature of the photonic bath, a current burgeoning field is the study of their modification in the presence of photons with non-trivial energy dispersions, e.g., the ones confined in photonic crystals. A remarkable example is the case of isotropic Dirac-photons, which has been recently shown to lead to non-exponential spontaneous emission as well as dissipation-less long-range emitter interactions. In this work, we show how to further tune these processes by considering anisotropic Dirac cone dispersions, which include tilted, semi-Dirac, and the recently discovered type II and III Dirac points. In particular, we show how by changing the anisotropy of the lattice one can change both the spatial shape of the interactions as well as its coherent/incoherent nature. Finally, we discuss a possible implementation where these energy dispersions can be engineered and interfaced with quantum emitters based on subwavelength atomic arrays.
68. Tunable Directional Emission and Collective Dissipation with Quantum Metasurfaces
Subwavelength atomic arrays, recently labeled as quantum metamaterials, have emerged as an exciting platform for obtaining novel quantum optical phenomena. The strong interference effects in these systems generate subradiant excitations that propagate through the atomic array with very long lifetimes. Here, we demonstrate that one can harness these excitations to obtain tunable directional emission patterns and collective dissipative couplings when placing judiciously additional atoms nearby the atomic array. For doing that, we first characterize the optimal array geometry to obtain directional emission patterns. Then, we characterize the best atomic positions to couple efficiently to the subradiant metasurface excitations, and provide several improvement strategies based on entangled atomic clusters or bilayers. Afterwards, we also show how the directionality of the emission pattern can be controlled through the relative dipole orientation between the auxiliary atoms and the one of the array. Finally, we benchmark how these directional emission patterns translate into to collective, anisotropic dissipative couplings between the auxiliary atoms by studying the lifetime modification of atomic entangled states.
67. Spin Many-Body Phases in Standard- and Topological-Waveguide QED Simulators
Quantum spin models find applications in many different areas, such as spintronics, high-Tc superconductivity, and even complex optimization problems. However, studying their many-body behaviour, especially in the presence of frustration, represents an outstanding computational challenge. To overcome it, quantum simulators based on cold, trapped atoms and ions have been built, shedding light already on many non-trivial phenomena. Unfortunately, the models covered by these simulators are limited by the type of interactions that appear naturally in these systems. Waveguide QED setups have recently been pointed out as a powerful alternative due to the possibility of mediating more versatile spin-spin interactions with tunable sign, range, and even chirality. Yet, despite their potential, the many-body phases emerging from these systems have only been scarcely explored. In this manuscript, we fill this gap analyzing the ground states of a general class of spin models that can be obtained in such waveguide QED setups. Importantly, we find novel many-body phases different from the ones obtained in other platforms, e.g., symmetry-protected topological phases with large-period magnetic orderings, and explain the measurements needed to probe them.
66. Engineering analog quantum chemistry Hamiltonians using cold atoms in optical lattices
Using quantum systems to efficiently solve quantum chemistry problems is one of the long-sought applications of near-future quantum technologies. In a recent work, ultra-cold fermionic atoms have been proposed for these purposes by showing us how to simulate in an analog way the quantum chemistry Hamiltonian projected in a lattice basis set. Here, we continue exploring this path and go beyond these first results in several ways. First, we numerically benchmark the working conditions of the analog simulator, and find less demanding experimental setups where chemistry-like behaviour in three-dimensions can still be observed. We also provide a deeper understanding of the errors of the simulation appearing due to discretization and finite size effects and provide a way to mitigate them. Finally, we benchmark the simulator characterizing the behaviour of two-electron atoms (He) and molecules (HeH$^+$) beyond the example considered in the original work.
65. Generation of photonic matrix product states with Rydberg atomic arrays
We show how one can deterministically generate photonic matrix product states with high bond and physical dimensions with an atomic array if one has access to a Rydberg-blockade mechanism. We develop both a quantum gate and an optimal control approach to universally control the system and analyze the photon retrieval efficiency of atomic arrays. Comprehensive modeling of the system shows that our scheme is capable of generating a large number of entangled photons. We further develop a multi-port photon emission approach that can efficiently distribute entangled photons into free space in several directions, which can become a useful tool in future quantum networks.
64. Light-matter interactions near photonic Weyl points
Weyl photons appear when two three-dimensional photonic bands with linear dispersion are degenerate at a single momentum point, labeled as Weyl point. These points have remarkable properties such as being robust topological monopoles of Berry curvature as well as an associated vanishing density of states. In this work, we report on a systematic theoretical study of the quantum optical consequences of such Weyl photons. First, we analyze the dynamics of a single quantum emitter coupled to a Weyl photonic bath as a function of its detuning with respect to the Weyl point and study the corrresponding emission patterns, using both perturbative and exact treatments. Our calculations show an asymmetric dynamical behavior when the emitter is detuned away from the Weyl frequency, as well as different regimes of highly collimated emission, which ultimately translate in a variety of directional collective decays. Besides, we find that the incorporation of staggered mass and hopping terms in the bath Hamiltonian both enriches the observed phenomenology and increases the tunability of the interaction. Finally, we analyze the competition between the coherent and dissipative components of the dynamics for the case of two emitters and derive the conditions under which an effective interacting spin model description is valid.
63. Frequency-resolved photon correlations in cavity optomechanics
Frequency-resolved photon correlations have proven to be a useful resource to unveil nonlinearities hidden in standard observables such as the spectrum or the standard (color-blind) photon correlations. In this manuscript, we analyze the frequency-resolved correlations of the photons being emitted from an optomechanical system where light is nonlinearly coupled to the quantized motion of a mechanical mode of a resonator, but where the quantum nonlinear response is typically hard to evidence. We present and unravel a rich landscape of frequency-resolved correlations, and discuss how the time-delayed correlations can reveal information about the dynamics of the system. We also study the dependence of correlations on relevant parameters such as the single-photon coupling strength, the filtering linewidth, or the thermal noise in the environment. This enriched understanding of the system can trigger new experiments to probe nonlinear phenomena in optomechanics, and provide insights into dynamics of generic nonlinear systems.
62. Quantum Electrodynamics in a Topological Waveguide
While designing the energy-momentum relation of photons is key to many linear, non-linear, and quantum optical phenomena, a new set of light-matter properties may be realized by employing the topology of the photonic bath itself. In this work we investigate the properties of superconducting qubits coupled to a metamaterial waveguide based on a photonic analog of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. We explore topologically-induced properties of qubits coupled to such a waveguide, ranging from the formation of directional qubit-photon bound states to topology-dependent cooperative radiation effects. Addition of qubits to this waveguide system also enables direct quantum control over topological edge states that form in finite waveguide systems, useful for instance in constructing a topologically protected quantum communication channel. More broadly, our work demonstrates the opportunity that topological waveguide-QED systems offer in the synthesis and study of many-body states with exotic long-range quantum correlations.
61. Collective radiation from distant emitters
Waveguides allow for direct coupling of emitters separated by large distances, offering a path to connect remote quantum systems. However, when facing the distances needed for practical applications, retardation effects due to the finite speed of light are often overlooked. Previous works studied the non-Markovian dynamics of emitters with retardation, but the properties of the radiated field remain mostly unexplored. By considering a toy model of two distant two-level atoms coupled through a waveguide, we observe that the spectrum of the radiated field exhibits non-Markovian features such as linewidth broadening beyond standard superradiance, or narrow Fano resonance-like peaks. We also show that the dipole-dipole interaction decays exponentially with distance as a result of retardation, with the range determined by the atomic linewidth. We discuss a proof-of-concept implementation of our results in a superconducting circuit platform.
60. Quantum simulation of two-dimensional quantum chemistry in optical lattices
Benchmarking numerical methods in quantum chemistry is one of the key opportunities that quantum simulators can offer. Here, we propose an analog simulator for discrete 2D quantum chemistry models based on cold atoms in optical lattices. We first analyze how to simulate simple models, like the discrete versions of H and H$_2^+$, using a single fermionic atom. We then show that a single bosonic atom can mediate an effective Coulomb repulsion between two fermions, leading to the analog of molecular Hydrogen in two dimensions. We extend this approach to larger systems by introducing as many mediating atoms as fermions, and derive the effective repulsion law. In all cases, we analyze how the continuous limit is approached for increasing optical lattice sizes.
59. Tunable and Robust Long-Range Coherent Interactions between Quantum Emitters Mediated by Weyl Bound States
Long-range coherent interactions between quantum emitters are instrumental for quantum information and simulation technologies, but they are generally difficult to isolate from dissipation. Here, we show how such interactions can be obtained in photonic Weyl environments due to the emergence of an exotic bound state whose wavefunction displays power-law spatial confinement. Using an exact formalism, we show how this bound state can mediate coherent transfer of excitations between emitters, with virtually no dissipation and with a transfer rate that follows the same scaling with distance as the bound state wavefunction. In addition, we show that the topological nature of Weyl points translates into two important features of the Weyl bound state, and consequently of the interactions it mediates: first, its range can be tuned without losing the power-law confinement, and, second, they are robust under energy disorder of the bath. To our knowledge, this is the first proposal of a photonic setup that combines simultaneously coherence, tunability, long-range, and robustness to disorder. These findings could ultimately pave the way for the design of more robust long-distance entanglement protocols or quantum simulation implementations for studying long-range interacting systems.
58. Theory of waveguide QED with moving emitters
We theoretically study a system composed by a waveguide and a moving quantum emitter in the single excitation subspace, treating the emitter motional degree of freedom quantum mechanically. We first characterize single-photon scattering off a single moving quantum emitter, showing both nonreciprocal transmission and recoil-induced reduction of the quantum emitter motional energy. We then characterize the bound states within the bandgap, which display a motion-induced asymmetric phase in real space. We also demonstrate how these bound states form a continuous band with exotic dispersion relations. Finally, we study the spontaneous emission of an initially excited quantum emitter with various initial momentum distributions, finding strong deviations with respect to the static emitter counterpart both in the occupation dynamics and in the spatial distribution of the emitted photons. Our work extends the waveguide-QED toolbox by including the quantum motional degree of freedom of emitters, whose impact in the few-photon dynamics could be harnessed for quantum technologies.
57. Limits of photon-mediated interactions in one-dimensional photonic baths
The exchange of off-resonant propagating photons between distant quantum emitters induces coherent interactions among them. The range of such interactions, and whether they are accompanied by dissipation, depends on the photonic energy dispersion, its dimensionality, and/or the light-matter couplings. In this manuscript, we characterize the limits of photon-mediated interactions for the case of generic one-dimensional photonic baths under the typical assumptions, that are, having finite range hoppings for the photonic bath plus local and rotating-wave light-matter couplings. In that case, we show how, irrespective of the system’s parameter, the coherent photon-mediated interactions can always be written as a finite sum of exponentials, and thus can not display a power-law asymptotic scaling. As an outlook, we show how by relaxing some of these conditions, e.g., going beyond local light-matter couplings (e.g., giant atoms) or with longer-range photon hopping models, power-law interactions can be obtained within certain distance windows, or even in the asymptotic regime for the latter case.
56. Chiral quantum optics in photonic sawtooth lattices
55. Multimode Fock states with large photon number: effective descriptions and applications in quantum metrology
We develop general tools to characterise and efficiently compute relevant observables of multimode $N$-photon states generated in non-linear decays in one-dimensional waveguides. We then consider optical interferometry in a Mach-Zender interferometer where a $d$-mode photonic state enters in each arm of the interferometer. We derive a simple expression for the Quantum Fisher Information in terms of the average photon number in each mode, and show that it can be saturated by number-resolved photon measurements that do not distinguish between the different $d$ modes.
54. Cold atoms in twisted-bilayer optical potentials
The possibility of creating crystal bilayers twisted with respect to each other has led to the discovery of a wide range of novel electron correlated phenomena whose full understanding is still under debate. Here we propose and analyze a method to simulate twisted bilayers using cold atoms in state-dependent optical lattices. Our proposed setup can be used as an alternative platform to explore twisted bilayers which allows one to control the inter/intra-layer coupling in a more flexible way than in the solid-state realizations. We focus on square geometries but also point how it can be extended to simulate other lattices which show Dirac-like physics. This setup opens a path to observe similar physics, e.g., band narrowing, with larger twist angles, to rule out some of the mechanisms to explain the observed strongly correlated effects, as well as to study other phenomena difficult to realize with crystals. As an example of the latter we explore the quantum optical consequences of letting emitters interact with twisted bilayer reservoirs, and predict the appearance of unconventional radiation patterns and emitter interactions following the emergent Moir\’e geometry.
53. Symmetries and conservation laws in quantum trajectories: Dissipative freezing
In driven-dissipative systems, the presence of a strong symmetry guarantees the existence of several steady states belonging to different symmetry sectors. Here we show that, when a system with a strong symmetry is initialized in a quantum superposition involving several of these sectors, each individual stochastic trajectory will randomly select a single one of them and remain there for the rest of the evolution. Since a strong symmetry implies a conservation law for the corresponding symmetry operator on the ensemble level, this selection of a single sector from an initial superposition entails a breakdown of this conservation law at the level of individual realizations. Given that such a superposition is impossible in a classical, stochastic trajectory, this is a a purely quantum effect with no classical analogue. Our results show that a system with a closed Liouvillian gap may exhibit, when monitored over a single run of an experiment, a behaviour completely opposite to the usual notion of dynamical phase coexistence and intermittency, which are typically considered hallmarks of a dissipative phase transition. We discuss our results with a simple, realistic model of squeezed superradiance.
52. Analogue quantum chemistry simulation
Computing the electronic structure of molecules with high precision is a central challenge in the field of quantum chemistry. Despite the enormous success of approximate methods, tackling this problem exactly with conventional computers is still a formidable task. This has triggered several theoretical and experimental efforts to use quantum computers to solve chemistry problems, with first proof-of-principle realizations done in a digital manner. An appealing alternative to the digital approach is analog quantum simulation, which does not require a scalable quantum computer, and has already been successfully applied in condensed matter physics problems. However, all available or planned setups cannot be used in quantum chemistry problems, since it is not known how to engineer the required Coulomb interactions with them. Here, we present a new approach to the simulation of quantum chemistry problems in an analog way. Our method relies on the careful combination of two technologies: ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices and cavity QED. In the proposed simulator, fermionic atoms hopping in an optical potential play the role of electrons, additional optical potentials provide the nuclear attraction, and a single spin excitation over a Mott insulator mediates the electronic Coulomb repulsion with the help of a cavity mode. We also provide the operational conditions of the simulator and benchmark it with a simple molecule. Our work opens up the possibility of efficiently computing electronic structures of molecules with analog quantum simulation.
51. Qubit-photon corner states in all dimensions
A single quantum emitter coupled to a one-dimensional photon field can perfectly trap a photon when placed close to a mirror. This occurs when the interference between the emitted and reflected light is completely destructive, leading to photon confinement between the emitter and the mirror. In higher dimensions, the spread of the light field in all directions hinders interference and, consequently, photon trapping by a single emitter is considered to be impossible. In this work, we show that is not the case by proving that a single emitter can indeed trap light in any dimension. We provide a constructive recipe based on judiciously coupling an emitter to a photonic crystal-like bath with properly designed open boundary conditions. The directional propagation of the photons in such baths enables perfect destructive interference, forming what we denote as \emph{qubit-photon corner states}. We characterize these states in all dimensions, showing that they are robust under fluctuations of the emitter’s properties, and persist also in the ultrastrong coupling regime.
50. Unconventional quantum optics in topological waveguide QED
The discovery of topological materials has challenged our understanding of condensed matter physics and led to novel and unusual phenomena. This has motivated recent developments to export topological concepts into photonics to make light behave in exotic ways. Here, we predict several unconventional quantum optical phenomena that occur when quantum emitters interact with a topological waveguide QED bath, namely, the photonic analogue of the Su-Schrieffer-Hegger model. When the emitters frequency lies within the topological band-gap, a chiral bound state emerges, which is located at just one side (right or left) of the emitter. In the presence of several emitters, it mediates topological, long-range tunable interactions between them, that can give rise to exotic phases such as double N\’eel ordered states. On the contrary, when the emitters’ optical transition is resonant with the bands, we find unconventional scattering properties and different super/subradiant states depending on the band topology. We also investigate the case of a bath with open boundary conditions to understand the role of topological edge states. Finally, we propose several implementations where these phenomena can be observed with state-of-the-art technology.
49. Engineering and Harnessing Giant Atoms in High-Dimensional Baths: A Proposal for Implementation with Cold Atoms
Emitters coupled simultaneously to distant positions of a photonic bath, the so-called giant atoms, represent a new paradigm in quantum optics. When coupled to one-dimensional baths, as recently implemented with transmission lines or SAW waveguides, they lead to striking effects such as chiral emission or decoherence-free atomic interactions. Here, we show how to create giant atoms in dynamical state-dependent optical lattices, which offers the possibility of coupling them to structured baths in arbitrary dimensions. This opens up new avenues to a variety of phenomena and opportunities for quantum simulation. In particular, we show how to engineer unconventional radiation patterns, like multi-directional chiral emission, as well as collective interactions that can be used to simulate non-equilibrium many-body dynamics with no analogue in other setups. Besides, the recipes we provide to harness giant atoms in high dimensions can be exported to other platforms where such non-local couplings can be engineered.
48. Quantum metrology with one-dimensional superradiant photonic states
Photonic states with large and fixed photon numbers, such as Fock states, enable quantum-enhanced metrology but remain an experimentally elusive resource. A potentially simple, deterministic and scalable way to generate these states consists of fully exciting $N$ quantum emitters equally coupled to a common photonic reservoir, which leads to a collective decay known as Dicke superradiance. The emitted $N$-photon state turns out to be a highly entangled multimode state, and to characterise its metrological properties in this work we: (i) develop theoretical tools to compute the Quantum Fisher Information of general multimode photonic states; (ii) use it to show that Dicke superradiant photons in 1D waveguides achieve Heisenberg scaling, which can be saturated by a parity measurement; (iii) and study the robustness of these states to experimental limitations in state-of-art atom-waveguide QED setups.
47. Anisotropic Quantum Emitter Interactions in Two-Dimensional Photonic-Crystal Baths
46. Effective many-body Hamiltonians of qubit-photon bound states
Quantum emitters (QEs) coupled to structured baths can localize multiple photons around them and form qubit-photon bound states. In the Markovian or weak coupling regime, the interaction of QEs through these single-photon bound states is known to lead to effective many-body QE Hamiltonians with tuneable but yet perturbative interactions. In this work we study the emergence of such models in the non-Markovian or strong coupling regime in different excitation subspaces. The effective models for the non-Markovian regime with up to three excitations are characterized using analytical methods, uncovering the existence of doublons or triplon states. Furthermore, we provide numerical results for systems with multiple excitations and demonstrate the emergence of polariton models with optically tuneable interactions, whose many-body ground state exhibits a superfluid-Mott insulator transition.
45. Colloquium : Quantum matter built from nanoscopic lattices of atoms and photons
44. Quantum optics without photons
43. Non-Markovian Quantum Optics with Three-Dimensional State-Dependent Optical Lattices
Quantum emitters coupled to structured photonic reservoirs experience unconventional individual and collective dynamics emerging from the interplay between dimensionality and non-trivial photon energy dispersions. In this work, we systematically study several paradigmatic three dimensional structured baths with qualitative differences in their bath spectral density. We discover non-Markovian individual and collective effects absent in simplified descriptions, such as perfect subradiant states or long-range anisotropic interactions. Furthermore, we show how to implement these models using only cold atoms in state-dependent optical lattices and show how this unconventional dynamics can be observed with these systems.
42. Generation of single- and two-mode multiphoton states in waveguide QED
Single and two-mode multiphoton states are the cornerstone of many quantum technologies, e.g., metrology. In the optical regime these states are generally obtained combining heralded single-photons with linear optics tools and post-selection, leading to inherent low success probabilities. In a recent paper, we design several protocols that harness the long-range atomic interactions induced in waveguide QED to improve fidelities and protocols of single-mode multiphoton emission. Here, we give full details of these protocols, revisit them to simplify some of their requirements and also extend them to generate two-mode multiphoton states, such as Yurke or NOON states.
41. Exotic quantum dynamics and purely long-range coherent interactions in Dirac conelike baths
In this work we study the quantum dynamics emerging when quantum emitters exchange excitations with a two-dimensional bosonic bath with hexagonal symmetry. We show that a single quantum emitter spectrally tuned to the middle of the band relaxes following a logarithmic law in time due to the existence of a singular point with vanishing density of states, i.e., the Dirac point. Moreover, when several emitters are coupled to the bath at that frequency, long-range coherent interactions between them appear which decay inversely proportional to their distance without exponential attenuation. We analyze both the finite and infinite system situation using both perturbative and non-perturbative methods.
40. Filtering multiphoton emission from state-of-the-art cavity quantum electrodynamics
39. Molecular optomechanics in atomic-scale plasmonic hot spots
38. Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of quantum emitters coupled to two-dimensional structured reservoirs
The interaction of quantum emitters with structured baths modifies both their individual and collective dynamics. In Gonz\’alez-Tudela \emph{et al} we show how exotic quantum dynamics emerge when QEs are spectrally tuned around the middle of the band of a two-dimensional structured reservoir, where we predict the failure of perturbative treatments, anisotropic interactions and novel super and subradiant behaviour. In this work, we provide further analysis of that situation, together with a complete analysis for the quantum emitter dynamics in spectral regions different from the center of the band.
37. Quantum Emitters in Two-Dimensional Structured Reservoirs in the Nonperturbative Regime
We show that the coupling of quantum emitters to a two-dimensional reservoir with a simple band structure gives rise to exotic quantum dynamics with no analogue in other scenarios and which can not be captured by standard perturbative treatments. In particular, for a single quantum emitter with its transition frequency in the middle of the band we predict an exponential relaxation at a rate different from that predicted by the Fermi’s Golden rule, followed by overdamped oscillations and slow relaxation decay dynamics. This is accompanied by directional emission into the reservoir. This directionality leads to a modification of the emission rate for few emitters and even perfect subradiance, i.e., suppression of spontaneous emission, for four quantum emitters.
36. Efficient Multiphoton Generation in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
In spite of decades of effort, it has not yet been possible to create single-mode multiphoton states of light with high success probability and near unity fidelity. Complex quantum states of propagating optical photons would be an enabling resource for diverse protocols in quantum information science, including for interconnecting quantum nodes in quantum networks. Here, we propose several methods to generate heralded mutipartite entangled atomic and photonic states by using the strong and long-range dissipative couplings between atoms emerging in waveguide QED setups. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates high success probabilities and fidelities are possible exploiting waveguide QED properties.
35. Heralded multiphoton states with coherent spin interactions in waveguide QED
WaveguideQEDoffers the possibility of generating strong coherent atomic interactions either through appropriate atomic configurations in the dissipative regime or in the bandgap regime. In this work, we show how to harness these interactions in order to herald the generation of highly entangled atomic states, which afterwards can be mapped to generate single mode multi-photonic states with high fidelities.Weintroduce two protocols for the preparation of the atomic states, we discuss their performance and compare them to previous proposals. In particular, we show that one of them reaches high probability of success for systems with many atoms but low Purcell factors.
34. Nonreciprocal few-photon routing schemes based on chiral waveguide-emitter couplings
We demonstrate the possibility of designing efficient, non reciprocal few-photon devices by exploiting the chiral coupling between two waveguide modes and a single quantum emitter. We show how this system can induce non-reciprocal photon transport at the single-photon level and act as an optical diode. Afterwards, we also show how the same system shows a transistor-like behaviour for a two-photon input. The efficiency in both cases is shown to be large for feasible experimental implementations. Our results illustrate the potential of chiral waveguide-emitter couplings for applications in quantum circuitry.
33. The colored Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect
The Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect is one of the celebrated phenomenologies of modern physics that accommodates equally well classical (interferences of waves) and quantum (correlations between indistinguishable particles) interpretations. The effect was discovered in the late thirties with a basic observation of Hanbury Brown that radio-pulses from two distinct antennas generate signals on the oscilloscope that wiggle similarly to the naked eye. When Hanbury Brown and his mathematician colleague Twiss took the obvious step to propose bringing the effect in the optical range, they met with considerable opposition as single-photon interferences were deemed impossible. The Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect is nowadays universally accepted and, being so fundamental, embodies many subtleties of our understanding of the wave/particle dual nature of light. Thanks to a novel experimental technique, we report here a generalized version of the Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect to include the frequency of the detected light, or, from the particle point of view, the energy of the detected photons. In addition to the known tendencies of indistinguishable photons to arrive together on the detector, we find that photons of different colors present the opposite characteristic of avoiding each others. We postulate that fermions can be similarly brought to exhibit positive (boson-like) correlations by frequency filtering.
32. Deterministic Down-Converter and Continuous Photon-Pair Source within the Bad-Cavity Limit
The development, characterization and control of $N$-photon sources are instrumental for quantum technological applications. This work constitutes a step forward in this direction, where we propose a cavity quantum electrodynamics setup designed for the generation of photon pairs. We analyze it both via the scattering and master equation formalisms. From the connection between these two frameworks it naturally arises a physical criterion characterizing when weakly-driven systems behave as continuous antibunched two-photon sources. We find the optimal parameters for which our setup works as an efficient photon-pair source, showing also that it becomes a deterministic down-converter of single photons. We provide a specific implementation based on state-of-the-art superconducting circuits, showing how our proposal is within the reach of current technologies.
31. Quantum spin dynamics with pairwise-tunable, long-range interactions
We present a platform for the simulation of quantum magnetism with full control of interactions between pairs of spins at arbitrary distances in one- and two-dimensional lattices. In our scheme, two internal atomic states represent a pseudo-spin for atoms trapped within a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). With the atomic transition frequency aligned inside a band gap of the PCW, virtual photons mediate coherent spin-spin interactions between lattice sites. To obtain full control of interaction coefficients at arbitrary atom-atom separations, ground-state energy shifts are introduced as a function of distance across the PCW. In conjunction with auxiliary pump fields, spin-exchange versus atom-atom separation can be engineered with arbitrary magnitude and phase, and arranged to introduce non-trivial Berry phases in the spin lattice, thus opening new avenues for realizing novel topological spin models. We illustrate the broad applicability of our scheme by explicit construction for several well known spin models.
30. Erratum: Theory of Frequency-Filtered and Time-ResolvedN -Photon Correlations [Phys. Rev. Lett.109, 183601 (2012)]
29. Bound States in Boson Impurity Models
The formation of bound states involving multiple particles underlies many interesting quantum physical phenomena, such as Efimov physics or superconductivity. In this work we show the existence of an infinite number of such states for some boson impurity models. They describe free bosons coupled to an impurity and include some of the most representative models in quantum optics. We also propose a family of wavefunctions to describe the bound states and verify that it accurately characterizes all parameter regimes by comparing its predictions with exact numerical calculations for a one-dimensional tight-binding Hamiltonian. For that model, we also analyze the nature of the bound states by studying the scaling relations of physical quantities such as the ground state energy and localization length, and find a non-analytical behavior as a function of the coupling strength. Finally, we discuss how to test our theoretical predictions in experimental platforms such as photonic crystal structures and cold atoms in optical lattices.
28. Quantum Mechanical Description of Raman Scattering from Molecules in Plasmonic Cavities
Plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering can push single-molecule vibrational spectroscopy beyond a regime addressable by classical electrodynamics. We employ a quantum electrodynamics (QED) description of the coherent interaction of plasmons and molecular vibrations that reveal the emergence of nonlinearities in the inelastic response of the system. For realistic situations, we predict the onset of \textit{phonon-stimulated Raman scattering} and an counter-intuitive dependence of the anti-Stokes emission on the frequency of excitation. We further show that this novel QED framework opens a venue to analyze the correlations of photons emitted at a plasmonic cavity
27. Universal quantum computation in waveguide QED using decoherence free subspaces
The interaction of quantum emitters with one-dimensional photon-like reservoirs induces strong and long-range dissipative couplings that give rise to the emergence of so-called Decoherence Free Subspaces (DFS) which are decoupled from dissipation. When introducing weak perturbations on the emitters, e.g., driving, the strong collective dissipation enforces an effective coherent evolution within the DFS. In this work, we show explicitly how by introducing single-site resolved drivings, we can use the effective dynamics within the DFS to design a universal set of one and two-qubit gates within the DFS of two-level atom-like systems. Using Liouvillian perturbation theory we calculate the scaling with the relevant figures of merit of the systems, such as the Purcell Factor and imperfect control of the drivings. Finally, we compare our results with previous proposals using atomic $\Lambda$ systems in leaky cavities.
26. Deterministic Generation of Arbitrary Photonic States Assisted by Dissipation
A scheme to utilize atom-like emitters coupled to nanophotonic waveguides is proposed for the generation of many-body entangled states and for the reversible mapping of these states of matter to photonic states of an optical pulse in the waveguide. Our protocol makes use of decoherence-free subspaces (DFS) for the atomic emitters with coherent evolution within the DFS enforced by strong dissipative coupling to the waveguide. By switching from subradiant to superradiant states, entangled atomic states are mapped to photonic states with high fidelity. An implementation using ultracold atoms coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide is discussed.
25. Chiral route to spontaneous entanglement generation
We study the generation of spontaneous entanglement between two qubits chirally coupled to a waveguide. The maximum achievable concurrence is demonstrated to increase by a factor of $4/e \sim 1.5$ as compared to the non-chiral coupling situation. The proposed entanglement scheme is shown to be robust against variation of the qubit properties such as detuning and separation, which are critical in the non-chiral case. This result relaxes the restrictive requirements of the non-chiral situation, paving the way towards a realistic implementation. Our results demonstrate the potential of chiral waveguides for quantum entanglement protocols.
24. Subwavelength vacuum lattices and atom–atom interactions in two-dimensional photonic crystals
We propose the use of photonic crystal structures to design subwavelength optical lattices in two dimensions for ultracold atoms by using both Guided Modes and Casimir-Polder forces. We further show how to use Guided Modes for photon-induced large and strongly long-range interactions between trapped atoms. Finally, we analyze the prospects of this scheme to implement spin models for quantum simulation
23. Optimization of photon correlations by frequency filtering
Photon correlations are a cornerstone of Quantum Optics. Recent works [NJP 15 025019, 033036 (2013), PRA 90 052111 (2014)] have shown that by keeping track of the frequency of the photons, rich landscapes of correlations are revealed. Stronger correlations are usually found where the system emission is weak. Here, we characterize both the strength and signal of such correlations, through the introduction of the ‘frequency resolved Mandel parameter’. We study a plethora of nonlinear quantum systems, showing how one can substantially optimize correlations by combining parameters such as pumping, filtering windows and time delay.
22. Two-photon spectra of quantum systems
21. Luminescence spectra of quantum dots in microcavities
20. Reversible dynamics of single quantum emitters near metal-dielectric interfaces
19. Bichromatic dressing of a quantum dot detected by a remote second quantum dot
We demonstrate an information transfer mechanism between two dissimilar remote InAs/GaAs quantum dots weakly coupled to a common photonic crystal microcavity. Bichromatic excitation in the s-state of one of the dots leads to the formation of dressed states due to the coherent coupling to the laser field, in resonance with the quantum dot. Information on the resulting dressed structure is read out through the photo-luminescence spectrum of the other quantum dot, as well as the cavity mode. The effect is also observed upon exchange of the excitation and detection quantum dots. This quantum dot inter-talk is interpreted in terms of a cavity-mediated coupling involving acoustic phonons. A master equation for a three level system coherently pumped by the two lasers quantitatively describes the behavior of our system. Our results present an important step towards scalable solid-state quantum networking based on coupled multi-quantum-dot-cavity systems, without the need of using identical quantum emitters.
18. Emitters of N-photon bundles
We propose a scheme based on the coherent excitation of a two-level system in a cavity to generate an ultrabright CW and focused source of quantum light that comes in groups (bundles) of $N$ photons, for an integer $N$ tunable with the frequency of the exciting laser. We define a new quantity, the \emph{purity} of $N$-photon emission, to describe the percentage of photons emitted in bundles, thus bypassing the limitations of Glauber correlation functions. We focus on the case $1\le N\le3$ and show that close to 100% of two-photon emission and 90% of three-photon emission is within reach of state of the art cavity QED samples. The statistics of the bundles emission shows that various regimes—from $N$-photon lasing to $N$-photon guns—can be realized. This is evidenced through generalized correlation functions that extend the standard definitions to the multi-photon level.
17. Two-photon spectra of quantum emitters
16. Theory of Strong Coupling between Quantum Emitters and Propagating Surface Plasmons
Here we present the theoretical foundation of the strong coupling phenomenon between quantum emitters and propagating surface plasmons observed in two-dimensional metal surfaces. For that purpose, we develop an ab-initio quantum framework that accounts for the coherent coupling be- tween emitters and surface plasmons and incorporates the presence of dissipation and dephasing. For both a single emitter and a disordered ensemble of emitters, our formalism is able to reveal the key physical mechanisms that explain the reported phenomenology and also to determine the physical parameters that optimize the strong coupling.
15. Mesoscopic Entanglement Induced by Spontaneous Emission in Solid-State Quantum Optics
Implementations of solid state quantum optics provide us with devices where qubits are placed at fixed positions in photonic or plasmonic one dimensional waveguides. We show that solely by controlling the position of the qubits and with the help of a coherent driving, collective spontaneous decay may be engineered to yield an entangled mesoscopic steady-state. Our scheme relies on the realization of pure superradiant Dicke models by a destructive interference that cancels dipole-dipole interactions in one-dimension.
14. Theory of Frequency-Filtered and Time-ResolvedN -Photon Correlations
13. Exploring qubit‐qubit entanglement mediated by one‐dimensional plasmonic nanowaveguides
12. Plasmon-polariton emission from a coherentlyp -excited quantum dot near a metal interface
11. Generation of a two-photon state from a quantum dot in a microcavity under incoherent and coherent continuous excitation
10. Dephasing of strong coupling in the non-linear regime
9. Quantum dot coupled to metal-semiconductor interface plasmons
8. Dissipation-driven generation of two-qubit entanglement mediated by plasmonic waveguides
7. Generation of a two-photon state from a quantum dot in a microcavity
6. Plasmonic waveguides for classical and quantum applications
5. Entanglement of Two Qubits Mediated by One-Dimensional Plasmonic Waveguides
We investigate qubit-qubit entanglement mediated by plasmons supported by one-dimensional waveguides. We explore both the situation of spontaneous formation of entanglement from an unentangled state and the emergence of driven steady-state entanglement under continuous pumping. In both cases, we show that large values for the concurrence are attainable for qubit-qubit distances larger than the operating wavelength by using plasmonic waveguides that are currently available.
4. Dissipative dynamics of a solid-state qubit coupled to surface plasmons: From non-Markov to Markov regimes
We theoretically study the dissipative dynamics of a quantum emitter placed near the planar surface of a metal supporting surface plasmon excitations. The emitter-metal coupling regime can be tuned by varying some control parameters such as the qubit-surface separation and/or the detuning between characteristic frequencies. By using a Green’s function approach jointly with a time-convolutionless master equation, we analyze the non-Markovian dissipative features on the qubit time evolution in two cases of interest: i) an undriven qubit initially prepared in its excited state and ii) the evolution towards a steady-state for a system driven by a laser field. For weak to moderate qubit-metal coupling strength, and on timescales large compared to the surface plasmon oscillation time, a Markovian approximation for the master equation results to be adequate to describe the qubit main optical properties: surface enhancements of rate emission, optical spectra and time-dependent photon-photon correlation functions. The qubit decay shows a crossover passing from being purely dissipative for small qubit-surface distances to plasmon emission for larger separations.
3. Effect of pure dephasing on the Jaynes-Cummings nonlinearities
We study the effect of pure dephasing on the strong-coupling between a quantum dot and the single mode of a microcavity in the nonlinear regime. We show that the photoluminescence spectrum of the system has a robust tendency to display triplet structures, instead of the expected Jaynes-Cummings pairs of doublets at the incommensurate frequencies $\pm(\sqrt{n}\pm\sqrt{n-1})$ for integer $n$. We show that current experimental works may already manifest signatures of single photon nonlinearities.
2. Two-photon lasing by a single quantum dot in a high-Q microcavity
1. Anticrossing in the PL spectrum of light–matter coupling under incoherent continuous pumping
We compare the observed splitting in the PL spectrum of a strongly coupled light-matter system, with the splitting of its dressed modes. In the presence of non-negligible decoherence, the two may differ considerably. Whereas the dressed mode splitting has a simple expression, the observed splitting has no general analytical expression in terms of radicals of the system parameters.