Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 213 entries.
213. Low crosstalk modular flip-chip architecture for coupled superconducting qubits
We present a flip-chip architecture for an array of coupled superconducting qubits, in which circuit components reside inside individual microwave enclosures. In contrast to other flip-chip approaches, the qubit chips in our architecture are electrically floating, which guarantees a simple, fully modular assembly of capacitively coupled circuit components such as qubit, control, and coupling structures, as well as reduced crosstalk between the components. We validate the concept with a chain of three nearest neighbor coupled generalized flux qubits in which the center qubit acts as a frequency-tunable coupler. Using this coupler, we demonstrate a transverse coupling on/off ratio $\approx$ 50, zz-crosstalk $\approx$ 0.7 kHz between resonant qubits and isolation between the qubit enclosures > 60 dB.
212. Learning Generalized Statistical Mechanics with Matrix Product States
We introduce a variational algorithm based on Matrix Product States that is trained by minimizing a generalized free energy defined using Tsallis entropy instead of the standard Gibbs entropy. As a result, our model can generate the probability distributions associated with generalized statistical mechanics. The resulting model can be efficiently trained, since the resulting free energy and its gradient can be calculated exactly through tensor network contractions, as opposed to standard methods which require estimating the Gibbs entropy by sampling. We devise a variational annealing scheme by ramping up the inverse temperature, which allows us to train the model while avoiding getting trapped in local minima. We show the validity of our approach in Ising spin-glass problems by comparing it to exact numerical results and quasi-exact analytical approximations. Our work opens up new possibilities for studying generalized statistical physics and solving combinatorial optimization problems with tensor networks.
211. Pseudospectral method for solving PDEs using Matrix Product States
This research focuses on solving time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs), in particular the time-dependent Schr\”odinger equation, using matrix product states (MPS). We propose an extension of Hermite Distributed Approximating Functionals (HDAF) to MPS, a highly accurate pseudospectral method for approximating functions of derivatives. Integrating HDAF into an MPS finite precision algebra, we test four types of quantum-inspired algorithms for time evolution: explicit Runge-Kutta methods, Crank-Nicolson method, explicitly restarted Arnoli iteration and split-step. The benchmark problem is the expansion of a particle in a quantum quench, characterized by a rapid increase in space requirements, where HDAF surpasses traditional finite difference methods in accuracy with a comparable cost. Moreover, the efficient HDAF approximation to the free propagator avoids the need for Fourier transforms in split-step methods, significantly enhancing their performance with an improved balance in cost and accuracy. Both approaches exhibit similar error scaling and run times compared to FFT vector methods; however, MPS offer an exponential advantage in memory, overcoming vector limitations to enable larger discretizations and expansions. Finally, the MPS HDAF split-step method successfully reproduces the physical behavior of a particle expansion in a double-well potential, demonstrating viability for actual research scenarios.
210. Deterministic multipartite entanglement via fractional state transfer across quantum networks
The generation of entanglement across different nodes in distributed quantum architectures plays a pivotal role for different applications. In particular, deterministic, robust, and fast protocols that prepare genuine multipartite entangled states are highly desirable. In this article, we propose a fractional quantum state transfer, in which the excitation of an emitter is partially transmitted through the quantum communication channel and then absorbed at a spatially separated node. This protocol is based on wavepacket shaping allowing for a fast deterministic generation of Bell states among two quantum registers and $W$ states for a general setting of $N$ qubits, either in a sequential or simultaneous fashion, depending on the topology of the network. By means of detailed numerical simulations, we show that genuine multipartite entangled states can be faithfully prepared within current experimental platforms and discuss the role of the main decoherence sources, qubit dephasing and relaxation, depending on the network topology.
209. Chebyshev approximation and composition of functions in matrix product states for quantum-inspired numerical analysis
This work explores the representation of univariate and multivariate functions as matrix product states (MPS), also known as quantized tensor-trains (QTT). It proposes an algorithm that employs iterative Chebyshev expansions and Clenshaw evaluations to represent analytic and highly differentiable functions as MPS Chebyshev interpolants. It demonstrates rapid convergence for highly-differentiable functions, aligning with theoretical predictions, and generalizes efficiently to multidimensional scenarios. The performance of the algorithm is compared with that of tensor cross-interpolation (TCI) and multiscale interpolative constructions through a comprehensive comparative study. When function evaluation is inexpensive or when the function is not analytical, TCI is generally more efficient for function loading. However, the proposed method shows competitive performance, outperforming TCI in certain multivariate scenarios. Moreover, it shows advantageous scaling rates and generalizes to a wider range of tasks by providing a framework for function composition in MPS, which is useful for non-linear problems and many-body statistical physics.
208. Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Nonlinear Open Quantum Mechanics
We introduce a numerical method to simulate nonlinear open quantum dynamics of a particle in situations where its state undergoes significant expansion in phase space while generating small quantum features at the phase-space Planck scale. Our approach involves simulating the Wigner function in a time-dependent frame that leverages information from the classical trajectory to efficiently represent the quantum state in phase space. To demonstrate the capabilities of our method, we examine the open quantum dynamics of a particle evolving in a one-dimensional weak quartic potential after initially being ground-state cooled in a tight harmonic potential. This numerical approach is particularly relevant to ongoing efforts to design, optimize, and understand experiments targeting the preparation of macroscopic quantum superposition states of massive particles through nonlinear quantum dynamics.
207. Global optimization of MPS in quantum-inspired numerical analysis
This work discusses the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) using matrix product states (MPS). The study focuses on the search for the lowest eigenstates of a Hamiltonian equation, for which five algorithms are introduced: imaginary-time evolution, steepest gradient descent, an improved gradient descent, an implicitly restarted Arnoldi method, and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) optimization. The first four methods are engineered using a framework of limited-precision linear algebra, where operations between MPS and matrix product operators (MPOs) are implemented with finite resources. All methods are benchmarked using the PDE for a quantum harmonic oscillator in up to two dimensions, over a regular grid with up to $2^{28}$ points. Our study reveals that all MPS-based techniques outperform exact diagonalization techniques based on vectors, with respect to memory usage. Imaginary-time algorithms are shown to underperform any type of gradient descent, both in terms of calibration needs and costs. Finally, Arnoldi like methods and DMRG asymptotically outperform all other methods, including exact diagonalization, as problem size increases, with an exponential advantage in memory and time usage.
206. Portfolio optimization with discrete simulated annealing
Portfolio optimization is an important process in finance that consists in finding the optimal asset allocation that maximizes expected returns while minimizing risk. When assets are allocated in discrete units, this is a combinatorial optimization problem that can be addressed by quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms. In this work we present an integer simulated annealing method to find optimal portfolios in the presence of discretized convex and non-convex cost functions. Our algorithm can deal with large size portfolios with hundreds of assets. We introduce a performance metric, the time to target, based on a lower bound to the cost function obtained with the continuous relaxation of the combinatorial optimization problem. This metric allows us to quantify the time required to achieve a solution with a given quality. We carry out numerical experiments and we benchmark the algorithm in two situations: (i) Monte Carlo instances are started at random, and (ii) the algorithm is warm-started with an initial instance close to the continuous relaxation of the problem. We find that in the case of warm-starting with convex cost functions, the time to target does not grow with the size of the optimization problem, so discretized versions of convex portfolio optimization problems are not hard to solve using classical resources. We have applied our method to the problem of re-balancing in the presence of non-convex transaction costs, and we have found that our algorithm can efficiently minimize those terms.
205. Quantum control of tunable-coupling transmons using dynamical invariants of motion
We analyse the implementation of a fast nonadiabatic CZ gate between two transmon qubits with tuneable coupling. The gate control method is based on a theory of dynamical invariants which leads to reduced leakage and robustness against decoherence. The gate is based on a description of the resonance between the $|11\rangle$ and $|20\rangle$ using an effective Hamiltonian with the 6 lowest energy states. A modification of the invariants method allows us to take into account the higher-order perturbative corrections of this effective model. This enables a gate fidelity several orders of magnitude higher than other quasiadiabatic protocols, with gate times that approach the theoretical limit.
204. Realization of a quantum perceptron gate with trapped ions
We report the implementation of a perceptron quantum gate in an ion-trap quantum computer. In this scheme, a perceptron’s target qubit changes its state depending on the interactions with several qubits. The target qubit displays a tunable sigmoid switching behaviour becoming a universal approximator when nested with other percetrons. The procedure consists on the adiabatic ramp-down of a dressing-field applied to the target qubit. We also use two successive perceptron quantum gates to implement a XNOR-gate, where the perceptron qubit changes its state only when the parity of two input qubits is even. The applicability can be generalized to higher-dimensional gates as well as the reconstruction of arbitrary bounded continuous functions of the perceptron observables.
203. Scalable multiphoton generation from cavity-synchronized single-photon sources
We propose an efficient, scalable, and deterministic scheme to generate multiple indistinguishable photons over independent channels, on demand. Our design relies on multiple single-photon sources, each coupled to a waveguide, and all of them interact with a common cavity mode. The cavity synchronizes and triggers the simultaneous emission of one photon by each source, which are collected by the waveguides. For a state-of-the-art circuit QED implementation, this scheme supports the creation of single photons with purity, indistinguishability, and efficiency of $99\%$ at rates of $\sim $MHz. We also discuss conditions to produce up to 100 photons simultaneously with generation rates of hundreds of kHz. This is orders of magnitude more efficient than previous demultiplexed sources for boson sampling and enables the realization of deterministic multi-photon sources and scalable quantum information processing with photons.
202. Two-Photon Scattering in USC regime
In this work we study the scattering of pairs of photons by a two-level system ultrastrongly coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. We describe this problem using a spin-boson model with an Ohmic environment $J(\omega)=\pi\alpha\omega^1.$ We show that when coupling strength lays is about $\alpha\leq 1,$ the dynamics is well approximated by a polaron Hamiltonian, under the approximation of a conserved number of excitations. In this regime, we develop analytical predictions for the single- and two-photon scattering matrix computed with a Green’s function method.
201. Spin models and boson sampling
In this work we proof that boson sampling with $N$ particles in $M$ modes is equivalent to short-time evolution with $N$ excitations in an XY model of $2N$ spins. This mapping is efficient whenever the boson bunching probability is small, and errors can be efficiently postselected. This mapping opens the door to boson sampling with quantum simulators or general purpose quantum computers, and highlights the complexity of time-evolution with critical spin models, even for very short times.
200. Tunable coupling of transmission-line microwave resonators mediated by an rf SQUID
We realize tunable coupling between two superconducting transmission line resonators. The coupling is mediated by a non-hysteretic rf SQUID acting as a flux-tunable mutual inductance between the resonators. From the mode distance observed in spectroscopy experiments, we derive a coupling strength ranging between -320MHz and 37 MHz. In the case where the coupling strength is about zero, the microwave power cross transmission between the two resonators can be reduced by almost four orders of magnitude compared to the case where the coupling is switched on. In addition, we observe parametric amplification by applying a suitable additional drive tone.
199. Spin-boson model with an engineered reservoir in circuit quantum electrodynamics
A superconducting qubit coupled to an open transmission line represents an implementation of the spin-boson model with a broadband environment. We show that this environment can be engineered by introducing partial reflectors into the transmission line, allowing to shape the spectral function, J({\omega}), of the spin-boson model. The spectral function can be accessed by measuring the resonance fluorescence of the qubit, which provides information on both the engineered environment and the coupling between qubit and transmission line. The spectral function of a transmission line without partial reflectors is found to be Ohmic over a wide frequency range, whereas a peaked spectral density is found for the shaped environment. Our work lays the ground for future quantum simulations of other, more involved, impurity models with superconducting circuits.
198. Selection rules in a strongly coupled qubit-resonator system
Superconducting qubits acting as artificial two-level atoms allow for controlled variation of the symmetry properties which govern the selection rules for single and multiphoton excitation. We spectroscopically analyze a superconducting qubit-resonator system in the strong coupling regime under one- and two-photon driving. Our results provide clear experimental evidence for the controlled transition from an operating point governed by dipolar selection rules to a regime where one- and two-photon excitations of the artificial atom coexist. We find that the vacuum coupling between qubit and resonator can be straightforwardly extracted from the two-photon spectra where the detuned two-photon drive does not populate the relevant resonator mode significantly.
197. Efficiency of structured adiabatic quantum computation
We show enough evidence that a structured version of Adiabatic Quantum Computation (AQC) is efficient for most satisfiability problems. More precisely, when the success probability is fixed beforehand, the computational resources grow subexponentially in the number of qubits. Our study focuses on random satisfiability and exact cover problems, developing a multi-step algorithm that solves clauses one by one. Relating the computational cost to classical properties of the problem, we collect significant statistics with up to N=140 qubits, around the phase transitions, which is where the hardest problems appear.
196. Time evolution of Matrix Product States
In this work we develop several new simulation algorithms for 1D many-body quantum mechanical systems combining the Matrix Product State variational ansatz with Taylor, Pade and Arnoldi approximations to the evolution operator. By comparing all methods with previous techniques based on Trotter decompositions we demonstrate that the Arnoldi method is the best one, reaching extremely good accuracy with moderate resources. Finally we apply this algorithm to studying the formation of molecules in an optical lattices when crossing a Feschbach resonance with a cloud of two-species hard-core bosons.
195. Implementing quantum information processing with atoms, ions and photons
Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School 2003 on Quantum entanglement and information processing to be published as P. Zoller, J. I. Cirac, Luming Duan and J. J. Garcia-Ripoll, in “Quantum entanglement and information processing”, Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School, Session 79, edited by D. Est{\`e}ve, J.M. Raimond and J. Dalibard (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004).
This is an updated although shortened version of J. I. Cirac, L. M. Duan, and P. Zoller, in “Quantum optical implementation of quantum information processing”, Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course CXLVIII, p. 263, edited by F. Di Martini and C. Monroe (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002).
194. Temperature dependent shifts in collective excitations of a gaseous Bose-Einstein condensate
The moment method is applied to the quantum theory for a trapped dilute gas, obtaining equations for the evolution of the cloud. These equations proof the existence of undamped oscillations in a two-dimensional harmonic trap with radial symmetry. In all other cases we can, with physically reasonable approximations, solve the equations and find the frequencies of the collective modes for all temperatures, from the pure Bose-Einstein condensate up to the normal gas.
193. Scattering of light by molecules of light
We study the scattering properties of optical dipole-mode vector solitons recently predicted theoretically and generated in a laboratory. We demonstrate that such a radially asymmetric composite self-trapped state resembles “a molecule of light” which is extremely robust, survives a wide range of collisions, and displays new phenomena such as the transformation of a linear momentum into an angular momentum, etc.We present also experimental verifications of some of our predictions.
192. Nucleation of bended vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates in elongated traps
We study the generation of vortices in rotating axially elongated magneto-optical traps, a situation which has been realized in a recent experiment (K. W. Madison, F. Chevy, W. Wohlleben, J. Dalibard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 806 (2000)). We predict that at a critical frequency the condensate experiences a symmetry breaking and changes from a convex cloud to a state with one bended vortex. We also discuss several effects which enlarge the critical frequency with respect to other geometries of the trap: these are, (i) the failure of the Thomas-Fermi approximation on the transverse degrees of freedom of the condensate, (ii) the enhancement of the transverse asymmetry of the trap by means of rotation and (iii) the yet unobserved bending of the vortex lines.
191. The moment method in general Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
In this paper we develop a new approximation method valid for a wide family of nonlinear wave equations of Nonlinear Schr\”odinger type. The result is a reduced set of ordinary differential equations for a finite set of parameters measuring global properties of the solutions, named momenta. We prove that these equations provide exact results in some relevant cases and show how to impose reasonable approximations that can be regarded as a perturbative approach and as an extension of the time dependent variational method.
190. Multiplexed quantum state transfer in waveguides
189. Scalable multiphoton generation from cavity-synchronized single-photon sources
We propose an efficient, scalable, and deterministic scheme to generate multiple indistinguishable photons over independent channels, on demand. Our design relies on multiple single-photon sources, each coupled to a waveguide, and all of them interact with a common cavity mode. The cavity synchronizes and triggers the simultaneous emission of one photon by each source, which are collected by the waveguides. For a state-of-the-art circuit QED implementation, this scheme supports the creation of single photons with purity, indistinguishability, and efficiency of $99\%$ at rates of $\sim $MHz. We also discuss conditions to produce up to 100 photons simultaneously with generation rates of hundreds of kHz. This is orders of magnitude more efficient than previous demultiplexed sources for boson sampling and enables the realization of deterministic multi-photon sources and scalable quantum information processing with photons.
188. Optimal quantum circuit generation for pixel segmentation in multiband images
187. Exploring Quantum Annealing Architectures: A Spin Glass Perspective
We study the spin-glass transition in several Ising models of relevance for quantum annealers. We extract the spin-glass critical temperature by extrapolating the pseudo-critical properties obtained with Replica-Exchange Monte-Carlo for finite-size systems. We find a spin-glass phase for some random lattices (random-regular and small-world graphs) in good agreement with previous results. However, our results for the quasi-two-dimensional graphs implemented in the D-Wave annealers (Chimera, Zephyr, and Pegasus) indicate only a zero-temperature spin-glass state, as their pseudo-critical temperature drifts towards smaller values. This implies that the asymptotic runtime to find the low-energy configuration of those graphs is likely to be polynomial in system size, nevertheless, this scaling may only be reached for very large system sizes — much larger than existing annealers — as we observe an abrupt increase in the computational cost of the simulations around the pseudo-critical temperatures. Thus, two-dimensional systems with local crossings can display enough complexity to make unfeasible the search with classical methods of low-energy configurations.
186. Numerical simulation of large-scale nonlinear open quantum mechanics
185. Accurate solution of the Index Tracking problem with a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm
An actively managed portfolio almost never beats the market in the long term. Thus, many investors often resort to passively managed portfolios whose aim is to follow a certain financial index. The task of building such passive portfolios aiming also to minimize the transaction costs is called Index Tracking (IT), where the goal is to track the index by holding only a small subset of assets in the index. As such, it is an NP-hard problem and becomes unfeasible to solve exactly for indices with more than 100 assets. In this work, we present a novel hybrid simulated annealing method that can efficiently solve the IT problem for large indices and is flexible enough to adapt to financially relevant constraints. By tracking the S&P-500 index between the years 2011 and 2018 we show that our algorithm is capable of finding optimal solutions in the in-sample period of past returns and can be tuned to provide optimal returns in the out-of-sample period of future returns. Finally, we focus on the task of holding an IT portfolio during one year and rebalancing the portfolio every month. Here, our hybrid simulated annealing algorithm is capable of producing financially optimal portfolios already for small subsets of assets and using reasonable computational resources, making it an appropriate tool for financial managers.
184. Accurate solution of the Index Tracking problem with a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm
183. Connection between single-layer quantum approximate optimization algorithm interferometry and thermal distribution sampling
The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is an algorithm originally proposed to find approximate solutions to Combinatorial Optimization problems on quantum computers. However, the algorithm has also attracted interest for sampling purposes since it was theoretically demonstrated under reasonable complexity assumptions that one layer of the algorithm already engineers a probability distribution beyond what can be simulated by classical computers. In this regard, a recent study has shown as well that, in universal Ising models, this global probability distribution resembles pure but thermal-like distributions at a temperature that depends on internal correlations of the spin model. In this work, through an interferometric interpretation of the algorithm, we extend the theoretical derivation of the amplitudes of the eigenstates, and the Boltzmann distributions generated by single-layer QAOA. We also review the implications that this behavior has from both a practical and fundamental perspective.
182. Light–matter interactions in quantum nanophotonic devices
181. AutoQML: Automatic generation and training of robust quantum-inspired classifiers by using evolutionary algorithms on grayscale images
We propose a new hybrid system for automatically generating and training quantum-inspired classifiers on grayscale images by using multiobjective genetic algorithms. We define a dynamic fitness function to obtain the smallest possible circuit and highest accuracy on unseen data, ensuring that the proposed technique is generalizable and robust. We minimize the complexity of the generated circuits in terms of the number of entanglement gates by penalizing their appearance. We reduce the size of the images with two dimensionality reduction approaches: principal component analysis (PCA), which is encoded in the individual for optimization purpose, and a small convolutional autoencoder (CAE). These two methods are compared with one another and with a classical nonlinear approach to understand their behaviors and to ensure that the classification ability is due to the quantum circuit and not the preprocessing technique used for dimensionality reduction.
180. Transmon-qubit readout using an in situ bifurcation amplification in the mesoscopic regime
We demonstrate a transmon qubit readout based on the nonlinear response to a drive of polaritonic meters in-situ coupled to the qubit. Inside a 3D readout cavity, we place a transmon molecule consisting of a transmon qubit and an ancilla mode interacting via non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling. The cavity couples strongly only to the ancilla mode, leading to hybridized lower and upper polaritonic meters. Both polaritons are anharmonic and dissipative, as they inherit a self-Kerr nonlinearity $U$ from the ancilla and effective decay $\kappa$ from the open cavity. Via the ancilla, the polariton meters also inherit the non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling to the qubit. This results in a high qubit-dependent displacement $2\chi > \kappa, ~U$ that can be read out via the cavity without causing Purcell decay. Moreover, the polariton meters, being nonlinear resonators, present bistability, and bifurcation behavior when the probing power increases. In this work, we focus on the bifurcation at low power in the few-photon regime, called the mesoscopic regime, which is accessible when the self-Kerr and decay rates of the polariton meter are similar $U\sim \kappa$. Capitalizing on a latching mechanism by bifurcation, the readout is sensitive to transmon qubit relaxation error only in the first tens of nanoseconds. We thus report a single-shot fidelity of 98.6 $\%$ while having an integration time of a 500 ns and no requirement for an external quantum-limited amplifier.
179. When matter and information merge into “Quantum”
178. 3-Qubit Gates in a Microwave-controlled Trapped Ion Quantum Computer Using an Always-On Interaction
177. Improving quantum state transfer: correcting non-Markovian and distortion effects
176. Waveguide QED with Quadratic Light-Matter Interactions
175. Cooling microwave fields into general multimode Gaussian states
174. Multiobjective variational quantum optimization for constrained problems: an application to cash handling
Combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in industry. In addition to finding a solution with minimum cost, problems of high relevance involve a number of constraints that the solution must satisfy. Variational quantum algorithms have emerged as promising candidates for solving these problems in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum stage. However, the constraints are often complex enough to make their efficient mapping to quantum hardware difficult or even infeasible. An alternative standard approach is to transform the optimization problem to include these constraints as penalty terms, but this method involves additional hyperparameters and does not ensure that the constraints are satisfied due to the existence of local minima. In this paper, we introduce a new method for solving combinatorial optimization problems with challenging constraints using variational quantum algorithms. We propose the Multi-Objective Variational Constrained Optimizer (MOVCO) to classically update the variational parameters by a multiobjective optimization performed by a genetic algorithm. This optimization allows the algorithm to progressively sample only states within the in-constraints space, while optimizing the energy of these states. We test our proposal on a real-world problem with great relevance in finance: the Cash Management problem. We introduce a novel mathematical formulation for this problem, and compare the performance of MOVCO versus a penalty based optimization. Our empirical results show a significant improvement in terms of the cost of the achieved solutions, but especially in the avoidance of local minima that do not satisfy any of the mandatory constraints.
173. Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y Bioingeniería 2023: Libro de actas
172. Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions
171. Parallel tomography of quantum non-demolition measurements in multi-qubit devices
An efficient characterization of QND measurements is an important ingredient towards certifying and improving the performance and scalability of quantum processors. In this work, we introduce a parallel tomography of QND measurements that addresses single- and two-qubit readout on a multi-qubit quantum processor. We provide an experimental demonstration of the tomographic protocol on a 7-qubit IBM-Q device, characterizing the quality of conventional qubit readout as well as generalized measurements such as parity or measurement-and-reset schemes. Our protocol reconstructs the Choi matrices of the measurement processes, extracts relevant quantifiers — fidelity, QND-ness, destructiveness — and identifies sources of errors that limit the performance of the device for repeated QND measurements. We also show how to quantify measurement cross-talk and use it to certify the quality of simultaneous readout on multiple qubits.
170. Quantum control of tunable-coupling transmons using dynamical invariants of motion
169. Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Pseudo-Boltzmann States
In this letter, we provide analytical and numerical evidence that the single-layer Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) on universal Ising spin models produces thermal-like states. We find that these pseudo-Boltzmann states can not be efficiently simulated on classical computers according to the general state-of-the-art condition that ensures rapid mixing for Ising models. Moreover, we observe that the temperature depends on a hidden universal correlation between the energy of a state and the covariance of other energy levels and the Hamming distances of the state to those energies.
168. Universal Time-Dependent Control Scheme for Realizing Arbitrary Linear Bosonic Transformations
We study the implementation of arbitrary excitation-conserving linear transformations between two sets of $N$ stationary bosonic modes, which are connected through a photonic quantum channel. By controlling the individual couplings between the modes and the channel, an initial $N$-partite quantum state in register $A$ can be released as a multiphoton wave packet and, successively, be reabsorbed in register $B$. Here we prove that there exists a set of control pulses that implement this transfer with arbitrarily high fidelity and, simultaneously, realize a prespecified $N\times N$ unitary transformation between the two sets of modes. Moreover, we provide a numerical algorithm for constructing these control pulses and discuss the scaling and robustness of this protocol in terms of several illustrative examples. By being purely control-based and not relying on any adaptations of the underlying hardware, the presented scheme is extremely flexible and can find widespread applications, for example, for boson-sampling experiments, multiqubit state transfer protocols or in continuous-variable quantum computing architectures.
167. Bound states in the continuum in a fluxonium qutrit
The heavy fluxonium at zero external flux has a long-lived state when coupled capacitively to any other system. We analyze it by projecting all the fluxonium relevant operators into the qutrit subspace, as this long-lived configuration corresponds to the second excited fluxonium level. This state becomes a bound-state in the continuum (BIC) when the coupling occurs to an extended system supporting a continuum of modes. In the case without noise, we find BIC lifetimes that can be much larger than seconds $T_1\gg {\rm s}$ when the fluxonium is coupled to a superconducting waveguide, while typical device frequencies are in the order of ${\rm GHz}$. We have performed a detailed study of the different sources of decoherence in a realistic experiment, obtaining that upward transitions caused by a finite temperature in the waveguide and decay induced by $1/f$-flux noise are the most dangerous ones. Even in their presence, BICs decay times could reach the range of ${T_1\sim \rm 10^{-1} ms},$ while preparation times are of the order of $10^{2}$ns.
166. Dynamical photon–photon interaction mediated by a quantum emitter
Single photons constitute a main platform in quantum science and technology: they carry quantum information over extended distances in the future quantum internet and can be manipulated in advanced photonic circuits enabling scalable photonic quantum computing. The main challenge in quantum photonics is how to generate advanced entangled resource states and efficient light-matter interfaces. Here we utilize the efficient and coherent coupling of a single quantum emitter to a nanophotonic waveguide for realizing quantum nonlinear interaction between single-photon wavepackets. This inherently multimode quantum system constitutes a new research frontier in quantum optics. We demonstrate control of a photon with another photon and experimentally unravel the dynamical response of two-photon interactions mediated by a quantum emitter, and show that the induced quantum correlations are controlled by the pulse duration. The work will open new avenues for tailoring complex photonic quantum resource states.
165. Quantum Information and Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits
164. Complete Physical Characterization of Quantum Nondemolition Measurements via Tomography
We introduce a self-consistent tomography for arbitrary quantum non-demolition (QND) detectors. Based on this, we build a complete physical characterization of the detector, including the measurement processes and a quantification of the fidelity, ideality, and back-action of the measurement. This framework is a diagnostic tool for the dynamics of QND detectors, allowing us to identify errors, and to improve their calibration and design. We illustrate this on a realistic Jaynes-Cummings simulation of superconducting qubit readout. We characterize non-dispersive errors, quantify the back-action introduced by the readout cavity, and calibrate the optimal measurement point.
163. Universal Deterministic Quantum Operations in Microwave Quantum Links
We propose a realistic setup, inspired by already existing experiments, within which we develop a general formalism for the implementation of distributed quantum gates. Mediated by a quantum link that establishes a bidirectional quantum channel between distant nodes, our proposal works both for inter- and intra node communication and handles scenarios ranging from the few to the many modes limit of the quantum link. We are able to design fast and reliable state transfer protocols in every regime of operation, which, together with a detailed description of the scattering process, allows us to engineer two sets of deterministic universal distributed quantum gates. Gates whose implementation in quantum networks does not need entanglement distribution nor measurements. By employing a realistic description of the physical setup we identify the most relevant imperfections in the quantum links as well as optimal points of operation with resulting infidelities of $1-F \approx 10^{-2}-10^{-3}$.
162. Quantum Fourier analysis for multivariate functions and applications to a class of Schrödinger-type partial differential equations
161. Ultrastrong Capacitive Coupling of Flux Qubits
A flux qubit can interact strongly when it is capacitively coupled to other circuit elements. This interaction can be separated in two parts, one acting on the qubit subspaces and one in which excited states mediate the interaction. The first term dominates the interaction between the flux qubit and an LC-resonator, leading to ultrastrong couplings of the form $\sigma^y(a+a^\dagger),$ which complement the inductive $\sigma^xi(a^\dagger-a)$ coupling. However, when coupling two flux qubits capacitively, all terms need to be taken into account, leading to complex non-stoquastic ultrastrong interaction of the $\sigma^y\sigma^y$, $\sigma^z\sigma^z$ and $\sigma^x\sigma^x$ type. Our theory explains all these interactions, describing them in terms of general circuit properties—coupling capacitances, qubit gaps, inductive, Josephson and capactive energies—, that apply to a wide variety of circuits and flux qubit designs.
160. Quantum variational optimization: The role of entanglement and problem hardness
Quantum variational optimization has been posed as an alternative to solve optimization problems faster and at a larger scale than what classical methods allow. In this paper we study systematically the role of entanglement, the structure of the variational quantum circuit, and the structure of the optimization problem, in the success and efficiency of these algorithms. For this purpose, our study focuses on the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm, as applied to quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems on random graphs with tunable density. Our numerical results indicate an advantage in adapting the distribution of entangling gates to the problem’s topology, specially for problems defined on low-dimensional graphs. Furthermore, we find evidence that applying conditional value at risk type cost functions improves the optimization, increasing the probability of overlap with the optimal solutions. However, these techniques also improve the performance of Ans\”atze based on product states (no entanglement), suggesting that a new classical optimization method based on these could outperform existing NISQ architectures in certain regimes. Finally, our study also reveals a correlation between the hardness of a problem and the Hamming distance between the ground- and first-excited state, an idea that can be used to engineer benchmarks and understand the performance bottlenecks of optimization methods.
159. Three-Josephson junctions flux qubit couplings
We analyze the coupling of two flux qubits with a general many-body projector into the low-energy subspace. Specifically, we extract the effective Hamiltonians that controls the dynamics of two qubits when they are coupled via a capacitor and/or via a Josephson junction. While the capacitor induces a static charge coupling tunable by design, the Josephson junction produces a magnetic-like interaction easily tunable by replacing the junction with a SQUID. Those two elements allow to engineer qubits Hamiltonians with $XX$, $YY$ and $ZZ$ interactions, including ultra-strongly coupled ones. We present an exhaustive numerical study for two three-Josephson junctions flux qubit that can be directly used in experimental work. The method developed here, namely the numerical tool to extract qubit effective Hamiltonians at strong coupling, can be applied to replicate our analysis for general systems of many qubits and any type of coupling.
158. Automatic design of quantum feature maps
We propose a new technique for the automatic generation of optimal ad-hoc ans\”atze for classification by using quantum support vector machine (QSVM). This efficient method is based on NSGA-II multiobjective genetic algorithms which allow both maximize the accuracy and minimize the ansatz size. It is demonstrated the validity of the technique by a practical example with a non-linear dataset, interpreting the resulting circuit and its outputs. We also show other application fields of the technique that reinforce the validity of the method, and a comparison with classical classifiers in order to understand the advantages of using quantum machine learning.
157. Hybrid quantum–classical optimization with cardinality constraints and applications to finance
Tracking a financial index boils down to replicating its trajectory of returns for a well-defined time span by investing in a weighted subset of the securities included in the benchmark. Picking the optimal combination of assets becomes a challenging NP-hard problem even for moderately large indices consisting of dozens or hundreds of assets, thereby requiring heuristic methods to find approximate solutions. Hybrid quantum-classical optimization with variational gate-based quantum circuits arises as a plausible method to improve performance of current schemes. In this work we introduce a heuristic pruning algorithm to find weighted combinations of assets subject to cardinality constraints. We further consider different strategies to respect such constraints and compare the performance of relevant quantum ans\”{a}tze and classical optimizers through numerical simulations.
156. Visualizing the emission of a single photon with frequency and time resolved spectroscopy
At the dawn of Quantum Physics, Wigner and Weisskopf obtained a full analytical description (a \textit{photon portrait}) of the emission of a single photon by a two-level system, using the basis of frequency modes (Weisskopf and Wigner, “Zeitschrift f\”ur Physik”, 63, 1930). A direct experimental reconstruction of this portrait demands an accurate measurement of a time resolved fluorescence spectrum, with high sensitivity to the off-resonant frequencies and ultrafast dynamics describing the photon creation. In this work we demonstrate such an experimental technique in a superconducting waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics (wQED) platform, using single transmon qubit and two coupled transmon qubits as quantum emitters. In both scenarios, the photon portraits agree quantitatively with the predictions of the input-output theory and qualitatively with Wigner-Weisskopf theory. We believe that our technique allows not only for interesting visualization of fundamental principles, but may serve as a tool, e.g. to realize multi-dimensional spectroscopy in waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics.
155. Non-equilibrium coupling of a quartz resonator to ions for Penning-trap fast resonant detection
154. Quantum-inspired algorithms for multivariate analysis: from interpolation to partial differential equations
In this work we study the encoding of smooth, differentiable multivariate functions in quantum registers, using quantum computers or tensor-network representations. We show that a large family of distributions can be encoded as low-entanglement states of the quantum register. These states can be efficiently created in a quantum computer, but they are also efficiently stored, manipulated and probed using Matrix-Product States techniques. Inspired by this idea, we present eight quantum-inspired numerical analysis algorithms, that include Fourier sampling, interpolation, differentiation and integration of partial derivative equations. These algorithms combine classical ideas — finite-differences, spectral methods — with the efficient encoding of quantum registers, and well known algorithms, such as the Quantum Fourier Transform. {When these heuristic methods work}, they provide an exponential speed-up over other classical algorithms, such as Monte Carlo integration, finite-difference and fast Fourier transforms (FFT). But even when they don’t, some of these algorithms can be translated back to a quantum computer to implement a similar task.
153. Gaussian phase sensitivity of boson-sampling-inspired strategies
152. Topological input-output theory for directional amplification
We present a topological approach to the input-output relations of photonic driven-dissipative lattices acting as directional amplifiers. Our theory relies on a mapping from the optical non-Hermitian coupling matrix to an effective topological insulator Hamiltonian. This mapping is based on the singular value decomposition of non-Hermitian coupling matrices, whose inverse matrix determines the linear input-output response of the system. In topologically non-trivial regimes, the input-output response of the lattice is dominated by singular vectors with zero singular values that are the equivalent of zero-energy states in topological insulators, leading to directional amplification of a coherent input signal. In such topological amplification regime, our theoretical framework allows us to fully characterize the amplification properties of the quantum device such as gain, bandwidth, added noise, and noise-to-signal ratio. We exemplify our ideas in a one-dimensional non-reciprocal photonic lattice, for which we derive fully analytical predictions. We show that the directional amplification is near quantum-limited with a gain growing exponentially with system size, $N$, while the noise-to-signal ratio is suppressed as $1/\sqrt{N}$. This points out to interesting applications of our theory for quantum signal amplification and single-photon detection.
151. Remote Individual Addressing of Quantum Emitters with Chirped Pulses
We propose to use chirped pulses propagating near a bandgap to remotely address quantum emitters. We introduce a particular family of chirped pulses that dynamically self-compress to sub-wavelength spot sizes during their evolution in a medium with a quadratic dispersion relation. We analytically describe how the compression distance and width of the pulse can be tuned through its initial parameters. We show that the interaction of such pulses with a quantum emitter is highly sensitive to its position due to effective Landau-Zener processes induced by the pulse chirping. Our results propose pulse engineering as a powerful control and probing tool in the field of quantum emitters coupled to structured reservoirs.
150. Ultraviolet Laser Pulses with Multigigahertz Repetition Rate and Multiwatt Average Power for Fast Trapped-Ion Entanglement Operations
The conventional approach to perform two-qubit gate operations in trapped ions relies on exciting the ions on motional sidebands with laser light, which is an inherently slow process. One way to implement a fast entangling gate protocol requires a suitable pulsed laser to increase the gate speed by orders of magnitude. However, the realization of such a fast entangling gate operation presents a big technical challenge, as such the required laser source is not available off-the-shelf. For this, we have engineered an ultrafast entangling gate source based on a frequency comb. The source generates bursts of several hundred mode-locked pulses with pulse energy $\sim$800 pJ at 5 GHz repetition rate at 393.3 nm and complies with all requirements for implementing a fast two-qubit gate operation. Using a single, chirped ultraviolet pulse, we demonstrate a rapid adiabatic passage in a Ca$^+$ ion. To verify the applicability and projected performance of the laser system for inducing entangling gates we run simulations based on our source parameters. The gate time can be faster than a trap period with an error approaching $10^{-4}$.
149. Experimental Reconstruction of the Few-Photon Nonlinear Scattering Matrix from a Single Quantum Dot in a Nanophotonic Waveguide
Coherent photon-emitter interfaces offer a way to mediate efficient nonlinear photon-photon interactions, much needed for quantum information processing. Here we experimentally study the case of a two-level emitter, a quantum dot, coupled to a single optical mode in a nanophotonic waveguide. We carry out few-photon transport experiments and record the statistics of the light to reconstruct the scattering matrix elements of 1- and 2-photon components. This provides direct insight to the complex nonlinear photon interaction that contains rich many-body physics.
148. Projected Entangled Pair States: Fundamental Analytical and Numerical Limitations
Matrix Product States (MPS) and Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) are powerful analytical and numerical tools to assess quantum many-body systems in one and higher dimensions, respectively. While MPS are comprehensively understood, in PEPS fundamental questions, relevant analytically as well as numerically, remain open, such as how to encode symmetries in full generality, or how to stabilize numerical methods using canonical forms. Here, we show that these key problems, as well as a number of related questions, are algorithmically undecidable, that is, they cannot be fully resolved in a systematic way. Our work thereby exposes fundamental limitations to a full and unbiased understanding of quantum many-body systems using PEPS.
147. Quantum Control of Frequency-Tunable Transmon Superconducting Qubits
In this work we analyze the implementation of a control-phase gate through the resonance between the $|11\rangle$ and $|20\rangle$ states of two statically coupled transmons. We find that there are many different controls for the transmon frequency that implement the same gate with fidelities around $99.8\%$ ($T_1=T_2^{*}=17$ $\mu$s) and $99.99\%$ ($T_1=T_2^{*}=300$ $\mu$s) within a time that approaches the theoretical limit. All controls can be brought to this accuracy by calibrating the waiting time and the destination frequency near the $|11\rangle-|20\rangle$ resonance. However, some controls, such as those based on the theory of dynamical invariants, are particularly attractive due to reduced leakage, robustness against decoherence, and their limited bandwidth.
146. Ultra-fast two-qubit ion gate using sequences of resonant pulses
We propose a new protocol to implement ultra-fast two-qubit phase gates with trapped ions using spin-dependent kicks induced by resonant transitions. By only optimizing the allocation of the arrival times in a pulse train sequence the gate is implemented in times faster than the trapping oscillation period $T<2\pi/\omega$. Such gates allow us to increase the number of gate operations that can be completed within the coherence time of the ion-qubits favoring the development of scalable quantum computers.
145. Topological bulk states and their currents
We provide evidence that, alongside topologically protected edge states, two-dimensional Chern insulators also support localised bulk states deep in their valance and conduction bands. These states manifest when local potential gradients are applied to the bulk, while all parts of the system remain adiabatically connected to the same phase. In turn, the bulk states produce bulk current transverse to the strain. This occurs even when the potential is always below the energy gap, where one expects only edge currents to appear. Bulk currents are topologically protected and behave like edge currents under external influence, such as temperature or local disorder. Detecting topologically resilient bulk currents offers a direct means to probe the localised bulk states.
144. Seeing topological edge and bulk currents in time-of-flight images
Here we provide a general methodology to directly measure the topological currents emerging in the optical lattice implementation of the Haldane model. Alongside the edge currents supported by gapless edge states, transverse currents can emerge in the bulk of the system whenever the local potential is varied in space, even if it does not cause a phase transition. In optical lattice implementations the overall harmonic potential that traps the atoms provides the boundaries of the topological phase that supports the edge currents, as well as providing the potential gradient across the topological phase that gives rise to the bulk current. Both the edge and bulk currents are resilient to several experimental parameters such as trapping potential, temperature and disorder. We propose to investigate the properties of these currents directly from time-of-flight images with both short-time and long-time expansions.
143. Qubit-photon corner states in all dimensions
A single quantum emitter coupled to a one-dimensional photon field can perfectly trap a photon when placed close to a mirror. This occurs when the interference between the emitted and reflected light is completely destructive, leading to photon confinement between the emitter and the mirror. In higher dimensions, the spread of the light field in all directions hinders interference and, consequently, photon trapping by a single emitter is considered to be impossible. In this work, we show that is not the case by proving that a single emitter can indeed trap light in any dimension. We provide a constructive recipe based on judiciously coupling an emitter to a photonic crystal-like bath with properly designed open boundary conditions. The directional propagation of the photons in such baths enables perfect destructive interference, forming what we denote as \emph{qubit-photon corner states}. We characterize these states in all dimensions, showing that they are robust under fluctuations of the emitter’s properties, and persist also in the ultrastrong coupling regime.
142. Mediator-assisted cooling in quantum annealing
We show a significant reduction of errors for an architecture of quantum annealers (QA) where bosonic modes mediate the interaction between qubits. These systems have a large redundancy in the subspace of solutions, supported by arbitrarily large bosonic occupations. We explain how this redundancy leads to a mitigation of errors when the bosonic modes operate in the ultrastrong coupling regime. Numerical simulations also predict a large increase of qubit coherence for a specific annealing problem with mediated interactions. We provide evidences that noise reduction occurs in more general types of quantum computers with similar architectures.
141. Fast High-Fidelity Quantum Nondemolition Qubit Readout via a Nonperturbative Cross-Kerr Coupling
Qubit readout is an indispensable element of any quantum information processor. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling between a transmon and a polariton mode which enables an improved quantum non-demolition (QND) readout for superconducting qubits. The new mechanism uses the same experimental techniques as the standard QND qubit readout in the dispersive approximation, but due to its non-perturbative nature, it maximizes the speed, the single-shot fidelity and the QND properties of the readout. In addition, it minimizes the effect of unwanted decay channels such as the Purcell effect. We observed a single-shot readout fidelity of 97.4% for short 50 ns pulses, and we quantified a QND-ness of 99% for long measurement pulses with repeated single-shot readouts.
140. Quantum Simulation of Non‐Perturbative Cavity QED with Trapped Ions
We discuss the simulation of non-perturbative cavity-QED effects using systems of trapped ions. Specifically, we address the implementation of extended Dicke models with both collective dipole-field and direct dipole-dipole interactions, which represent a minimal set of models for describing light-matter interactions in the ultrastrong and deep-strong coupling regime. We show that this approach can be used in state-of-the-art trapped ion setups to investigate excitation spectra or the transition between sub- and superradiant ground states, which are currently not accessible in any other physical system. Our analysis also reveals the intrinsic difficulty of accessing this non-perturbative regime with larger numbers of dipoles, which makes the simulation of many-dipole cavity QED a particularly challenging test case for future quantum simulation platforms.
139. Ultrastrong-coupling circuit QED in the radio-frequency regime
We study a circuit QED setup where multiple superconducting qubits are ultrastrongly coupled to a single radio-frequency resonator. In this extreme parameter regime of cavity QED the dynamics of the electromagnetic mode is very slow compared to all other relevant timescales and can be described as an effective particle moving in an adiabatic energy landscape defined by the qubits. The focus of this work is placed on settings with two or multiple qubits, where different types of symmetry-breaking transitions in the ground- and excited-state potentials can occur. Specifically, we show how the change in the level structure and the wave packet dynamics associated with these transition points can be probed via conventional excitation spectra and Ramsey measurements performed at GHz frequencies. More generally, this analysis demonstrates that state-of-the-art circuit QED systems can be used to access a whole range of particle-like quantum mechanical phenomena beyond the usual paradigm of coupled qubits and oscillators.
138. Single Photons by Quenching the Vacuum
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle implies that the quantum vacuum is not empty but fluctuates. These fluctuations can be converted into radiation through nonadiabatic changes in the Hamiltonian. Here, we discuss how to control this vacuum radiation, engineering a single-photon emitter out of a two-level system (2LS) ultrastrongly coupled to a finite-band waveguide in a vacuum state. More precisely, we show the 2LS nonlinearity shapes the vacuum radiation into a nonGaussian superposition of even and odd cat states. When the 2LS bare frequency lays within the band gaps, this emission can be well approximated by individual photons. This picture is confirmed by a characterization of the ground and bound states, and a study of the dynamics with matrix product states and polaron Hamiltonian methods.
137. Unitary quantum perceptron as efficient universal approximator
We demonstrate that it is possible to implement a quantum perceptron with a sigmoid activation function as an efficient, reversible many-body unitary operation. When inserted in a neural network, the perceptron’s response is parameterized by the potential exerted by other neurons. We prove that such a quantum neural network is a universal approximator of continuous functions, with at least the same power as classical neural networks. While engineering general perceptrons is a challenging control problem –also defined in this work–, the ubiquitous sigmoid-response neuron can be implemented as a quasi-adiabatic passage with an Ising model. In this construct, the scaling of resources is favorable with respect to the total network size and is dominated by the number of layers. We expect that our sigmoid perceptron will have applications also in quantum sensing or variational estimation of many-body Hamiltonians.
136. Modulated Continuous Wave Control for Energy-Efficient Electron-Nuclear Spin Coupling
We develop energy efficient, continuous microwave schemes to couple electron and nuclear spins, using phase or amplitude modulation to bridge their frequency difference. These controls have promising applications in biological systems, where microwave power should be limited, as well as in situations with high Larmor frequencies due to large magnetic fields and nuclear magnetic moments. These include nanoscale NMR where high magnetic fields achieves enhanced thermal nuclear polarisation and larger chemical shifts. Our controls are also suitable for quantum information processors and nuclear polarisation schemes.
135. Ultrastrongly dissipative quantum Rabi model
134. Quantum annealing in spin-boson model: from a perturbative to an ultrastrong mediated coupling
We study a quantum annealer where bosons mediate the Ising-type interactions between qubits. We compare the efficiency of ground state preparation for direct and mediated couplings, for which Ising and spin-boson Hamiltonian are employed respectively. This comparison is done numerically for a small frustrated antiferromagnet, with a careful choice of the optimal adiabatic passage that reveals the features of the boson-mediated interactions. Those features can be explained by taking into account what we called excited solutions: states with the same spin correlations as the ground-state but with a larger bosonic occupancy. For similar frequencies of the bosons and qubits, the performance of quantum annealing depends on how excited solutions interchange population with local spin errors. We report an enhancement of quantum annealing thanks to this interchange under certain circumstances.
133. Correlated dephasing noise in single-photon scattering
We develop a theoretical framework to describe the scattering of photons against a two-level quantum emitter with arbitrary correlated dephasing noise. This is particularly relevant to waveguide-QED setups with solid-state emitters, such as superconducting qubits or quantum dots, which couple to complex dephasing environments in addition to the propagating photons along the waveguide. Combining input-output theory and stochastic methods, we predict the effect of correlated dephasing in single-photon transmission experiments with weak coherent inputs. We discuss homodyne detection and photon counting of the scattered photons and show that both measurements give the modulus and phase of the single-photon transmittance despite the presence of noise and dissipation. In addition, we demonstrate that these spectroscopic measurements contain the same information as standard time-resolved Ramsey interferometry, and thus they can be used to fully characterize the noise correlations without direct access to the emitter. The method is exemplified with paradigmatic correlated dephasing models such as colored Gaussian noise, white noise, telegraph noise, and 1/f-noise, as typically encountered in solid-state environments.
132. Quantum probe of an on-chip broadband interferometer for quantum microwave photonics
Quantum microwave photonics aims at generating, routing, and manipulating propagating quantum microwave fields in the spirit of optical photonics. To this end, the strong nonlinearities of superconducting quantum circuits can be used to either improve or move beyond the implementation of concepts from the optical domain. In this context, the design of a well-controlled broadband environment for the superconducting quantum circuits is a central task. In this work, we place a superconducting transmon qubit in one arm of an on-chip Mach-Zehnder interferometer composed of two superconducting microwave beam splitters. By measuring its relaxation and dephasing rates we use the qubit as a sensitive spectrometer at the quantum level to probe the broadband electromagnetic environment. At high frequencies, this environment can be well described by an ensemble of harmonic oscillators coupled to the transmon qubit. At low frequencies, we find experimental evidence for colored quasi-static Gaussian noise with a high spectral weight, as it is typical for ensembles of two-level fluctuators. Our work paves the way towards possible applications of propagating microwave photons, such as emulating quantum impurity models or a novel architecture for quantum information processing.
131. Ultrastrong Coupling Few-Photon Scattering Theory
We study the scattering of photons by a two-level system ultrastrongly coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. Using a combination of the polaron transformation with scattering theory we can compute the one-photon scattering properties of the qubit for a broad range of coupling strengths, estimating resonance frequencies, lineshapes and linewidths. We validate numerically and analytically the accuracy of this technique up to $\alpha=0.3$, close to the Toulouse point $\alpha=1/2$, where inelastic scattering becomes relevant. These methods model recent experiments with superconducting circuits [P. Forn-D{\’\i}az et al., Nat. Phys. (2016)].
130. Topological phases in the Haldane model with spin–spin on-site interactions
Ultracold atom experiments allow the study of topological insulators, such as the noninteracting Haldane model. In this work we study a generalization of the Haldane model with spin-spin on-site interactions that can be implemented on such experiments. We focus on measuring the winding number, a topological invariant, of the ground state, which we compute using a mean-field calculation that effectively captures long range correlations and a matrix product state computation in a lattice with 64 sites. Our main result is that we show how the topological phases present in the noninteracting model survive until the interactions are comparable to the kinetic energy. We also demonstrate the accuracy of our mean-field approach in efficiently capturing long-range correlations. Based on state-of-the-art ultracold atom experiments, we propose an implementation of our model that can give information about the topological phases.
129. Quantum Emulation of Molecular Force Fields: A Blueprint for a Superconducting Architecture
In this work, we propose a flexible architecture of microwave resonators with tunable couplings to perform quantum simulations of problems from the field of molecular chemistry. The architecture builds on the experience of the D-Wave design, working with nearly harmonic circuits instead of qubits. This architecture, or modifications of it, can be used to emulate molecular processes such as vibronic transitions. Furthermore, we discuss several aspects of these emulations, such as dynamical ranges of the physical parameters, quenching times necessary for diabaticity, and, finally, the possibility of implementing anharmonic corrections to the force fields by exploiting certain nonlinear features of superconducting devices.
128. Emergent causality and theN-photon scattering matrix in waveguide QED
In this work we discuss the emergence of approximate causality in a general setup from waveguide QED -i.e. a one-dimensional propagating field interacting with a scatterer. We prove that this emergent causality translates into a structure for the N-photon scattering matrix. Our work builds on the derivation of a Lieb-Robinson-type bound for continuous models and for all coupling strengths, as well as on several intermediate results, of which we highlight (i) the asymptotic independence of space-like separated wave packets, (ii) the proper definition of input and output scattering states, and (iii) the characterization of the ground state and correlations in the model. We illustrate our formal results by analyzing the two-photon scattering from a quantum impurity in the ultrastrong coupling regime, verifying the cluster decomposition and ground-state nature. Besides, we generalize the cluster decomposition if inelastic or Raman scattering occurs, finding the structure of the S-matrix in momentum space for linear dispersion relations. In this case, we compute the decay of the fluorescence (photon-photon correlations) caused by this S-matrix.
127. Multiphoton Scattering Tomography with Coherent States
In this work we develop an experimental procedure to interrogate the single- and multiphoton scattering matrices of an unknown quantum system interacting with propagating photons. Our proposal requires coherent state laser or microwave inputs and homodyne detection at the scatterer’s output, and provides simultaneous information about multiple —elastic and inelastic— segments of the scattering matrix. The method is resilient to detector noise and its errors can be made arbitrarily small by combining experiments at various laser powers. Finally, we show that the tomography of scattering has to be performed using pulsed lasers to efficiently gather information about the nonlinear processes in the scatterer.
126. Dynamical signatures of bound states in waveguide QED
We study the spontaneous decay of an impurity coupled to a linear array of bosonic cavities forming a single-band photonic waveguide. The average frequency of the emitted photon is different from the frequency for single-photon resonant scattering, which perfectly matches the bare frequency of the excited state of the impurity. We study how the energy of the excited state of the impurity influences the spatial profile of the emitted photon. The farther the energy is from the middle of the photonic band, the farther the wave packet is from the causal limit. In particular, if the energy lies in the middle of the band, the wave packet is localized around the causal limit. Besides, the occupation of the excited state of the impurity presents a rich dynamics: it shows an exponential decay up to intermediate times, this is followed by a power-law tail in the long-time regime, and it finally reaches an oscillatory stationary regime. Finally, we show that this phenomenology is robust under the presence of losses, both in the impurity and the cavities.
125. Equivalence between spin Hamiltonians and boson sampling
124. Coherent manipulation of three-qubit states in a molecular single-ion magnet
123. Quantum Estimation Methods for Quantum Illumination
Quantum illumination consists in shining quantum light on a target region immersed in a bright thermal bath, with the aim of detecting the presence of a possible low-reflective object. If the signal is entangled with the receiver, then a suitable choice of the measurement offers a gain with respect to the optimal classical protocol employing coherent states. Here, we tackle this detection problem by using quantum estimation techniques to measure the reflectivity parameter of the object, showing an enhancement in the signal-to-noise ratio up to 3 dB with respect to the classical case when implementing only local measurements. Our approach employs the quantum Fisher information to provide an upper bound for the error probability, supplies the concrete estimator saturating the bound, and extends the quantum illumination protocol to non-Gaussian states. As an example, we show how Schrodinger’s cat states may be used for quantum illumination.
122. One- and two-photon scattering from generalized V-type atoms
The one- and two-photon scattering matrix S is obtained analytically for a one-dimensional waveguide and a point-like scatterer with N excited levels (generalized V -type atom). We argue that the two-photon scattering matrix contains sufficient information to distinguish between different level structures which are equivalent for single-photon scattering, such as a V -atom with N = 2 excited levels and two two-level systems. In particular, we show that the scattering with the V -type atom exhibits a destructive interference effect leading to two-photon Coupled-Resonator-Induced Transparency, where the nonlinear part of the two-photon scattering matrix vanishes when each incident photon fulfills a single-photon condition for transparency.
121. Full two-photon down-conversion of a single photon
We demonstrate, both numerically and analytically, that it is possible to generate two photons from one and only one photon. We characterize the output two photon field and make our calculations close to reality by including losses. Our proposal relies on real or artificial three-level atoms with a cyclic transition strongly coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. We show that close to perfect downconversion with efficiency over 99% is reachable using state-of-the-art Waveguide QED architectures such as photonic crystals or superconducting circuits. In particular, we sketch an implementation in circuit QED, where the three level atom is a transmon.
120. Ultrastrong coupling of a single artificial atom to an electromagnetic continuum in the nonperturbative regime
The study of light-matter interaction has led to many fundamental discoveries as well as numerous important technologies. Over the last decades, great strides have been made in increasing the strength of this interaction at the single-photon level, leading to a continual exploration of new physics and applications. Recently, a major achievement has been the demonstration of the so-called strong coupling regime, a key advancement enabling great progress in quantum information science. Here, we demonstrate light-matter interaction over an order of magnitude stronger than previously reported, reaching the nonperturbative regime of ultrastrong coupling (USC). We achieve this using a superconducting artificial atom tunably coupled to the electromagnetic continuum of a one-dimensional waveguide. For the largest coupling, the spontaneous emission rate of the atom exceeds its transition frequency. In this USC regime, the description of atom and light as distinct entities breaks down, and a new description in terms of hybrid states is required. Our results open the door to a wealth of new physics and applications. Beyond light-matter interaction itself, the tunability of our system makes it a promising tool to study a number of important physical systems such as the well-known spin-boson and Kondo models.
119. Ultrastrong-coupling phenomena beyond the Dicke model
We study effective light-matter interactions in a circuit QED system consisting of a single $LC$ resonator, which is coupled symmetrically to multiple superconducting qubits. Starting from a minimal circuit model, we demonstrate that in addition to the usual collective qubit-photon coupling the resulting Hamiltonian contains direct qubit-qubit interactions, which have a drastic effect on the ground and excited state properties of such circuits in the ultrastrong coupling regime. In contrast to a superradiant phase transition expected from the standard Dicke model, we find an opposite mechanism, which at very strong interactions completely decouples the photon mode and projects the qubits into a highly entangled ground state. These findings resolve previous controversies over the existence of superradiant phases in circuit QED, but they more generally show that the physics of two- or multi-atom cavity QED settings can differ significantly from what is commonly assumed.
118. Quantum simulation with a boson sampling circuit
In this work we study a system that consists of $2M$ matter qubits that interact through a boson sampling circuit, i.e., an $M$-port interferometer, embedded in two different architectures. We prove that, under the conditions required to derive a master equation, the qubits evolve according to effective bipartite XY spin Hamiltonians, with or without local and collective dissipation terms. This opens the door to the simulation of any bipartite spin or hard-core boson models and exploring dissipative phase transitions as the competition between coherent and incoherent exchange of excitations. We also show that in the purely dissipative regime this model has a large number of exact and approximate dark states, whose structure and decay rates can be estimated analytically. We finally argue that this system may be used for the adiabatic preparation of boson sampling states encoded in the matter qubits.
117. Tunable coupling of transmission-line microwave resonators mediated by an rf SQUID
116. Entangled microwaves as a resource for entangling spatially separate solid-state qubits: Superconducting qubits, nitrogen-vacancy centers, and magnetic molecules
115. Ultrastrong coupling in two-resonator circuit QED
We report on ultrastrong coupling between a superconducting flux qubit and a resonant mode of a system comprised of two superconducting coplanar stripline resonators coupled galvanically to the qubit. With a coupling strength as high as 17% of the mode frequency, exceeding that of previous circuit quantum electrodynamics experiments, we observe a pronounced Bloch-Siegert shift. The spectroscopic response of our multimode system reveals a clear breakdown of the Jaynes-Cummings model. In contrast to earlier experiments, the high coupling strength is achieved without making use of an additional inductance provided by a Josephson junction.
114. Dynamical polaronAnsatz: A theoretical tool for the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED
In this work we develop a semi-analytical variational ansatz to study the properties of few photon excitations interacting with a collection of quantum emitters in regimes that go beyond the rotating wave approximation. This method can be used to approximate both the static and dynamical properties of a superconducting qubit in an open transmission line, including the spontaneous emission spectrum and the resonances in scattering experiments. The approximations are quantitatively accurate for rather strong couplings, as shown by a direct comparison to Matrix-Product-State numerical methods, and provide also a good qualitative description for stronger couplings well beyond the Markovian regime.
113. Winding number order in the Haldane model with interactions
We study the Haldane model with nearest-neighbor interactions. This model is physically motivated by the associated ultracold atoms implementation. We show that the topological phase of the interacting model can be characterized by a physically observable winding number. The robustness of this number extends well beyond the topological insulator phase towards attractive and repulsive interactions that are comparable to the kinetic energy scale of the model. We identify and characterize the relevant phases of the model.
112. Topological phases of shaken quantum Ising lattices
The quantum compass model consists of a two-dimensional square spin lattice where the orientation of the spin-spin interactions depends on the spatial direction of the bonds. It has remarkable symmetry properties and the ground state shows topological degeneracy. The implementation of the quantum compass model in quantum simulation setups like ultracold atoms and trapped ions is far from trivial, since spin interactions in those sytems typically are independent of the spatial direction. Ising spin interactions, on the contrary, can be induced and controlled in atomic setups with state-of-the art experimental techniques. In this work, we show how the quantum compass model on a rectangular lattice can be simulated by the use of the photon-assisted tunneling induced by periodic drivings on a quantum Ising spin model. We describe a procedure to adiabatically prepare one of the doubly-degenerate ground states of this model by adiabatically ramping down a transverse magnetic field, with surprising differences depending on the parity of the lattice size. Exact diagonalizations confirm the validity of this approach for small lattices. Specific implementations of this scheme are presented with ultracold atoms in optical lattices in the Mott insulator regime, as well as with Rydberg atoms.
111. Erratum: Stationary discrete solitons in a driven dissipative Bose-Hubbard chain [Phys. Rev. A91, 033823 (2015)]
110. Driven spin-boson Luttinger liquids
We introduce a lattice model of interacting spins and bosons that leads to Luttinger-liquid physics, and allows for quantitative tests of the theory of bosonization by means of trapped-ion or superconducting-circuit experiments. By using a variational bosonization ansatz, we calculate the power-law decay of spin and boson correlation functions, and study their dependence on a single tunable parameter, namely a bosonic driving. For small drivings, Matrix-Product-States (MPS) numerical methods are shown to be efficient and validate our ansatz. Conversely, even static MPS become inefficient for large-driving regimes, such that the experiment can potentially outperform classical numerics, achieving one of the goals of quantum simulations.
109. Light-matter decoupling and A2 term detection in superconducting circuits
We study the spontaneous emission of a qubit interacting with a one-dimensional waveguide through a realistic minimal-coupling interaction. We show that the diamagnetic term $A^2$ leads to an effective decoupling of a single qubit from the electromagnetic field. This effects is observable at any range of qubit-photon couplings. For this we study a setup consisting of a transmon that is suspended over a transmission line. We prove that the relative strength of the $A^2$ term is controlled with the qubit-line separation and show that, as a consequence, the spontaneous emission rate of the suspended transmon onto the line can increase with such separation, instead of decreasing.
108. Photon-mediated qubit interactions in one-dimensional discrete and continuous models
In this work we study numerically and analytically the interaction of two qubits in a one-dimensional waveguide, as mediated by the photons that propagate through the guide. We develop strategies to assert the Markovianity of the problem, the effective qubit-qubit interactions and their individual and collective spontaneous emission. We prove the existence of collective Lamb-shifts that affect the qubit-qubit interactions and the dependency of coherent and incoherent interactions on the qubit separation. We also develop the scattering theory associated to these models and prove single photon spectroscopy does probes the renormalized resonances of the single- and multi-qubit models, in sharp contrast with earlier toy models where individual and collective Lamb shifts cancel.
107. The interspersed spin boson lattice model
We describe a family of lattice models that support a new class of quantum magnetism characterized by correlated spin and bosonic ordering [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 180405 (2014)]. We explore the full phase diagram of the model using Matrix-Product-State methods. Guided by these numerical results, we describe a modified variational ansatz to improve our analytic description of the groundstate at low boson frequencies. Additionally, we introduce an experimental protocol capable of inferring the low-energy excitations of the system by means of Fano scattering spectroscopy. Finally, we discuss the implementation and characterization of this model with current circuit-QED technology.
106. Stationary discrete solitons in a driven dissipative Bose-Hubbard chain
We demonstrate that stationary localized solutions (discrete solitons) exist in a one dimensional Bose-Hubbard lattices with gain and loss in the semiclassical regime. Stationary solutions, by defi- nition, are robust and do not demand for state preparation. Losses, unavoidable in experiments, are not a drawback, but a necessary ingredient for these modes to exist. The semiclassical calculations are complemented with their classical limit and dynamics based on a Gutzwiller Ansatz. We argue that circuit QED architectures are ideal platforms for realizing the physics developed here. Finally, within the input-output formalism, we explain how to experimentally access the different phases, including the solitons, of the chain.
105. Tunable and switchable coupling between two superconducting resonators
We realize a device allowing for tunable and switchable coupling between two superconducting resonators mediated by an artificial atom. For the latter, we utilize a persistent current flux qubit. We characterize the tunable and switchable coupling in frequency and time domain and find that the coupling between the relevant modes can be varied in a controlled way. Specifically, the coupling can be tuned by adjusting the flux through the qubit loop or by saturating the qubit. Our time domain measurements allow us to find parameter regimes for optimal switch performance with respect to qubit drive power and the dynamic range of the resonator input power.
104. The Bose–Hubbard model with squeezed dissipation
The stationary properties of the Bose-Hubbard model under squeezed dissipation are investigated. The dissipative model does not possess a $U(1)$ symmetry, but parity is conserved: $\langle a_j \rangle \to -\langle a_j \rangle$. We find that $\langle a_j \rangle = 0$ always holds, so no symmetry breaking occurs. Without the onsite repulsion, the linear case is known to be critical. At the critical point the system freezes to an EPR state with infinite two mode entanglement. We show here that the correlations are rapidly destroyed whenever the repulsion is switched on. Then, the system approaches a thermal state with an effective temperature defined in terms of the squeezing parameter in the dissipators. We characterize this transition by means of a Gutzwiller {\it ansatz} and the Gaussian Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation.
103. Measuring molecular electric dipoles using trapped atomic ions and ultrafast laser pulses
We study a hybrid quantum system composed of an ion and an electric dipole. We show how a trapped ion can be used to measure the small electric field generated by a classical dipole. We discuss the application of this scheme to measure the electric dipole moment of cold polar molecules, whose internal state can be controlled with ultrafast laser pulses, by trapping them in the vicinity of a trapped ion.
102. Scattering in the Ultrastrong Regime: Nonlinear Optics with One Photon
The scattering of a flying photon by a two-level system ultrastrongly coupled to a one-dimensional photonic waveguide is studied numerically. The photonic medium is modeled as an array of coupled cavities and the whole system is analyzed beyond the rotating wave approximation using Matrix Product States. It is found that the scattering is strongly influenced by the single- and multi-photon dressed bound states present in the system. In the ultrastrong coupling regime a new channel for inelastic scattering appears, where an incident photon deposits energy into the qubit, exciting a photon-bound state, and escaping with a lower frequency. This single-photon nonlinear frequency conversion process can reach up to 50\% efficiency. Other remarkable features in the scattering induced by counter-rotating terms are a blueshift of the reflection resonance and a Fano resonance due to long-lived excited states
101. Continuous matrix product states for coupled fields: Application to Luttinger liquids and quantum simulators
A way of constructing continuous matrix product states (cMPS) for coupled fields is presented here. The cMPS is a variational \emph{ansatz} for the ground state of quantum field theories in one dimension. Our proposed scheme is based in the physical interpretation in which the cMPS class can be produced by means of a dissipative dynamic of a system interacting with a bath. We study the case of coupled bosonic fields. We test the method with previous DMRG results in coupled Lieb Liniger models. Besides, we discuss a novel application for characterizing the Luttinger liquid theory emerging in the low energy regime of these theories. Finally, we propose a circuit QED architecture as a quantum simulator for coupled fields.
100. Nonlinear quantum optics in the (ultra)strong light–matter coupling
The propagation of $N$ photons in one dimensional waveguides coupled to $M$ qubits is discussed, both in the strong and ultrastrong qubit-waveguide coupling. Special emphasis is placed on the characterisation of the nonlinear response and its linear limit for the scattered photons as a function of $N$, $M$, qubit inter distance and light-matter coupling. The quantum evolution is numerically solved via the Matrix Product States technique. Both the time evolution for the field and qubits is computed. The nonlinear character (as a function of $N/M$) depends on the computed observable. While perfect reflection is obtained for $N/M \cong 1$, photon-photon correlations are still resolved for ratios $N/M= 2/20$. Inter-qubit distance enhances the nonlinear response. Moving to the ultrastrong coupling regime, we observe that inelastic processes are \emph{robust} against the number of qubits and that the qubit-qubit interaction mediated by the photons is qualitatively modified. The theory developed in this work modelises experiments in circuit QED, photonic crystals and dielectric waveguides.
99. Inducing Nonclassical Lasing via Periodic Drivings in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
We show how a pair of superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave cavity mode can be used to engineer a single-atom laser that emits light into a non-classical state. Our scheme relies on the dressing of the qubit-field coupling by periodic modulations of the qubit energy. In the dressed basis, the radiative decay of the first qubit becomes an effective incoherent pumping mechanism that injects energy into the system, hence turning dissipation to our advantage. A second, auxiliary qubit is used to shape the decay within the cavity, in such a way that lasing occurs in a squeezed basis of the cavity mode. We characterize the system both by mean-field theory and exact calculations. Our work may find applications in the generation of squeezing and entanglement in circuit QED, as well as in the study of dissipative many-body phase transitions.
98. Fast quantum gates and coherent control with trapped ions
97. Detection of Chern numbers and entanglement in topological two-species systems through subsystem winding numbers
Topological invariants, such as the Chern number, characterise topological phases of matter. Here we provide a method to detect Chern numbers in systems with two distinct species of fermion, such as spins, orbitals or several atomic states. We analytically show that the Chern number can be decomposed as a sum of component specific winding numbers, which are themselves physically observable. We apply this method to two systems, the quantum spin Hall insulator and a staggered topological superconductor, and show that (spin) Chern numbers are accurately reproduced. The measurements required for constructing the component winding numbers also enable one to probe the entanglement spectrum with respect to component partitions. Our method is particularly suited to experiments with cold atoms in optical lattices where time-of-flight images can give direct access to the relevant observables.
96. Entanglement Detection in Coupled Particle Plasmons
When in close contact, plasmonic resonances interact and become strongly correlated. In this work we develop a quantum mechanical model, using the language of continuous variables and quantum information, for an array of coupled particle plasmons. This model predicts that when the coupling strength between plasmons approaches or surpasses the local dissipation, a sizable amount of entanglement is stored in the collective modes of the array. We also prove that entanglement manifests itself in far-field images of the plasmonic modes, through the statistics of the quadratures of the field, in what constitutes a novel family of entanglement witnesses. This protocol is so robust that it is indeed independent of whether our own model is correct. Finally, we estimate the amount of entanglement, the coupling strength and the correlation properties for a system that consists of two or more coupled nanospheres of silver, showing evidence that our predictions could be tested using present-day state-of-the-art technology.
95. Hybrid Quantum Magnetism in Circuit QED: From Spin-Photon Waves to Many-Body Spectroscopy
We introduce a model of quantum magnetism induced by the non-perturbative exchange of microwave photons between distant superconducting qubits. By interconnecting qubits and cavities, we obtain a spin-boson lattice model that exhibits a quantum phase transition where both qubits and cavities spontaneously polarise. We present a many-body ansatz that captures this phenomenon all the way, from a the perturbative dispersive regime where photons can be traced out, to the non-perturbative ultra-strong coupling regime where photons must be treated on the same footing as qubits. Our ansatz also reproduces the low-energy excitations, which are described by hybridised spin-photon quasiparticles, and can be probed spectroscopically from transmission experiments in circuit-QED, as shown by simulating a possible experiment by Matrix-Product-State methods.
94. Nonclassical lasing in circuit quantum electrodynamics
93. Lattice scars: surviving in an open discrete billiard
We study quantum systems on a discrete bounded lattice (lattice billiards). The statistical properties of their spectra show universal features related to the regular or chaotic character of their classical continuum counterparts. However, the decay dynamics of the open systems appear very different from the continuum case, their properties being dominated by the states in the band center. We identify a class of states (“lattice scars”) that survive for infinite times in dissipative systems and that are degenerate at the center of the band. We provide analytical arguments for their existence in any bipartite lattice, and give a formula to determine their number. These states should be relevant to quantum transport in discrete systems, and we discuss how to observe them using photonic waveguides, cold atoms in optical lattices, and quantum circuits.
92. Phase Stabilization of a Frequency Comb using Multipulse Quantum Interferometry
From the interaction between a frequency comb and an atomic qubit, we derive quantum protocols for the determination of the carrier-envelope offset phase, using the qubit coherence as a reference, and without the need of frequency doubling or an octave spanning comb. Compared with a trivial interference protocol, the multipulse protocol results in a polynomial enhancement of the sensitivity O(N^{-2}) with the number N of laser pulses involved. We present specializations of the protocols using optical or hyperfine qubits, Lambda-schemes and Raman transitions, and introduce methods where the reference is another phase-stable cw-laser or frequency comb.
91. Quantum Chaos in an Ultrastrongly Coupled Bosonic Junction
The classical and quantum dynamics of two ultra-strongly coupled and weakly nonlinear resonators cannot be explained using the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\”odinger Equation or the Bose-Hubbard model, respectively. Instead, a model beyond the Rotating Wave Approximation must be studied. In the classical limit this model is not integrable and becomes chaotic for a finite window of parameters. For the quantum dimer we find corresponding regions of stability and chaos. The more striking consequence for both classical and quantum chaos is that the tunneling time between the sites becomes unpredictable. These results, including the transition to chaos, can be tested in experiments with superconducting microwave resonators.
90. Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Spin-Boson Lattice Models and Trapped Ions
We derive a Lieb-Robinson bound for the propagation of spin correlations in a model of spins interacting through a bosonic lattice field, which satisfies itself a Lieb-Robinson bound in the absence of spin-boson couplings. We apply these bounds to a system of trapped ions, and find that the propagation of spin correlations, as mediated by the phonons of the ion crystal, can be faster than the regimes currently explored in experiments. We propose a scheme to test the bounds by measuring retarded correlation functions via the crystal fluorescence.
89. Nonequilibrium and Nonperturbative Dynamics of Ultrastrong Coupling in Open Lines
We study the time and space resolved dynamics of a qubit with an Ohmic coupling to propagating 1D photons, from weak coupling to the ultrastrong coupling regime. A nonperturbative study based on Matrix Product States (MPS) shows the following results: (i) The ground state of the combined systems contains excitations of both the qubit and the surrounding bosonic field. (ii) An initially excited qubit equilibrates through spontaneous emission to a state, which under certain conditions, is locally close to that ground state, both in the qubit and the field. (iii) The resonances of the combined qubit-photon system match those of the spontaneous emission process and also the predictions of the adiabatic renormalization [A. J. Leggett et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 59, 1, (1987)]. Finally, a non-perturbative ab-initio calculations show that this physics can be studied using a flux qubit galvanically coupled to a superconducting transmission line.
88. Collective modes of a trapped ion–dipole system
We study a simple model consisting of an atomic ion and a polar molecule trapped in a single setup, taking into consideration their electrostatic interaction. We determine analytically their collective modes of excitation as a function of their masses, trapping frequencies, distance, and the molecule’s electric dipole moment. We then discuss the application of these collective excitations to cool molecules, to entangle molecules and ions, and to realize two-qubit gates between them. We finally present a numerical analysis of the possibility of applying these tools to study magnetically ordered phases of two-dimensional arrays of polar molecules, a setup proposed to quantum-simulate some strongly-correlated models of condensed matter.
87. Bose–Hubbard models with photon pairing in circuit-QED
In this work we study a family of bosonic lattice models that combine an on-site repulsion term with a nearest-neighbor pairing term, $\sum_{< i,j>} a^\dagger_i a^\dagger_j + \mathrm{H.c.}$ Like the original Bose-Hubbard model, the nearest-neighbor term is responsible for the mobility of bosons and it competes with the local interaction, inducing two-mode squeezing. However, unlike a trivial hopping, the counter-rotating terms form pairing cannot be studied with a simple mean-field theory and does not present a quantum phase transition in phase space. Instead, we show that there is a cross-over from a pure insulator to long-range correlations that start up as soon as the two-mode squeezing is switched on. We also show how this model can be naturally implemented using coupled microwave resonators and superconducting qubits.
86. Coupling single-molecule magnets to quantum circuits
In this work we study theoretically the coupling of single molecule magnets (SMMs) to a variety of quantum circuits, including microwave resonators with and without constrictions and flux qubits. The main results of this study is that it is possible to achieve strong and ultrastrong coupling regimes between SMM crystals and the superconducting circuit, with strong hints that such a coupling could also be reached for individual molecules close to constrictions. Building on the resulting coupling strengths and the typical coherence times of these molecules (of the order of microseconds), we conclude that SMMs can be used for coherent storage and manipulation of quantum information, either in the context of quantum computing or in quantum simulations. Throughout the work we also discuss in detail the family of molecules that are most suitable for such operations, based not only on the coupling strength, but also on the typical energy gaps and the simplicity with which they can be tuned and oriented. Finally, we also discuss practical advantages of SMMs, such as the possibility to fabricate the SMMs ensembles on the chip through the deposition of small droplets.
85. Circuit QED Bright Source for Chiral Entangled Light Based on Dissipation
Based on a circuit QED qubit-cavity array a source of two-mode entangled microwave radiation is designed. Our scheme is rooted in the combination of external driving, collective phenomena and dissipation. On top of that the reflexion symmetry is broken via external driving permitting the appearance of chiral emission. Our findings go beyond the applications and are relevant for fundamental physics, since we show how to implement quantum lattice models exhibiting criticality driven by dissipation.
84. Generating and verifying graph states for fault-tolerant topological measurement-based quantum computing in two-dimensional optical lattices
We propose two schemes for implementing graph states useful for fault-tolerant topological measurement-based quantum computation in 2D optical lattices. We show that bilayer cluster and surface code states can be created by global single-row and controlled-Z operations. The schemes benefit from the accessibility of atom addressing on 2D optical lattices and the existence of an efficient verification protocol which allows us to ensure the experimental feasibility of measuring the fidelity of the system against the ideal graph state. The simulation results show potential for a physical realization toward fault-tolerant measurement-based quantum computation against dephasing and unitary phase errors in optical lattices.
83. Seeing Majorana fermions in time-of-flight images of staggered spinless fermions coupled bys -wave pairing
The Chern number, nu, as a topological invariant that identifies the winding of the ground state in the particle-hole space, is a definitive theoretical signature that determines whether a given superconducting system can support Majorana zero modes. Here we show that such a winding can be faithfully identified for any superconducting system (p-wave or s-wave with spin-orbit coupling) through a set of time-of-flight measurements, making it a diagnostic tool also in actual cold atom experiments. As an application, we specialize the measurement scheme for a chiral topological model of spinless fermions. The proposed model only requires the experimentally accessible s-wave pairing and staggered tunnelling that mimics spin-orbit coupling. By adiabatically connecting this model to Kitaev’s honeycomb lattice model, we show that it gives rise to nu = \pm 1 phases, where vortices bind Majorana fermions, and nu=\pm 2 phases that emerge as the unique collective state of such vortices. Hence, the preparation of these phases and the detection of their Chern numbers provide an unambiguous signature for the presence of Majorana modes. Finally, we demonstrate that our detection procedure is resilient against most inaccuracies in experimental control parameters as well as finite temperature.
82. From Josephson junction metamaterials to tunable pseudo-cavities
The scattering through a Josephson junction interrupting a superconducting line is revisited including power leakage. We discuss also how to make tunable and broadband resonant mirrors by concatenating junctions. As an application, we show how to construct cavities using these mirrors, thus connecting two research fields: JJ quantum metamaterials and coupled cavity arrays. We finish by discussing the first non-linear corrections to the scattering and their measurable effects.
81. Hall response of interacting bosonic atoms in strong gauge fields: From condensed to fractional-quantum-Hall states
80. Tunable coupling engineering between superconducting resonators: From sidebands to effective gauge fields
In this work we show that a tunable coupling between microwave resonators can be engineered by means of simple Josephson junctions circuits, such as dc- and rf-SQUIDs. We show that by controlling the time dependence of the coupling it is possible to switch on and off and modulate the cross-talk, boost the interaction towards the ultrastrong regime, as well as to engineer red and blue sideband couplings, nonlinear photon hopping and classical gauge fields. We discuss how these dynamically tunable superconducting circuits enable key applications in the fields of all optical quantum computing, continuous variable quantum information and quantum simulation – all within the reach of state of the art in circuit-QED experiments.
79. Scattering of coherent states on a single artificial atom
In this work we theoretically analyze a circuit QED design where propagating quantum microwaves interact with a single artificial atom, a single Cooper pair box. In particular, we derive a master equation in the so-called transmon regime, including coherent drives. Inspired by recent experiments, we then apply the master equation to describe the dynamics in both a two-level and a three-level approximation of the atom. In the two-level case, we also discuss how to measure photon antibunching in the reflected field and how it is affected by finite temperature and finite detection bandwidth.
78. Simulating Dirac fermions with Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields in optical lattices
In this work we present an optical lattice setup to realize a full Dirac Hamiltonian in 2+1 dimensions. We show how all possible external potentials coupled to the Dirac field can arise from perturbations of the existing couplings of the honeycomb lattice model, without the need of additional laser fields. This greatly simplifies the proposed implementations, requiring only spatial modulations of the intensity of the laser beams. We finally suggest several experiments to observe the properties of the Dirac field in the setup.
77. Quantum tomography in position and momentum space
We introduce a method of quantum tomography for a continuous variable system in position and momentum space. We consider a single two-level probe interacting with a quantum harmonic oscillator by means of a class of Hamiltonians, linear in position and momentum variables, during a tunable time span. We study two cases: the reconstruction of the wavefunctions of pure states and the direct measurement of the density matrix of mixed states. We show that our method can be applied to several physical systems where high quantum control can be experimentally achieved.
76. Microwave photonics with Josephson junction arrays: Negative refraction index and entanglement through disorder
We study different architectures for a photonic crystal in the microwave regime based on superconducting transmission lines interrupted by Josephson junctions, both in one and two dimensions. A study of the scattering properties of a single junction in the line shows that the junction behaves as a perfect mirror when the photon frequency matches the Josephson plasma frequency. We generalize our calculations to periodic arrangements of junctions, demonstrating that they can be used for tunable band engineering, forming what we call a quantum circuit crystal. Two applications are discussed in detail. In a two-dimensional structure we demonstrate the phenomenon of negative refraction. We finish by studying the creation of stationary entanglement between two superconducting qubits interacting through a disordered media.
75. Quantum Simulation of the Ultrastrong-Coupling Dynamics in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
We propose a method to get experimental access to the physics of the ultrastrong (USC) and deep strong (DSC) coupling regimes of light-matter interaction through the quantum simulation of their dynamics in standard circuit QED. The method makes use of a two-tone driving scheme, using state-of-the-art circuit-QED technology, and can be easily extended to general cavity-QED setups. We provide examples of USC/DSC quantum effects that would be otherwise unaccessible.
74. Encoding relativistic potential dynamics into free evolution
We propose a method to simulate a Dirac or Majorana equation evolving under a potential with the use of the corresponding free evolution, while the potential dynamics is encoded in a static transformation upon the initial state. We extend our results to interacting two-body systems.
73. Solvable model of dissipative dynamics in the deep strong coupling regime
We describe the dynamics of a qubit interacting with a bosonic mode coupled to a zero-temperature bath in the deep strong coupling (DSC) regime. We provide an analytical solution for this open system dynamics in the off-resonance case of the qubit-mode interaction. Collapses and revivals of parity chain populations and the oscillatory behavior of the mean photon number are predicted. At the same time, photon number wave packets, propagating back and forth along parity chains, become incoherently mixed. Finally, we investigate numerically the effect of detuning on the validity of the analytical solution.
72. Temperature-independent quantum logic for molecular spectroscopy
We propose a fast and non-destructive spectroscopic method for single molecular ions that implements quantum logic schemes between an atomic ion and the molecular ion of interest. Our proposal relies on a hybrid coherent manipulation of the two-ion system, using optical or magnetic forces depending on the types of molecular levels to be addressed (Zeeman, rotational, vibrational or electronic degrees of freedom). The method is especially suited for the non-destructive precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions, and sets a starting point for new hybrid quantum computation schemes that combine molecular and atomic ions, covering the measurement and entangling steps.
71. Shaping an Itinerant Quantum Field into a Multimode Squeezed Vacuum by Dissipation
We show that inducing sidebands in the emission of a single emitter into a one dimensional waveguide, together with a dissipative re-pumping process, a photon field is cooled down to a squeezed vacuum. Our method does not require to be in the strong coupling regime, works with a continuum of propagating field modes and it may lead to sources of tunable multimode squeezed light in circuit QED systems.
70. Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theories in Trapped Ions
We propose the quantum simulation of a fermion and an antifermion field modes interacting via a bosonic field mode, and present a possible implementation with two trapped ions. This quantum platform allows for the scalable add-up of bosonic and fermionic modes, and represents an avenue towards quantum simulations of quantum field theories in perturbative and nonperturbative regimes.
69. Approaching perfect microwave photodetection in circuit QED
In this work we propose a microwave photon detector which successfully reaches 100% efficiency with only one absorber. Our design consists of a metastable quantum circuit coupled to a semi-infinite transmission line which performs highly efficient photodetection in a simplified manner as compared to previous proposals. We extensively study the scattering properties of realistic wavepackets against this device, thereby computing the efficiency of the detector. We find that the detector has many operating modes, can detect detuned photons, is robust against design imperfections and can be made broadband by using more than one absorbing element in the design.
68. Quantum Simulation of the Majorana Equation and Unphysical Operations
A quantum simulator is a device engineered to reproduce the properties of an ideal quantum model. It allows the study of quantum systems that cannot be efficiently simulated on classical computers. While a universal quantum computer is also a quantum simulator, only particular systems have been simulated up to now. Still, there is a wealth of successful cases, such as spin models, quantum chemistry, relativistic quantum physics and quantum phase transitions. Here, we show how to design a quantum simulator for the Majorana equation, a non-Hamiltonian relativistic wave equation that might describe neutrinos and other exotic particles beyond the standard model. The simulation demands the implementation of charge conjugation, an unphysical operation that opens a new front in quantum simulations, including the discrete symmetries associated with complex conjugation and time reversal. Finally, we show how to implement this general method in trapped ions.
67. Seeing Topological Order in Time-of-Flight Measurements
In this work we provide a general methodology to directly measure topological order in cold atom systems. As an application we propose the realisation of a characteristic topological model, introduced by Haldane, using optical lattices loaded with fermionic atoms in two internal states. We demonstrate that time-of-flight measurements directly reveal the topological order of the system in the form of momentum space skyrmions.
66. Fermi Problem with Artificial Atoms in Circuit QED
We propose a feasible experimental test of a 1-D version of the Fermi problem using superconducting qubits. We give an explicit non-perturbative proof of strict causality in this model, showing that the probability of excitation of a two-level artificial atom with a dipolar coupling to a quantum field is completely independent of the other qubit until signals from it may arrive. We explain why this is in perfect agreement with the existence of nonlocal correlations and previous results which were used to claim apparent causality problems for Fermi’s two-atom system.
65. Relativistic quantum mechanics with trapped ions
We consider the quantum simulation of relativistic quantum mechanics, as described by the Dirac equation and classical potentials, in trapped-ion systems. We concentrate on three problems of growing complexity. First, we study the bidimensional relativistic scattering of single Dirac particles by a linear potential. Furthermore, we explore the case of a Dirac particle in a magnetic field and its topological properties. Finally, we analyze the problem of two Dirac particles that are coupled by a controllable and confining potential. The latter interaction may be useful to study important phenomena as the confinement and asymptotic freedom of quarks.
64. Detecting ground-state qubit self-excitations in circuit QED: A slow quantum anti-Zeno effect
In this work we study an ultrastrong coupled qubit-cavity system subjected to slow repeated measurements. We demonstrate that even under a few imperfect measurements it is possible to detect transitions of the qubit from its free ground state to the excited state. The excitation probability grows exponentially fast in analogy with the quantum anti-Zeno effect. The dynamics and physics described in this paper is accessible to current superconducting circuit technology.
63. Quantum Simulation of the Klein Paradox with Trapped Ions
We report on quantum simulations of relativistic scattering dynamics using trapped ions. The simulated state of a scattering particle is encoded in both the electronic and vibrational state of an ion, representing the discrete and continuous components of relativistic wave functions. Multiple laser fields and an auxiliary ion simulate the dynamics generated by the Dirac equation in the presence of a scattering potential. Measurement and reconstruction of the particle wave packet enables a frame-by-frame visualization of the scattering processes. By precisely engineering a range of external potentials we are able to simulate text book relativistic scattering experiments and study Klein tunneling in an analogue quantum simulator. We describe extensions to solve problems that are beyond current classical computing capabilities.
62. Publisher’s Note: Mapping the spatial distribution of entanglement in optical lattices [Phys. Rev. A82, 062321 (2010)]
61. Mapping the spatial distribution of entanglement in optical lattices
We study the entangled states that can be generated using two species of atoms trapped in independently movable, two-dimensional optical lattices. We show that using two sets of measurements it is possible to measure a set of entanglement witness operators distributed over arbitrarily large regions of the lattice, and use these witnesses to produce two-dimensional plots of the entanglement content of these states. We also discuss the influence of noise on the states and on the witnesses, as well as connections to ongoing experiments.
60. Deep Strong Coupling Regime of the Jaynes-Cummings Model
We study the quantum dynamics of a two-level system interacting with a quantized harmonic oscillator in the deep strong coupling regime (DSC) of the Jaynes-Cummings model, that is, when the coupling strength g is comparable or larger than the oscillator frequency w (g/w > 1). In this case, the rotating-wave approximation cannot be applied or treated perturbatively in general. We propose an intuitive and predictive physical frame to describe the DSC regime where photon number wavepackets bounce back and forth along parity chains of the Hilbert space, while producing collapse and revivals of the initial population. We exemplify our physical frame with numerical and analytical considerations in the qubit population, photon statistics, and Wigner phase space.
59. Observation of the Bloch-Siegert Shift in a Qubit-Oscillator System in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime
We measure the dispersive energy-level shift of an $LC$ resonator magnetically coupled to a superconducting qubit, which clearly shows that our system operates in the ultrastrong coupling regime. The large mutual kinetic inductance provides a coupling energy of $\approx0.82$~GHz, requiring the addition of counter-rotating-wave terms in the description of the Jaynes-Cummings model. We find a 50~MHz Bloch-Siegert shift when the qubit is in its symmetry point, fully consistent with our analytical model.
58. Klein tunneling and Dirac potentials in trapped ions
We propose the quantum simulation of the Dirac equation with potentials, allowing the study of relativistic scaterring and the Klein tunneling. This quantum relativistic effect permits a positive-energy Dirac particle to propagate through a repulsive potential via the population transfer to negative-energy components. We show how to engineer scalar, pseudoscalar, and other potentials in the 1+1 Dirac equation by manipulating two trapped ions. The Dirac spinor is represented by the internal states of one ion, while its position and momentum are described by those of a collective motional mode. The second ion is used to build the desired potentials with high spatial resolution.
57. Circuit quantum electrodynamics in the ultrastrong-coupling regime
In cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), light-matter interaction is probed at its most fundamental level, where individual atoms are coupled to single photons stored in three-dimensional cavities. This unique possibility to experimentally explore the foundations of quantum physics has greatly evolved with the advent of circuit QED, where on-chip superconducting qubits and oscillators play the roles of two-level atoms and cavities, respectively. In the strong coupling limit, atom and cavity can exchange a photon frequently before coherence is lost. This important regime has been reached both in cavity and circuit QED, but the design flexibility and engineering potential of the latter allowed for increasing the ratio between the atom-cavity coupling rate and the cavity transition frequency above the percent level. While these experiments are well described by the renowned Jaynes-Cummings model, novel physics is expected in the ultrastrong coupling limit. Here, we report on the first experimental realization of a superconducting circuit QED system in the ultrastrong coupling limit and present direct evidence for the breakdown of the Jaynes-Cummings model.
56. Switchable Ultrastrong Coupling in Circuit QED
Superconducting quantum circuits possess the ingredients for quantum information processing and for developing on-chip microwave quantum optics.
From the initial manipulation of few-level superconducting systems (qubits) to their strong coupling to microwave resonators, the time has come to consider the generation and characterization of propagating quantum microwaves. In this paper, we design a key ingredient that will prove essential in the general frame: a swtichable coupling between qubit(s) and transmission line(s) that can work in the ultrastrong coupling regime, where the coupling strength approaches the qubit transition frequency. We propose several setups where two or more loops of Josephson junctions are directly connected to a closed (cavity) or open transmission line. We demonstrate that the circuit induces a coupling that can be modulated in strength and type. Given recent studies showing the accessibility to the ultrastrong regime, we expect our ideas to have an immediate impact in ongoing experiments.
55. Zeno physics in ultrastrong-coupling circuit QED
We study the Zeno and anti-Zeno effects in a superconducting qubit interacting strongly and ultrastrongly with a microwave resonator. Using a model of a frequently measured two-level system interacting with a quantized mode, we show different behaviors and total control of the Zeno times depending on whether the rotating-wave approximation can be applied in the Jaynes-Cummings model, or not. We exemplify showing the strong dependence of our results with the properties of the initial field states and suggest applications for quantum tomography.
54. Dynamics of entanglement via propagating microwave photons
We propose a simple circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) experiment to test the generation of entanglement between two superconducting qubits. Instead of the usual cavity QED picture, we study qubits which are coupled to an open transmission line and get entangled by the exchange of propagating photons. We compute their dynamics using a full quantum field theory beyond the rotating-wave approximation and explore a variety of regimes which go from a weak coupling to the recently introduced ultrastrong coupling regime. Due to the existence of single photons traveling along the line with finite speed, our theory shows a light cone dividing the spacetime in two different regions. In one region, entanglement may only arise due to correlated vacuum fluctuations, while in the other the contribution from exchanged photons shows up.
53. Photodetection of propagating quantum microwaves in circuit QED
We develop the theory of a metamaterial composed of an array of discrete quantum absorbers inside a one-dimensional waveguide that implements a high-efficiency microwave photon detector. A basic design consists of a few metastable superconducting nanocircuits spread inside and coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide in a circuit QED setup. The arrival of a {\it propagating} quantum microwave field induces an irreversible change in the population of the internal levels of the absorbers, due to a selective absorption of photon excitations. This design is studied using a formal but simple quantum field theory, which allows us to evaluate the single-photon absorption efficiency for one and many absorber setups. As an example, we consider a particular design that combines a coplanar coaxial waveguide with superconducting phase qubits, a natural but not exclusive playground for experimental implementations. This work and a possible experimental realization may stimulate the possible arrival of “all-optical” quantum information processing with propagating quantum microwaves, where a microwave photodetector could play a key role.
52. Correlated hopping of bosonic atoms induced by optical lattices
In this work we analyze a particular setup with ultracold atoms trapped in state-dependent lattices. We show that any asymmetry in the contact interaction translates into one of two classes of correlated hopping. After deriving the effective lattice Hamiltonian for the atoms, we obtain analytically and numerically the different phases and quantum phase transitions. We find for weak correlated hopping both Mott insulators and charge density waves, while for stronger correlated hopping the system transitions into a pair superfluid. We demonstrate that this phase exists for a wide range of interaction asymmetries and has interesting correlation properties that differentiate it from an ordinary atomic Bose-Einstein condensate.
51. Microwave Photon Detector in Circuit QED
Quantum optical photodetection has occupied a central role in understanding radiation-matter interactions. It has also contributed to the development of atomic physics and quantum optics, including applications to metrology, spectroscopy, and quantum information processing. The quantum microwave regime, originally explored using cavities and atoms, is seeing a novel boost with the generation of nonclassical propagating fields in circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). This promising field, involving potential developments in quantum information with microwave photons, suffers from the absence of photodetectors. Here, we design a metamaterial composed of discrete superconducting elements that implements a high-efficiency microwave photon detector. Our design consists of a microwave guide coupled to an array of metastable quantum circuits, whose internal states are irreversibly changed due to the absorption of photons. This proposal can be widely applied to different physical systems and can be generalized to implement a microwave photon counter.
50. Lieb-Liniger model of a dissipation-induced Tonks-Girardeau gas
We show that strong inelastic interactions between bosons in one dimension create a Tonks-Girardeau gas, much as in the case of elastic interactions. We derive a Markovian master equation that describes the loss caused by the inelastic collisions. This yields a loss rate equation and a dissipative Lieb-Liniger model for short times. We obtain an analytic expression for the pair correlation function in the limit of strong dissipation. Numerical calculations show how a diverging dissipation strength leads to a vanishing of the actual loss rate and renders an additional elastic part of the interaction irrelevant.
49. Preparation of decoherence-free cluster states with optical superlattices
We present a protocol to prepare decoherence free cluster states using ultracold atoms loaded in a two dimensional superlattice. The superlattice geometry leads to an array of 2*2 plaquettes, each of them holding four spin-1/2 particles that can be used for encoding a single logical qubit in the two-fold singlet subspace, insensitive to uniform magnetic field fluctuations in any direction. Dynamical manipulation of the supperlattice yields distinct inter and intra plaquette interactions and permits to realize one qubit and two qubit gates with high fidelity, leading to the generation of universal cluster states for measurement based quantum computation. Our proposal based on inter and intra plaquette interactions also opens the path to study polymerized Hamiltonians which support ground states describing arbitrary quantum circuits.
48. Dissipation-induced hard-core boson gas in an optical lattice
We present a theoretical investigation of a lattice Tonks-gas that is created by inelastic, instead of elastic interactions. An analytical calculation shows that in the limit of strong two-body losses, the dynamics of the system is effectively that of a Tonks gas. We also derive an analytic expression for the effective loss rate. We find good agreement between these analytical results and results from a rigorous numerical calculation. The Tonks character of the gas is visible both in a reduced effective loss rate and in the momentum distribution of the gas.
Strongly correlated states in many-body systems are traditionally created using elastic interparticle interactions. Here we show that inelastic interactions between particles can also drive a system into the strongly correlated regime. This is shown by an experimental realization of a specific strongly correlated system, namely a one-dimensional molecular Tonks-Girardeau gas.
46. Strong correlation effects and quantum information theory of low dimensional atomic gases
45. Strong Dissipation Inhibits Losses and Induces Correlations in Cold Molecular Gases
Atomic quantum gases in the strong-correlation regime offer unique possibilities to explore a variety of many-body quantum phenomena. Reaching this regime has usually required both strong elastic and weak inelastic interactions, as the latter produce losses. We show that strong inelastic collisions can actually inhibit particle losses and drive a system into a strongly-correlated regime. Studying the dynamics of ultracold molecules in an optical lattice confined to one dimension, we show that the particle loss rate is reduced by a factor of 10. Adding a lattice along the one dimension increases the reduction to a factor of 2000. Our results open up the possibility to observe exotic quantum many-body phenomena with systems that suffer from strong inelastic collisions.
44. Pair condensation of bosonic atoms induced by optical lattices
We design a model of correlated hopping for bosonic atoms in optical lattices. Such model exhibits three kinds of phases, comprehending a Mott insulator, a charge density wave and a pair quasi-condensate. The implementation of the model relies on two-state atoms embedded in state-dependent lattices and having spin-dependent interactions. Contrary to other models of pairing, our design is not based on perturbative effects and should be observable in current experiments.
43. Dynamical Creation of Bosonic Cooper-Like Pairs
We propose a scheme to create a metastable state of paired bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. The most salient features of this state are that the wavefunction of each pair is a Bell state and that the pair size spans half the lattice, similar to fermionic Cooper pairs. This mesoscopic state can be created with a dynamical process that involves crossing a quantum phase transition and which is supported by the symmetries of the physical system. We characterize the final state by means of a measurable two-particle correlator that detects both the presence of the pairs and their size.
42. Quantum Computing with Cold Ions and Atoms: Theory
41. Quantum simulation of Anderson and Kondo lattices with superconducting qubits
We introduce a mapping between a variety of superconducting circuits and a family of Hamiltonians describing localized magnetic impurities interacting with conduction bands. This includes the Anderson model, the single impurity one- and two-channel Kondo problem, as well as the 1D Kondo lattice. We compare the requirements for performing quantum simulations using the proposed circuits to those of universal quantum computation with superconducting qubits, singling out the specific challenges that will have to be addressed.
40. Chiral entanglement in triangular lattice models
We consider the low energy spectrum of spin-1/2 two-dimensional triangular lattice models subject to a ferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction and a three spin chiral interaction of variable strength. Initially, we consider quasi-one dimensional ladder systems of various geometries. Analytical results are derived that yield the behavior of the ground states, their energies and the transition points. The entanglement properties of the ground state of these models are examined and we find that the entanglement depends on the lattice geometry due to frustration effects. To this end, the chirality of a given quantum state is used as a witness of tripartite entanglement. Finally, the two dimensional model is investigated numerically by means of exact diagonalization and indications are presented that the low energy sector is a chiral spin liquid.
39. Quantum ratchets for quantum communication with optical superlattices
We propose to use a quantum ratchet to transport quantum information in a chain of atoms trapped in an optical superlattice. The quantum ratchet is created by a continuous modulation of the optical superlattice which is periodic in time and in space. Though there is zero average force acting on the atoms, we show that indeed the ratchet effect permits atoms on even and odd sites to move along opposite directions. By loading the optical lattice with two-level bosonic atoms, this scheme permits to perfectly transport a qubit or entangled state imprinted in one or more atoms to any desired position in the lattice. From the quantum computation point of view, the transport is achieved by a smooth concatenation of perfect swap gates. We analyze setups with noninteracting and interacting particles and in the latter case we use the tools of optimal control to design optimal modulations. We also discuss the feasibility of this method in current experiments.
38. Course 4 Quantum optical implementation of quantum information processing
37. Multipole spatial vector solitons
36. Vortex revivals with trapped light
35. Fragmentation and destruction of the superfluid due to frustration of cold atoms in optical lattices
A one dimensional optical lattice is considered where a second dimension is encoded in the internal states of the atoms giving effective ladder systems. Frustration is introduced by an additional optical lattice that induces tunneling of superposed atomic states. The effects of frustration range from the stabilization of the Mott insulator phase with ferromagnetic order, to the breakdown of superfluidity and the formation of a macroscopically fragmented phase.
34. Publisher’s Note: Efficient algorithm for multiqudit twirling for ensemble quantum computation [Phys. Rev. A75, 042311 (2007)]
33. Efficient algorithm for multiqudit twirling for ensemble quantum computation
We present an efficient algorithm for twirling a multi-qudit quantum state. The algorithm can be used for approximating the twirling operation in an ensemble of physical systems in which the systems cannot be individually accessed. It can also be used for computing the twirled density matrix on a classical computer. The method is based on a simple non-unitary operation involving a random unitary. When applying this basic building block iteratively, the mean squared error of the approximation decays exponentially. In contrast, when averaging over random unitary matrices the error decreases only algebraically. We present evidence that the unitaries in our algorithm can come from a very imperfect random source or can even be chosen deterministically from a set of cyclically alternating matrices. Based on these ideas we present a quantum circuit realizing twirling efficiently.
32. How Much Entanglement Can Be Generated between Two Atoms by Detecting Photons?
It is possible to achieve an arbitrary amount of entanglement between two atoms using only spontaneously emitted photons, linear optics, single photon sources and projective measurements. This is in contrast to all current experimental proposals for entangling two atoms, which are fundamentally restricted to one entanglement bit or ebit.
31. Time evolution of Matrix Product States
In this work we develop several new simulation algorithms for 1D many-body quantum mechanical systems combining the Matrix Product State variational ansatz with Taylor, Pad\’e and Arnoldi approximations to the evolution operator. By comparing with previous techniques based on MPS and DMRG we demonstrate that the Arnoldi method is the best one, reaching extremely good accuracy with moderate resources. Finally we apply this algorithm to studying how correlations are transferred from the atomic to the molecular cloud when crossing a Feschbach resonance with two-species hard-core bosons in a 1D optical lattice.
30. Cooling toolbox for atoms in optical lattices
We propose and analyze several schemes for cooling bosonic and fermionic atoms in an optical lattice potential close to the ground state of the no-tunnelling regime. Some of the protocols rely on the concept of algorithmic cooling, which combines occupation number filtering with ideas from ensemble quantum computation. We also design algorithms that create an ensemble of defect-free quantum registers. We study the efficiency of our protocols for realistic temperatures and in the presence of a harmonic confinement. We also propose an incoherent physical implementation of filtering which can be operated in a continuous way.
29. Ground-state cooling of atoms in optical lattices
We propose two schemes for cooling bosonic and fermionic atoms that are trapped in a deep optical lattice. The first scheme is a quantum algorithm based on particle number filtering and state dependent lattice shifts. The second protocol alternates filtering with a redistribution of particles by means of quantum tunnelling. We provide a complete theoretical analysis of both schemes and characterize the cooling efficiency in terms of the entropy. Our schemes do not require addressing of single lattice sites and use a novel method, which is based on coherent laser control, to perform very fast filtering.
28. Coherent control and geometrical phases for trapped ions
27. Coherent control of trapped ions using off-resonant lasers
In this paper we develop a unified framework to study the coherent control of trapped ions subject to state-dependent forces. Taking different limits in our theory, we can reproduce two different designs of a two-qubit quantum gate –the pushing gate [1] and the fast gates based on laser pulses from Ref. [2]–, and propose a new design based on continuous laser beams. We demonstrate how to simulate Ising Hamiltonians in a many ions setup, and how to create highly entangled states and induce squeezing. Finally, in a detailed analysis we identify the physical limits of this technique and study the dependence of errors on the temperature. [1] J.I. Cirac, P. Zoller, Nature, 404, 579, 2000. [2] J.J. Garcia-Ripoll, P. Zoller, J.I. Cirac, PRL 67, 062318, 2003
26. Quantum information processing with cold atoms and trapped ions
25. Implementation of Spin Hamiltonians in Optical Lattices
We propose an optical lattice setup to investigate spin chains and ladders. Electric and magnetic fields allow us to vary at will the coupling constants, producing a variety of quantum phases including the Haldane phase, critical phases, quantum dimers etc. Numerical simulations are presented showing how ground states can be prepared adiabatically. We also propose ways to measure a number of observables, like energy gap, staggered magnetization, end-chain spins effects, spin correlations and the string order parameter.
24. Matrix Product Density Operators: Simulation of Finite-Temperature and Dissipative Systems
We show how to simulate numerically both the evolution of 1D quantum systems under dissipation as well as in thermal equilibrium. The method applies to both finite and inhomogeneous systems and it is based on two ideas: (a) a representation for density operators which extends that of matrix product states to mixed states; (b) an algorithm to approximate the evolution (in real or imaginary time) of such states which is variational (and thus optimal) in nature.
23. Spin dynamics for bosons in an optical lattice
We study the internal dynamics of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. Within the regime in which the atomic crystal is a Mott insulator with one atom per well, the atoms behave as localized spins which interact according to some spin Hamiltonian. The type of Hamiltonian (Heisenberg, Ising), and the sign of interactions may be tuned by changing the properties of the optical lattice, or applying external magnetic fields. When, on the other hand, the number of atoms per lattice site is unknown, we can still use the bosons to perform general quantum computation.
22. Quantum computation with cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice
arXiv:quant-ph/0406144, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 361 (1808), 1537-1548 (2003)
We analyse an implementation of a quantum computer using bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. We show that, even though the number of atoms per site and the tunneling rate between neighbouring sites is unknown, one may perform a universal set of gates by means of adiabatic passage.
21. Variational ansatz for the superfluid Mott-insulator transition in optical lattices
We develop a variational wave function for the ground state of a one-dimensional bosonic lattice gas. The variational theory is initally developed for the quantum rotor model and later on extended to the Bose-Hubbard model. This theory is compared with quasi-exact numerical results obtained by Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) studies and with results from other analytical approximations. Our approach accurately gives local properties for strong and weak interactions, and it also describes the crossover from the superfluid phase to the Mott-insulator phase.
20. Speed Optimized Two-Qubit Gates with Laser Coherent Control Techniques for Ion Trap Quantum Computing
We propose a new concept for a two-qubit gate operating on a pair of trapped ions based on laser coherent control techniques. The gate is insensitive to the temperature of the ions, works also outside the Lamb-Dicke regime, requires no individual addressing by lasers, and can be orders of magnitude faster than the trap period.
19. Scattering of dipole-mode vector solitons: Theory and experiment
18. Optimizing Schrödinger Functionals Using Sobolev Gradients: Applications to Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinear Optics
In this paper we study the application of the Sobolev gradients technique to the problem of minimizing several Schr\”odinger functionals related to timely and difficult nonlinear problems in Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinear Optics. We show that these gradients act as preconditioners over traditional choices of descent directions in minimization methods and show a computationally inexpensive way to obtain them using a discrete Fourier basis and a Fast Fourier Transform. We show that the Sobolev preconditioning provides a great convergence improvement over traditional techniques for finding solutions with minimal energy as well as stationary states and suggest a generalization of the method using arbitrary linear operators.
17. Quantum Computation with Unknown Parameters
We show how it is possible to realize quantum computations on a system in which most of the parameters are practically unknown. We illustrate our results with a novel implementation of a quantum computer by means of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice. In particular we show how a universal set of gates can be carried out even if the number of atoms per site is uncertain.
16. A quasi-local Gross–Pitaevskii equation for attractive Bose–Einstein condensates
15. Split vortices in optically coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
We study a rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in which an optically induced Josephson coupling allows for population transfer between the two species. In a regime where separation of species is favored, the ground state of the rotating system displays domain walls with velocity fields normal to them. Such a configuration looks like a vortex split into two halves, with atoms circulating around the vortex and changing their internal state in a continuous way.
14. Moment analysis of paraxial propagation in a nonlinear graded index fibre
13. Structural Instability of Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates
In this paper we study a gaseous Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and show that: (i) A minimum value of the interaction is needed for the existence of stable persistent currents. (ii) Vorticity is not a fundamental invariant of the system, as there exists a conservative mechanism which can destroy a vortex and change its sign. (iii) This mechanism is suppressed by strong interactions.
12. Vortex bending and tightly packed vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates
We study in detail the counterintuitive result that in elongated rotating Bose–Einstein condensates the ground state is composed of one or more vortex lines which bend even in completely symmetric setups. This symmetry breaking allows the condensate to smoothly adapt to rotation and to produce tightly packed arrays of vortex lines.
11. Vortex nucleation and hysteresis phenomena in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
We study the generation of vortices in rotating Bose–Einstein condensates, a situation which has been realized in a recent experiment (K. W. Madison, F. Chevy, W. Wohlleben, J. Dalibard, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84} 806 (2000)). By combining a linear stability analysis with the global optimization of the nonlinear free energy functional, we study the regimes that can be reached in current experiments. We find a hysteresis phenomenon in the vortex nucleation due to the metastabilization of the vortexless condensate. We also prove that for a fast enough rotating trap the ground state of the condensate hosts one or more bent vortex lines.
10. Anomalous rotational properties of Bose-Einstein condensates in asymmetric traps
We study the rotational properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a rotating harmonic trap for different trap anisotropies. Using simple arguments, we derive expressions for the velocity field of the quantum fluid for condensates with or without vortices. While the condensed gas describes open spiraling trajectories, on the frame of reference of the rotating trap the motion of the fluid is against the trap rotation. We also find explicit formulae for the angular momentum and a linear and Thomas-Fermi solutions for the state without vortices. In these two limits we also find an analytic relation between the shape of the cloud and the rotation speed. The predictions are supported by numerical simulations of the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii model.
9. Dipole-Mode Vector Solitons
We find a new type of optical vector soliton that originates from trapping of a dipole mode by a soliton-induced waveguide. These solitons, which appear as a consequence of the vector nature of the two component system, are more stable than the previously found optical vortex-mode solitons and represent a new type of extremely robust nonlinear vector structure.
8. Dynamics of quasicollapse in nonlinear Schrödinger systems with nonlocal interactions
We study the effect of nonlocality on the collapse properties of a self-focusing Nonlinear Schr\”odinger system related to Bose-Einstein condensation problems.
Using a combination of moment techniques, time dependent variational methods and numerical simulations we present evidences in support of the hypothesis that nonlocal attractively interacting condensates cannot collapse when the dominant interaction term is due to finite range interactions. Instead there apppear oscillations of the wave packet with a localized component whose size is of the order of the range of interactions.
We discuss the implications of the results to collapse phenomena in negative scattering length Bose-Einstein condensates.
7. Stable and Unstable Vortices in Multicomponent Bose-Einstein Condensates
We study the stability and dynamics of vortices in two-species condensates as prepared in the recent JILA experiment (M. R. Andrews {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 2498). We find that of the two available configurations, in which one specie has vorticity $m=1$ and the other one has $m=0$, only one is linearly stable, which agrees with the experimental results. However, it is found that in the unstable case the vortex is not destroyed by the instability, but may be transfered from one specie to the other or display complex spatiotemporal dynamics.
6. Stability of vortices in inhomogeneous Bose condensates subject to rotation: A three-dimensional analysis
We study the stability of vortex-lines in trapped dilute gases subject to rotation. We solve numerically both the Gross-Pitaevskii and the Bogoliubov equations for a 3d condensate in spherically and cilyndrically symmetric stationary traps, from small to very large nonlinearities. In the stationary case it is found that the vortex states with unit and $m=2$ charge are energetically unstable. In the rotating trap it is found that this energetic instability may only be suppressed for the $m=1$ vortex-line, and that the multicharged vortices are never a local minimum of the energy functional, which implies that the absolute minimum of the energy is not an eigenstate of the $L_z$ operator, when the angular speed is above a certain value, $\Omega > \Omega_2$.
5. Extended Parametric Resonances in Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems
We study an example of exact parametric resonance in a extended system ruled by nonlinear partial differential equations of nonlinear Schr\”odinger type. It is also conjectured how related models not exactly solvable should behave in the same way. The results have applicability in recent experiments in Bose-Einstein condensation and to classical problems in Nonlinear Optics.
4. Spin monopoles with Bose-Einstein condensates
We study the feasibility of preparing a Bose-Einstein condensed sample of atoms in a 2D spin monopole. In this state, the atomic internal spins lie in the x-y plane, and point in the radial direction.
3. Barrier resonances in Bose-Einstein condensation
We study the dynamics of the mean field model of a Bose-Einstein condensed atom cloud in a parametrically forced trap by using analytical and numerical techniques. The dynamics is related to a classical Mathieu oscillator in a singular potential. It is found that there are wide resonances which can strongly affect the dynamics even when dissipation is present. Different geometries of the forcing are discussed, as well as the implications of our results.
2. Construction of exact solutions by spatial translations in inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equations
In this paper we study a general nonlinear Schr\”odinger equation with a time dependent harmonic potential. Despite the lack of traslational invariance we find a symmetry trasformation which, up from any solution, produces infinitely many others which are centered on classical trajectories. The results presented here imply that, not only the center of mass of the wave-packet satisfies the Ehrenfest theorem and is decoupled from the dynamics of the wave-packet, but also the shape of the solution is independent of the behaviour of the center of the wave. Our findings have implications on the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in magnetic traps
1. Two-mode theory of vortex stability in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
We study the stability and dynamics of vortices in two-species condensates using a two mode model. The recent experimental results obtained at JILA (M. R. Matthews, {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 2498) and theoretical predictions based on the Gross-Pitaevskii equations are verified. We also make an exhaustive analysis of the stability properties of the system when the relative populations of the two species and/or their relative scattering lengths are changed and prove that stabilization of otherwise unstable configurations can be attained by controlling the relative population of both species.