Scientific interests
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Information & Simulation
- Quantum metrology
- Nanophotonics
- Ultracold atoms
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Selected publications
Analog Quantum Chemistry Simulation. J. Argüello-Luengo, A. González-Tudela, T. Shi, P. Zoller and J. I. CIrac. Nature 574, 215-218 (2019)
Unconventional quantum optics in topological waveguide QED M. Bello, G. Platero, J. I. Cirac, A. González-Tudela. Science Advances 5, eaaw0297 (2019)
Colloquium: Quantum matter built from nanoscopic lattices of atoms and photons. D. E. Chang, J. S. Douglas, A. González-Tudela, C.-L. Hung, H. J. Kimble. Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 031002 (2018).
Non-Markovian Quantum Optics with Three-Dimensional State-Dependent Optical Lattices. A. González-Tudela and J. I. Cirac. Quantum 2, 97 (2018)
Efficient multiphoton generation in waveguide quantum electrodynamics. A. González-Tudela, V. Paulisch, H.J. Kimble, J. I. Cirac. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 213601 (2017)
Subwavelength vacuum lattices and atom–atom interactions in two-dimensional photonic crystals. A. González-Tudela, C.-L. Hung, D. E. Chang, J. I. Cirac, H.J. Kimble. Nature Photonics 9 (5), 320 (2015)
Two-photon spectra of quantum emitters. A. González-Tudela, F. P. Laussy, C. Tejedor, M. J. Hartmann, E. del Valle. New Journal of Physics 15 (3), 033036 (2013)
Entanglement of Two Qubits Mediated by One-Dimensional Plasmonic Waveguides. A. González-Tudela, D. Martin-Cano, E. Moreno, L. Martín-Moreno, C. Tejedor and F. J. García-Vidal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 020501 (2011)