Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 101 entries.
101. Emerging Non-Hermitian Topology in a Chiral Driven-Dissipative Bose-Hubbard Model
We introduce a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard chain describing coupled lossy photonic modes, in which time-reversal symmetry is broken by a coherent drive with a uniform phase gradient. We investigate this model by means of a Gaussian variational ansatz and numerically prove that the steady-state solution is stabilized by an inhomogeneous profile of the driving amplitude, which damps out boundary effects. Our calculations unveil a non-equilibrium phase diagram showing low- and high-density phases for photons separated by a phase coexistence region in which the system exhibits the phenomenon of topological amplification and is characterized by a finite non-Hermitian winding number. Our work shows the emergence of non-Hermitian topological phases in an interacting model that can be naturally implemented with superconducting circuits.
100. Improving quantum metrology protocols with programmable photonic circuits
99. Learning Generalized Statistical Mechanics with Matrix Product States
98. Observing Topological Insulator Phases with a Programmable Quantum Simulator
97. Topological, multi-mode amplification induced by non-reciprocal, long-range dissipative couplings
96. Connection between single-layer Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm interferometry and thermal distributions sampling
95. Photonic quantum metrology with variational quantum optical non-linearities
94. Portfolio optimization with discrete simulated annealing
93. Topological Josephson parametric amplifier array: A proposal for directional, broadband, and low-noise amplification
92. Topological multi-mode waveguide QED
91. Chaotic dynamics in a single excitation subspace: deviations from the ETH via long time correlations
90. Non-stationary dynamics and dissipative freezing in squeezed superradiance
89. Quantum Simulation of Cooperative Jahn-Teller Systems with Linear Ion Crystals
The Jahn-Teller effect explains distortions and non-degenerate energy levels in molecular and solid-state physics via a coupling of effective spins to collective bosons. Here we propose and theoretically analyze the quantum simulation of a many-body Jahn-Teller model with linear ion crystals subjected to magnetic field gradients. We show that the system undergoes a quantum magnetic structural phase transition which leads to a reordering of particle positions and the formation of a spin-phonon quasi-condensate in mesoscopic ion chains.
88. Laser-assisted motional-mode spectroscopy in a Penning trap and the generalized invariance theorem
87. Random matrix theory approach to quantum Fisher information in quantum ergodic systems
86. Photonic quantum metrology with variational quantum optical nonlinearities
85. Accurate solution of the Index Tracking problem with a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm
84. Cooling microwave fields into general multimode Gaussian states
83. Variational Quantum Simulators Based on Waveguide QED
82. Quantum metrology with critical driven-dissipative collective spin system
81. Multiobjective variational quantum optimization for constrained problems: an application to cash handling
80. Driven-dissipative topological phases in parametric resonator arrays
79. Topological multimode waveguide QED
78. Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Pseudo-Boltzmann States
77. Quantum dynamics in a single excitation subspace: deviations from eigenstate thermalization via long time correlations
76. Bridging the gap between topological non-Hermitian physics and open quantum systems
75. Decimation technique for open quantum systems: A case study with driven-dissipative bosonic chains
74. Out-of-time-order correlator in the quantum Rabi model
73. Quantum variational optimization: The role of entanglement and problem hardness
72. Qubit-photon bound states in topological waveguides with long-range hoppings
71. Hybrid quantum–classical optimization with cardinality constraints and applications to finance
Tracking a financial index boils down to replicating its trajectory of returns for a well-defined time span by investing in a weighted subset of the securities included in the benchmark. Picking the optimal combination of assets becomes a challenging NP-hard problem even for moderately large indices consisting of dozens or hundreds of assets, thereby requiring heuristic methods to find approximate solutions. Hybrid quantum-classical optimization with variational gate-based quantum circuits arises as a plausible method to improve performance of current schemes. In this work we introduce a heuristic pruning algorithm to find weighted combinations of assets subject to cardinality constraints. We further consider different strategies to respect such constraints and compare the performance of relevant quantum ans\”{a}tze and classical optimizers through numerical simulations.
70. Topological input-output theory for directional amplification
We present a topological approach to the input-output relations of photonic driven-dissipative lattices acting as directional amplifiers. Our theory relies on a mapping from the optical non-Hermitian coupling matrix to an effective topological insulator Hamiltonian. This mapping is based on the singular value decomposition of non-Hermitian coupling matrices, whose inverse matrix determines the linear input-output response of the system. In topologically non-trivial regimes, the input-output response of the lattice is dominated by singular vectors with zero singular values that are the equivalent of zero-energy states in topological insulators, leading to directional amplification of a coherent input signal. In such topological amplification regime, our theoretical framework allows us to fully characterize the amplification properties of the quantum device such as gain, bandwidth, added noise, and noise-to-signal ratio. We exemplify our ideas in a one-dimensional non-reciprocal photonic lattice, for which we derive fully analytical predictions. We show that the directional amplification is near quantum-limited with a gain growing exponentially with system size, $N$, while the noise-to-signal ratio is suppressed as $1/\sqrt{N}$. This points out to interesting applications of our theory for quantum signal amplification and single-photon detection.
69. Dissipative Josephson effect in coupled nanolasers
Josephson effects are commonly studied in quantum systems in which dissipation or noise can be neglected or do not play a crucial role. In contrast, here we discuss a setup where dissipative interactions do amplify a photonic Josephson current, opening a doorway to dissipation-enhanced sensitivity of quantum-optical interferometry devices. In particular, we study two coupled nanolasers subjected to phase coherent drivings and coupled by a coherent photon tunneling process. We describe this system by means of a Fokker-Planck equation and show that it exhibits an interesting non-equilibrium phase diagram as a function of the coherent coupling between nanolasers. As we increase that coupling, we find a non-equilibrium phase transition between a phase-locked and a non-phase-locked steady-state, in which phase coherence is destroyed by the photon tunneling process. In the coherent, phase-locked regime, an imbalanced photon number population appears if there is a phase difference between the nanolasers, which appears in the steady-state as a result of the competition between competing local dissipative dynamics and the Josephson photo-current. The latter is amplified for large incoherent pumping rates and it is also enchanced close to the lasing phase transition. We show that the Josephson photocurrent can be used to measure optical phase differences. In the quantum limit, the accuracy of the two nanolaser interferometer grows with the square of the photon number and, thus, it can be enhanced by increasing the rate of incoherent pumping of photons into the nanolasers.
68. Taking snapshots of a quantum thermalization process: Emergent classicality in quantum jump trajectories
67. Limits of photon-mediated interactions in one-dimensional photonic baths
66. Ergodicity probes: using time-fluctuations to measure the Hilbert space dimension
65. Floquet-Engineered Vibrational Dynamics in a Two-Dimensional Array of Trapped Ions
64. Symmetries and conservation laws in quantum trajectories: Dissipative freezing
63. Quantum chaotic fluctuation-dissipation theorem: Effective Brownian motion in closed quantum systems
62. Topological Amplification in Photonic Lattices
We present a characterization of topological phases in photonic lattices. Our theory relies on a formal equivalence between the singular value decomposition of the non-Hermitian coupling matrix and the diagonalization of an effective Hamiltonian. By means of that mapping we unveil an application of topological band theory to the description of quantum amplification with non-reciprocal systems. We exemplify our ideas with an array of photonic cavities which can be mapped into a topological insulator Hamiltonian in the AIII symmetry class. We investigate stability properties and prove the existence of stable topologically non-trivial steady-state phases. Finally, we show numerically that the topological amplification process is robust against disorder in the lattice parameters.
61. Off-diagonal observable elements from random matrix theory: distributions, fluctuations, and eigenstate thermalization
60. Heisenberg scaling with classical long-range correlations
59. Topological Edge States in Periodically Driven Trapped-Ion Chains
58. Quantum sensing close to a dissipative phase transition: Symmetry breaking and criticality as metrological resources
57. Time-Resolved Observation of Thermalization in an Isolated Quantum System
56. Topological phases of shaken quantum Ising lattices
The quantum compass model consists of a two-dimensional square spin lattice where the orientation of the spin-spin interactions depends on the spatial direction of the bonds. It has remarkable symmetry properties and the ground state shows topological degeneracy. The implementation of the quantum compass model in quantum simulation setups like ultracold atoms and trapped ions is far from trivial, since spin interactions in those sytems typically are independent of the spatial direction. Ising spin interactions, on the contrary, can be induced and controlled in atomic setups with state-of-the art experimental techniques. In this work, we show how the quantum compass model on a rectangular lattice can be simulated by the use of the photon-assisted tunneling induced by periodic drivings on a quantum Ising spin model. We describe a procedure to adiabatically prepare one of the doubly-degenerate ground states of this model by adiabatically ramping down a transverse magnetic field, with surprising differences depending on the parity of the lattice size. Exact diagonalizations confirm the validity of this approach for small lattices. Specific implementations of this scheme are presented with ultracold atoms in optical lattices in the Mott insulator regime, as well as with Rydberg atoms.
55. Hidden frustrated interactions and quantum annealing in trapped-ion spin-phonon chains
54. Quantum Sensors Assisted by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking for Detecting Very Small Forces
53. Interaction-dependent photon-assisted tunneling in optical lattices: a quantum simulator of strongly-correlated electrons and dynamical Gauge fields
52. Rabi lattice models with discrete gauge symmetry: Phase diagram and implementation in trapped-ion quantum simulators
51. Photon-mediated qubit interactions in one-dimensional discrete and continuous models
50. The Bose–Hubbard model with squeezed dissipation
49. Inducing Nonclassical Lasing via Periodic Drivings in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
48. Nonclassical lasing in circuit quantum electrodynamics
47. Nonequilibrium and Nonperturbative Dynamics of Ultrastrong Coupling in Open Lines
46. Circuit QED Bright Source for Chiral Entangled Light Based on Dissipation
45. Adiabatic quantum metrology with strongly correlated quantum optical systems
44. Simulation of the Jahn–Teller–Dicke magnetic structural phase transition with trapped ions
43. Mesoscopic mean-field theory for spin-boson chains in quantum optical systems
42. Mesoscopic Entanglement Induced by Spontaneous Emission in Solid-State Quantum Optics
41. Quantum Simulation of the Cooperative Jahn-Teller Transition in 1D Ion Crystals
40. Photon-assisted-tunneling toolbox for quantum simulations in ion traps
39. Simulating accelerated atoms coupled to a quantum field
38. Shaping an Itinerant Quantum Field into a Multimode Squeezed Vacuum by Dissipation
We show that inducing sidebands in the emission of a single emitter into a one dimensional waveguide, together with a dissipative re-pumping process, a photon field is cooled down to a squeezed vacuum. Our method does not require to be in the strong coupling regime, works with a continuum of propagating field modes and it may lead to sources of tunable multimode squeezed light in circuit QED systems.