Publications of Alberto Muñoz de las Heras

Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 12 entries.

12. Improving quantum metrology protocols with programmable photonic circuits

A. Muñoz de las Heras, D. Porras, A. González-Tudela
Photonic quantum metrology enables the measurement of physical parameters with precision surpassing classical limits by using quantum states of light. However, generating states providing a large metrological advantage is hard because standard probabilistic methods suffer from low generation rates. Deterministic protocols using non-linear interactions offer a path to overcome this problem, but they are currently limited by the errors introduced during the interaction time. Thus, finding strategies to minimize the interaction time of these non-linearities is still a relevant question. In this work, we introduce and compare different deterministic strategies based on continuous and programmable Jaynes-Cummings and Kerr-type interactions, aiming to maximize the metrological advantage while minimizing the interaction time. We find that programmable interactions provide a larger metrological advantage than continuous operations at the expense of slightly larger interaction times. We show that while for Jaynes-Cummings non-linearities the interaction time grows with the photon number, for Kerr-type ones it decreases, favoring the scalability to big photon numbers. Finally, we also optimize different measurement strategies for the deterministically generated states based on photon-counting and homodyne detection.

11. Improving quantum metrology protocols with programmable photonic circuits

Alberto Muñoz de las Heras, Diego Porras, Alejandro González-Tudela
Photonic quantum metrology enables the measurement of physical parameters with precision surpassing classical limits by using quantum states of light. However, generating states providing a large metrological advantage is hard because standard probabilistic methods suffer from low generation rates. Deterministic protocols using non-linear interactions offer a path to overcome this problem, but they are currently limited by the errors introduced during the interaction time. Thus, finding strategies to minimize the interaction time of these non-linearities is still a relevant question. In this work, we introduce and compare different deterministic strategies based on continuous and programmable Jaynes-Cummings and Kerr-type interactions, aiming to maximize the metrological advantage while minimizing the interaction time. We find that programmable interactions provide a larger metrological advantage than continuous operations at the expense of slightly larger interaction times. We show that while for Jaynes-Cummings non-linearities the interaction time grows with the photon number, for Kerr-type ones it decreases, favoring the scalability to big photon numbers. Finally, we also optimize different measurement strategies for the deterministically generated states based on photon-counting and homodyne detection.

10. Nonlinearity-enabled localization in driven-dissipative photonic lattices

A. Muñoz de las Heras, A. Amo, A. González-Tudela
Recent experimental work has demonstrated the ability to achieve reconfigurable photon localization in lossy photonic lattices by continuously driving them with lasers strategically positioned at specific locations. This localization results from the perfect, destructive interference of light emitted from different positions and, because of that, occurs only at very specific frequencies. Here, we examine this localization regime in the presence of standard optical Kerr non-linearities, such as those found in polaritonic lattices, and show that they stabilize driven-dissipative localization across frequency ranges significantly broader than those observed in the linear regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that, contrary to intuition, in most siutations this driven-dissipative localization does not enhance non-linear effects like optical bistabilities, due to a concurrent reduction in overall intensities. Nevertheless, we are able to identify certain parameter regions where non-linear enhancement is achieved, corresponding to situations where emission from different spots constructively interferes.

9. Photonic quantum metrology with variational quantum optical nonlinearities

A. Muñoz de las Heras, C. Tabares, J. T. Schneider, L. Tagliacozzo, D. Porras, A. González-Tudela
Photonic quantum metrology harnesses quantum states of light, such as NOON or Twin-Fock states, to measure unknown parameters beyond classical precision limits. Current protocols suffer from two severe limitations that preclude their scalability: the exponential decrease in fidelities (or probabilities) when generating states with large photon numbers due to gate errors, and the increased sensitivity of such states to noise. Here, we develop a deterministic protocol combining quantum optical non-linearities and variational quantum algorithms that provides a substantial improvement on both fronts. First, we show how the variational protocol can generate metrologically-relevant states with a small number of operations which does not significantly depend on photon-number, resulting in exponential improvements in fidelities when gate errors are considered. Second, we show that such states offer a better robustness to noise compared to other states in the literature. Since our protocol harnesses interactions already appearing in state-of-the-art setups, such as cavity QED, we expect that it will lead to more scalable photonic quantum metrology in the near future.

8. Variational Quantum Simulators Based on Waveguide QED

C. Tabares, A. Muñoz de las Heras, L. Tagliacozzo, D. Porras, A. González-Tudela
Waveguide QED simulators are analogue quantum simulators made by quantum emitters interacting with one-dimensional photonic band-gap materials. One of their remarkable features is that they can be used to engineer tunable-range emitter interactions. Here, we demonstrate how these interactions can be a resource to develop more efficient variational quantum algorithms for certain problems. In particular, we illustrate their power in creating wavefunction ans\”atze that capture accurately the ground state of quantum critical spin models (XXZ and Ising) with less gates and optimization parameters than other variational ans\”atze based on nearest-neighbor or infinite-range entangling gates. Finally, we study the potential advantages of these waveguide ans\”atze in the presence of noise. Overall, these results evidence the potential of using the interaction range as a variational parameter and place waveguide QED simulators as a promising platform for variational quantum algorithms.

7. Optical isolators based on nonreciprocal four-wave mixing

A. Muñoz de las Heras, I. Carusotto
In this work we propose and theoretically characterize optical isolators consisting of an all-dielectric and non-magnetic resonator featuring an intensity-dependent refractive index and a strong coherent field propagating in a single direction. Such devices can be straightforwardly realized in state-of-the-art integrated photonics platforms. The mechanism underlying optical isolation is based on the breaking of optical reciprocity induced by the asymmetric action of four-wave mixing processes coupling a strong propagating pump field with co-propagating signal/idler modes but not with reverse-propagating ones. Taking advantage of a close analogy with fluids of light, our proposed isolation mechanism is physically understood in terms of the Bogoliubov dispersion of collective excitations on top of the strong pump beam. A few most relevant set-ups realizing our proposal are specifically investigated, such as a coherently illuminated passive ring resonator and unidirectionally lasing ring or Taiji resonators.

6. Non-Hermitian and Topological Features of Photonic Systems

Alberto Munoz De Las Heras

5. Unidirectional lasing in nonlinear Taiji microring resonators

A. Muñoz de las Heras, I. Carusotto
We develop a general formalism to study laser operation in active micro-ring resonators supporting two counterpropagating modes. Our formalism is based on the coupled-mode equations of motion for the field amplitudes in the two counterpropagating modes and a linearized analysis of the small perturbations around the steady state. We show that the devices including an additional S-shaped waveguide establishing an unidirectional coupling between both modes — the so-called Taiji resonators (TJR) — feature a preferred chirality on the laser emission and can ultimately lead to unidirectional lasing even in the presence of sizable backscattering. The efficiency of this mode selection process is further reinforced by the Kerr nonlinearity of the material. This stable unidirectional laser operation can be seen as an effective breaking of $\mathcal{T}$-reversal symmetry dynamically induced by the breaking of the $\mathcal{P}$-symmetry of the underlying device geometry. This mechanism appears as a promising building block to ensure non-reciprocal behaviors in integrated photonic networks and topological lasers without the need for magnetic elements.

4. Influence of the bus waveguide on the linear and nonlinear response of a taiji microresonator

Riccardo Franchi, Stefano Biasi, Alberto Muñoz de las Heras, Mher Ghulinyan, Iacopo Carusotto, Lorenzo Pavesi
We study the linear and nonlinear response of a unidirectional reflector where a nonlinear breaking of the Lorentz reciprocity is observed. The device under test consists of a racetrack microresonator, with an embedded S-shaped waveguide, coupled to an external bus waveguide (BW). This geometry of the microresonator, known as “taiji” microresonator (TJMR), allows to selectively couple counter-propagating modes depending on the propagation direction of the incident light and, at the nonlinear level, leads to an effective breaking of Lorentz reciprocity. Here, we show that a full description of the device needs to consider also the role of the BW, which introduces (i) Fabry-Perot oscillations (FPOs) due to reflections at its facets, and (ii) asymmetric losses, which depend on the actual position of the TJMR. At sufficiently low powers the asymmetric loss does not affect the unidirectional behavior, but the FP interference fringes can cancel the effect of the S-shaped waveguide. However, at high input power, both the asymmetric loss and the FPOs contribute to the redistribution of the energy between the clockwise and counterclockwise modes within the TJMR. This strongly modifies the nonlinear response, giving rise to counter-intuitive features where, due to the FP effect and the asymmetric losses, the BW properties can determine the violation of the Lorentz reciprocity and, in particular, the difference between the transmittance in the two directions of excitation. The experimental results are explained by using an analytical model based on the transfer matrix approach, a numerical finite-element model and exploiting intuitive interference diagrams.

3. Nonlinearity-Induced Reciprocity Breaking in a Single Nonmagnetic Taiji Resonator

A. Muñoz de las Heras, R. Franchi, S. Biasi, M. Ghulinyan, L. Pavesi, I. Carusotto
We report on the demonstration of an effective, nonlinearity-induced non-reciprocal behavior in a single non-magnetic multi-mode Taiji resonator. Non-reciprocity is achieved by a combination of an intensity-dependent refractive index and of a broken spatial reflection symmetry. Continuous wave power dependent transmission experiments show non-reciprocity and a direction-dependent optical bistability loop. These can be explained in terms of the unidirectional mode coupling that causes an asymmetric power enhancement in the resonator. The observations are quantitatively reproduced by a numerical finite-element theory and physically explained by an analytical coupled-mode theory. This nonlinear Taiji resonator has the potential of being the building block of large arrays where to study topological and/or non-Hermitian physics. This represents an important step towards the miniaturization of nonreciprocal elements for photonic integrated networks.

2. Anyonic Molecules in Atomic Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids: A Quantitative Probe of Fractional Charge and Anyonic Statistics

A. Muñoz de las Heras, E. Macaluso, I. Carusotto
We study the quantum dynamics of massive impurities embedded in a strongly interacting two-dimensional atomic gas driven into the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) regime under the effect of a synthetic magnetic field. For suitable values of the atom-impurity interaction strength, each impurity can capture one or more quasi-hole excitations of the FQH liquid, forming a bound molecular state with novel physical properties. An effective Hamiltonian for such anyonic molecules is derived within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, which provides renormalized values for their effective mass, charge and statistics by combining the finite mass of the impurity with the fractional charge and statistics of the quasi-holes. The renormalized mass and charge of a single molecule can be extracted from the cyclotron orbit that it describes as a free particle in a magnetic field. The anyonic statistics introduces a statistical phase between the direct and exchange scattering channels of a pair of indistinguishable colliding molecules, and can be measured from the angular position of the interference fringes in the differential scattering cross section. Implementations of such schemes beyond cold atomic gases are highlighted, in particular in photonic systems.

1. Early-time dynamics of Bose gases quenched into the strongly interacting regime

A. Muñoz de las Heras, M. M. Parish, F. M. Marchetti

Creation log.