Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 4 entries.
4. Pseudospectral method for solving PDEs using Matrix Product States
This research focuses on solving time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs), in particular the time-dependent Schr\”odinger equation, using matrix product states (MPS). We propose an extension of Hermite Distributed Approximating Functionals (HDAF) to MPS, a highly accurate pseudospectral method for approximating functions of derivatives. Integrating HDAF into an MPS finite precision algebra, we test four types of quantum-inspired algorithms for time evolution: explicit Runge-Kutta methods, Crank-Nicolson method, explicitly restarted Arnoli iteration and split-step. The benchmark problem is the expansion of a particle in a quantum quench, characterized by a rapid increase in space requirements, where HDAF surpasses traditional finite difference methods in accuracy with a comparable cost. Moreover, the efficient HDAF approximation to the free propagator avoids the need for Fourier transforms in split-step methods, significantly enhancing their performance with an improved balance in cost and accuracy. Both approaches exhibit similar error scaling and run times compared to FFT vector methods; however, MPS offer an exponential advantage in memory, overcoming vector limitations to enable larger discretizations and expansions. Finally, the MPS HDAF split-step method successfully reproduces the physical behavior of a particle expansion in a double-well potential, demonstrating viability for actual research scenarios.
3. Global optimization of MPS in quantum-inspired numerical analysis
This work discusses the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) using matrix product states (MPS). The study focuses on the search for the lowest eigenstates of a Hamiltonian equation, for which five algorithms are introduced: imaginary-time evolution, steepest gradient descent, an improved gradient descent, an implicitly restarted Arnoldi method, and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) optimization. The first four methods are engineered using a framework of limited-precision linear algebra, where operations between MPS and matrix product operators (MPOs) are implemented with finite resources. All methods are benchmarked using the PDE for a quantum harmonic oscillator in up to two dimensions, over a regular grid with up to $2^{28}$ points. Our study reveals that all MPS-based techniques outperform exact diagonalization techniques based on vectors, with respect to memory usage. Imaginary-time algorithms are shown to underperform any type of gradient descent, both in terms of calibration needs and costs. Finally, Arnoldi like methods and DMRG asymptotically outperform all other methods, including exact diagonalization, as problem size increases, with an exponential advantage in memory and time usage.
2. Mitigating noise in digital and digital–analog quantum computation
Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices lack error correction, limiting scalability for quantum algorithms. In this context, digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) offers a more resilient alternative quantum computing paradigm that outperforms digital quantum computation by combining the flexibility of single-qubit gates with the robustness of analog simulations. This work explores the impact of noise on both digital and DAQC paradigms and demonstrates DAQC’s effectiveness in error mitigation. We compare the quantum Fourier transform and quantum phase estimation algorithms under a wide range of single and two-qubit noise sources in superconducting processors. DAQC consistently surpasses digital approaches in fidelity, particularly as processor size increases. Moreover, zero-noise extrapolation further enhances DAQC by mitigating decoherence and intrinsic errors, achieving fidelities above 0.95 for 8 qubits, and reducing computation errors to the order of $10^{-3}$. These results establish DAQC as a viable alternative for quantum computing in the NISQ era.
1. Quantum Fourier analysis for multivariate functions and applications to a class of Schrödinger-type partial differential equations
In this work, we develop a highly efficient representation of functions and differential operators based on Fourier analysis. Using this representation, we create a variational hybrid quantum algorithm to solve static, Schr\”odinger-type, Hamiltonian partial differential equations (PDEs), using space-efficient variational circuits, including the symmetries of the problem, and global and gradient-based optimizers. We use this algorithm to benchmark the performance of the representation techniques by means of the computation of the ground state in three PDEs, i.e., the one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator, and the transmon and flux qubits, studying how they would perform in ideal and near-term quantum computers. With the Fourier methods developed here, we obtain low infidelities of order $10^{-4}-10^{-5}$ using only three to four qubits, demonstrating the high compression of information in a quantum computer. Practical fidelities are limited by the noise and the errors of the evaluation of the cost function in real computers, but they can also be improved through error mitigation techniques.