Scientific interests
- The many-body problem
- Gauge theories
- Quantum Information & Simulation
- Tensor network states
Selected publications
- Scaling of entanglement support for matrix product states
L Tagliacozzo, TR De Oliveira, S Iblisdir, JI Latorre
Physical review B 78 (2), 024410 (2008) - Spread of correlations in long-range interacting quantum systems
P Hauke, L Tagliacozzo
Physical review letters 111 (20), 207202 (2013) - Entanglement renormalization and gauge symmetry
L Tagliacozzo, G Vidal
Physical Review B 83 (11), 115127 (2011) - Finite correlation length scaling with infinite projected entangled-pair states
P Corboz, P Czarnik, G Kapteijns, L Tagliacozzo (2018)
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031031 - Measuring multipartite entanglement through dynamic susceptibilities
P Hauke, M Heyl, L Tagliacozzo, P Zoller (2016)
Nature Physics 12 (8), 778-782 - Simulation of non-Abelian gauge theories with optical lattices
L Tagliacozzo, A Celi, P Orland, MW Mitchell, M Lewenstein
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-8(2013) - Simulation of two-dimensional quantum systems using a tree tensor network that exploits the entropic area law
L Tagliacozzo, G Evenbly, G Vidal
Physical Review B 80 (23), 235127 (209) - Tensor networks for lattice gauge theories with continuous groups
L Tagliacozzo, A Celi, M Lewenstein
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041024 (2014) - Converting Long-Range Entanglement into Mixture: Tensor-Network Approach to Local Equilibration
Miguel Frías-Pérez, Luca Tagliacozzo, and Mari Carmen Bañuls
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 100402 – Published 7 March 2024
More publications are available in Google Scholar, arXiv.