Publications list derived from arXiv and ORCID with 33 entries.
33. Vibrational parametric arrays with trapped ions: non-Hermitian topological phases and quantum sensing
We consider a linear array of trapped ions subjected to local parametric modulation of the trapping potential and continuous laser cooling. In our model, the phase of the parametric modulation varies linearly along the array, breaking time-reversal symmetry and inducing non-trivial topological effects. The linear response to an external force is investigated with the Green’s function formalism. We predict the appearance of topological amplification regimes in which the trapped ion array behaves as a directional amplifier of vibrational excitations. The emergence of topological phases is determined by a winding number related to non-Hermitian point-gap topology. Beyond its fundamental interests as a topological driven-dissipative system, our setup can be used for quantum sensing of ultra-weak forces and electric fields. We consider a scheme in which a trapped ion at one edge of the array acts as a sensor of an ultra-weak force, and the vibrational signal gets amplified towards the last trapped ion, which acts as a detector. We consider arrays of 2-30 $^{25}$Mg$^+$ ions, assuming that the detector ion’s displacement is measured via fluorescence with a spatial resolution of 200-500 nm, and predict sensitivities as small as 1 yN $\cdot$ Hz$^{-1/2}$. Our system has the advantage that the detected force frequency can be tuned by adjusting the frequency of the periodic drive.
32. Emerging Non-Hermitian Topology in a Chiral Driven-Dissipative Bose-Hubbard Model
We introduce a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard chain describing coupled lossy photonic modes, in which time-reversal symmetry is broken by a coherent drive with a uniform phase gradient. We investigate this model by means of a Gaussian variational ansatz and numerically prove that the steady-state solution is stabilized by an inhomogeneous profile of the driving amplitude, which damps out boundary effects. Our calculations unveil a non-equilibrium phase diagram showing low- and high-density phases for photons separated by a phase coexistence region in which the system exhibits the phenomenon of topological amplification and is characterized by a finite non-Hermitian winding number. Our work shows the emergence of non-Hermitian topological phases in an interacting model that can be naturally implemented with superconducting circuits.
31. Passive photonic CZ gate with two-level emitters in chiral multi-mode waveguide QED
Engineering deterministic photonic gates with simple resources is one of the long-standing challenges in photonic quantum computing. Here, we design a passive conditional gate between co-propagating photons using an array of only two-level emitters. The key resource is to harness the effective photon-photon interaction induced by the chiral coupling of the emitter array to two waveguide modes with different resonant momenta at the emitter’s transition frequency. By studying the system’s multi-photon scattering response, we demonstrate that, in certain limits, this configuration induces a non-linear $\pi$-phase shift between the polariton eigenstates of the system without distorting spectrally the wavepackets. Then, we show how to harness this non-linear phase shift to engineer a conditional, deterministic photonic gate in different qubit encodings, with a fidelity arbitrarily close to 1 in the limit of large number of emitters and coupling efficiency. Our configuration can be implemented in topological photonic platforms with multiple chiral edge modes, opening their use for quantum information processing, or in other setups where such chiral multi-mode waveguide scenario can be obtained, e.g., in spin-orbit coupled optical fibers or photonic crystal waveguides.
30. Topological Josephson parametric amplifier array: A proposal for directional, broadband, and low-noise amplification
Low-noise microwave amplifiers are crucial for detecting weak signals in fields such as quantum technology and radio astronomy. However, designing an ideal amplifier is challenging, as it must cover a wide frequency range, add minimal noise, and operate directionally – amplifying signals only in the observer’s direction while protecting the source from environmental interference. In this work, we demonstrate that an array of non-linearly coupled Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPAs) can collectively function as a directional, broadband quantum amplifier by harnessing topological effects. By applying a collective four-wave-mixing pump with inhomogeneous amplitudes and linearly increasing phase, we break time-reversal symmetry in the JPA array and stabilize a topological amplification regime where signals are exponentially amplified in one direction and exponentially suppressed in the opposite. We show that compact devices with few sites $N\sim 11-17$ can achieve exceptional performance, with gains exceeding 20 dB over a bandwidth ranging from hundreds of MHz to GHz, and reverse isolation suppressing backward noise by more than 30 dB across all frequencies. The device also operates near the quantum noise limit and provides topological protection against up to 15% fabrication disorder, effectively suppressing gain ripples. The amplifier’s intrinsic directionality eliminates the need for external isolators, paving the way for fully on-chip, near-ideal superconducting pre-amplifiers.
29. Scalable multiphoton generation from cavity-synchronized single-photon sources
We propose an efficient, scalable, and deterministic scheme to generate multiple indistinguishable photons over independent channels, on demand. Our design relies on multiple single-photon sources, each coupled to a waveguide, and all of them interact with a common cavity mode. The cavity synchronizes and triggers the simultaneous emission of one photon by each source, which are collected by the waveguides. For a state-of-the-art circuit QED implementation, this scheme supports the creation of single photons with purity, indistinguishability, and efficiency of $99\%$ at rates of $\sim $MHz. We also discuss conditions to produce up to 100 photons simultaneously with generation rates of hundreds of kHz. This is orders of magnitude more efficient than previous demultiplexed sources for boson sampling and enables the realization of deterministic multi-photon sources and scalable quantum information processing with photons.
28. Passive Photonic CZ Gate with Two-Level Emitters in Chiral Multimode Waveguide QED
Engineering deterministic photonic gates with simple resources is one of the long-standing challenges in photonic quantum computing. Here, we design a passive conditional gate between co-propagating photons using an array of only two-level emitters. The key resource is to harness the effective photon-photon interaction induced by the chiral coupling of the emitter array to two waveguide modes with different resonant momenta at the emitter’s transition frequency. By studying the system’s multi-photon scattering response, we demonstrate that, in certain limits, this configuration induces a non-linear $\pi$-phase shift between the polariton eigenstates of the system without distorting spectrally the wavepackets. Then, we show how to harness this non-linear phase shift to engineer a conditional, deterministic photonic gate in different qubit encodings, with a fidelity arbitrarily close to 1 in the limit of large number of emitters and coupling efficiency. Our configuration can be implemented in topological photonic platforms with multiple chiral edge modes, opening their use for quantum information processing, or in other setups where such chiral multi-mode waveguide scenario can be obtained, e.g., in spin-orbit coupled optical fibers or photonic crystal waveguides.
27. Scalable multiphoton generation from cavity-synchronized single-photon sources
We propose an efficient, scalable, and deterministic scheme to generate multiple indistinguishable photons over independent channels, on demand. Our design relies on multiple single-photon sources, each coupled to a waveguide, and all of them interact with a common cavity mode. The cavity synchronizes and triggers the simultaneous emission of one photon by each source, which are collected by the waveguides. For a state-of-the-art circuit QED implementation, this scheme supports the creation of single photons with purity, indistinguishability, and efficiency of $99\%$ at rates of $\sim $MHz. We also discuss conditions to produce up to 100 photons simultaneously with generation rates of hundreds of kHz. This is orders of magnitude more efficient than previous demultiplexed sources for boson sampling and enables the realization of deterministic multi-photon sources and scalable quantum information processing with photons.
26. Transmon-qubit readout using an in situ bifurcation amplification in the mesoscopic regime
We demonstrate a transmon qubit readout based on the nonlinear response to a drive of polaritonic meters in-situ coupled to the qubit. Inside a 3D readout cavity, we place a transmon molecule consisting of a transmon qubit and an ancilla mode interacting via non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling. The cavity couples strongly only to the ancilla mode, leading to hybridized lower and upper polaritonic meters. Both polaritons are anharmonic and dissipative, as they inherit a self-Kerr nonlinearity $U$ from the ancilla and effective decay $\kappa$ from the open cavity. Via the ancilla, the polariton meters also inherit the non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling to the qubit. This results in a high qubit-dependent displacement $2\chi > \kappa, ~U$ that can be read out via the cavity without causing Purcell decay. Moreover, the polariton meters, being nonlinear resonators, present bistability, and bifurcation behavior when the probing power increases. In this work, we focus on the bifurcation at low power in the few-photon regime, called the mesoscopic regime, which is accessible when the self-Kerr and decay rates of the polariton meter are similar $U\sim \kappa$. Capitalizing on a latching mechanism by bifurcation, the readout is sensitive to transmon qubit relaxation error only in the first tens of nanoseconds. We thus report a single-shot fidelity of 98.6 $\%$ while having an integration time of a 500 ns and no requirement for an external quantum-limited amplifier.
25. Waveguide QED with Quadratic Light-Matter Interactions
Quadratic light-matter interactions are nonlinear couplings such that quantum emitters interact with photonic or phononic modes exclusively via the exchange of excitation pairs. Implementable with atomic and solid-state systems, these couplings lead to a plethora of phenomena that have been characterized in the context of cavity QED, where quantum emitters interact with localized bosonic modes. Here, we explore quadratic interactions in a waveguide QED setting, where quantum emitters interact with propagating fields confined in a one-dimensional environment. We develop a general scattering theory under the Markov approximation and discuss paradigmatic examples for spontaneous emission and scattering of biphoton states. Our analytical and semi-analytical results unveil fundamental differences with respect to conventional waveguide QED systems, such as the spontaneous emission of frequency-entangled photon pairs or the full transparency of the emitter to single-photon inputs. This unlocks new opportunities in quantum information processing with propagating photons. As a striking example, we show that a single quadratically-coupled emitter can implement a two-photon logic gate with unit fidelity, circumventing a no-go theorem derived for conventional waveguide-QED interactions.
24. Parallel tomography of quantum non-demolition measurements in multi-qubit devices
An efficient characterization of QND measurements is an important ingredient towards certifying and improving the performance and scalability of quantum processors. In this work, we introduce a parallel tomography of QND measurements that addresses single- and two-qubit readout on a multi-qubit quantum processor. We provide an experimental demonstration of the tomographic protocol on a 7-qubit IBM-Q device, characterizing the quality of conventional qubit readout as well as generalized measurements such as parity or measurement-and-reset schemes. Our protocol reconstructs the Choi matrices of the measurement processes, extracts relevant quantifiers — fidelity, QND-ness, destructiveness — and identifies sources of errors that limit the performance of the device for repeated QND measurements. We also show how to quantify measurement cross-talk and use it to certify the quality of simultaneous readout on multiple qubits.
23. Publisher Correction: Dynamical photon–photon interaction mediated by a quantum emitter
22. Dynamical photon–photon interaction mediated by a quantum emitter
Single photons constitute a main platform in quantum science and technology: they carry quantum information over extended distances in the future quantum internet and can be manipulated in advanced photonic circuits enabling scalable photonic quantum computing. The main challenge in quantum photonics is how to generate advanced entangled resource states and efficient light-matter interfaces. Here we utilize the efficient and coherent coupling of a single quantum emitter to a nanophotonic waveguide for realizing quantum nonlinear interaction between single-photon wavepackets. This inherently multimode quantum system constitutes a new research frontier in quantum optics. We demonstrate control of a photon with another photon and experimentally unravel the dynamical response of two-photon interactions mediated by a quantum emitter, and show that the induced quantum correlations are controlled by the pulse duration. The work will open new avenues for tailoring complex photonic quantum resource states.
21. Driven-dissipative topological phases in parametric resonator arrays
We study the phenomena of topological amplification in arrays of parametric oscillators. We find two phases of topological amplification, both with directional transport and exponential gain with the number of sites, and one of them featuring squeezing. We also find a topologically trivial phase with zero-energy modes which produces amplification but lacks the robust topological protection of the others. We characterize the resilience to disorder of the different phases and their stability, gain, and noise-to-signal ratio. Finally, we discuss their experimental implementation with state-of-the-art techniques.
20. Bridging the gap between topological non-Hermitian physics and open quantum systems
We relate topological properties of non-Hermitian systems and observables of quantum open systems by using the Keldysh path-integral method. We express Keldysh Green’s functions in terms of effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians that contain all the relevant topological information. We arrive at a frequency dependent topological index that is linked to the response of the system to perturbations at a given frequency. We show how to detect a transition between different topological phases by measuring the response to local perturbations. Our formalism is exemplified in a 1D Hatano-Nelson model, highlighting the difference between the bosonic and fermionic cases
19. Complete Physical Characterization of Quantum Nondemolition Measurements via Tomography
We introduce a self-consistent tomography for arbitrary quantum non-demolition (QND) detectors. Based on this, we build a complete physical characterization of the detector, including the measurement processes and a quantification of the fidelity, ideality, and back-action of the measurement. This framework is a diagnostic tool for the dynamics of QND detectors, allowing us to identify errors, and to improve their calibration and design. We illustrate this on a realistic Jaynes-Cummings simulation of superconducting qubit readout. We characterize non-dispersive errors, quantify the back-action introduced by the readout cavity, and calibrate the optimal measurement point.
18. Decimation technique for open quantum systems: A case study with driven-dissipative bosonic chains
The unavoidable coupling of quantum systems to external degrees of freedom leads to dissipative (non-unitary) dynamics, which can be radically different from closed-system scenarios. Such open quantum system dynamics is generally described by Lindblad master equations, whose dynamical and steady-state properties are challenging to obtain, especially in the many-particle regime. Here, we introduce a method to deal with these systems based on the calculation of (dissipative) lattice Green’s function with a real-space decimation technique. Compared to other methods, such technique enables obtaining compact analytical expressions for the dynamics and steady-state properties, such as asymptotic decays or correlation lengths. We illustrate the power of this method with several examples of driven-dissipative bosonic chains of increasing complexity, including the Hatano-Nelson model. The latter is especially illustrative because its surface and bulk dissipative behavior are linked due to its non-trivial topology, which manifests in directional amplification.
17. Universal Deterministic Quantum Operations in Microwave Quantum Links
We propose a realistic setup, inspired by already existing experiments, within which we develop a general formalism for the implementation of distributed quantum gates. Mediated by a quantum link that establishes a bidirectional quantum channel between distant nodes, our proposal works both for inter- and intra node communication and handles scenarios ranging from the few to the many modes limit of the quantum link. We are able to design fast and reliable state transfer protocols in every regime of operation, which, together with a detailed description of the scattering process, allows us to engineer two sets of deterministic universal distributed quantum gates. Gates whose implementation in quantum networks does not need entanglement distribution nor measurements. By employing a realistic description of the physical setup we identify the most relevant imperfections in the quantum links as well as optimal points of operation with resulting infidelities of $1-F \approx 10^{-2}-10^{-3}$.
16. Dynamical photon-photon interaction mediated by a quantum emitter
15. Topological input-output theory for directional amplification
We present a topological approach to the input-output relations of photonic driven-dissipative lattices acting as directional amplifiers. Our theory relies on a mapping from the optical non-Hermitian coupling matrix to an effective topological insulator Hamiltonian. This mapping is based on the singular value decomposition of non-Hermitian coupling matrices, whose inverse matrix determines the linear input-output response of the system. In topologically non-trivial regimes, the input-output response of the lattice is dominated by singular vectors with zero singular values that are the equivalent of zero-energy states in topological insulators, leading to directional amplification of a coherent input signal. In such topological amplification regime, our theoretical framework allows us to fully characterize the amplification properties of the quantum device such as gain, bandwidth, added noise, and noise-to-signal ratio. We exemplify our ideas in a one-dimensional non-reciprocal photonic lattice, for which we derive fully analytical predictions. We show that the directional amplification is near quantum-limited with a gain growing exponentially with system size, $N$, while the noise-to-signal ratio is suppressed as $1/\sqrt{N}$. This points out to interesting applications of our theory for quantum signal amplification and single-photon detection.
14. Experimental Reconstruction of the Few-Photon Nonlinear Scattering Matrix from a Single Quantum Dot in a Nanophotonic Waveguide
Coherent photon-emitter interfaces offer a way to mediate efficient nonlinear photon-photon interactions, much needed for quantum information processing. Here we experimentally study the case of a two-level emitter, a quantum dot, coupled to a single optical mode in a nanophotonic waveguide. We carry out few-photon transport experiments and record the statistics of the light to reconstruct the scattering matrix elements of 1- and 2-photon components. This provides direct insight to the complex nonlinear photon interaction that contains rich many-body physics.
13. Dynamics of Rydberg excitations and quantum correlations in an atomic array coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide
We study the dynamics of up to two Rydberg excitations and the correlation growth in a chain of atoms coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide. In this setup, an excitation can hop from one atom to another via exponentially decaying exchange interactions mediated by the waveguide. An initially localized excitation undergoes a continuous-time quantum walk for short-range hopping, and for long-range, it experiences quasi-localization. Besides that, the inverse participation ratio reveals a super-ballistic diffusion of the excitation in short times, whereas, at a long time, it becomes ballistic. For two initially localized excitations, intriguing, and complex dynamical scenarios emerge for different initial separations due to the competition between the Rydberg-Rydberg and exchange interactions. In particular, the two-point correlation reveals a light-cone behavior even for sufficiently long-range exchange interactions. Additionally, we characterize the growth of bipartite entanglement entropy, which exhibits a global bound if only one excitation is present in the dynamics. Finally, we analyze the effect of imperfections due to spontaneous emission from the Rydberg state into photons outside the waveguide and show that all physical phenomena we predict are well within experimental reach.
12. Fast High-Fidelity Quantum Nondemolition Qubit Readout via a Nonperturbative Cross-Kerr Coupling
Qubit readout is an indispensable element of any quantum information processor. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a non-perturbative cross-Kerr coupling between a transmon and a polariton mode which enables an improved quantum non-demolition (QND) readout for superconducting qubits. The new mechanism uses the same experimental techniques as the standard QND qubit readout in the dispersive approximation, but due to its non-perturbative nature, it maximizes the speed, the single-shot fidelity and the QND properties of the readout. In addition, it minimizes the effect of unwanted decay channels such as the Purcell effect. We observed a single-shot readout fidelity of 97.4% for short 50 ns pulses, and we quantified a QND-ness of 99% for long measurement pulses with repeated single-shot readouts.
11. Correlated dephasing noise in single-photon scattering
We develop a theoretical framework to describe the scattering of photons against a two-level quantum emitter with arbitrary correlated dephasing noise. This is particularly relevant to waveguide-QED setups with solid-state emitters, such as superconducting qubits or quantum dots, which couple to complex dephasing environments in addition to the propagating photons along the waveguide. Combining input-output theory and stochastic methods, we predict the effect of correlated dephasing in single-photon transmission experiments with weak coherent inputs. We discuss homodyne detection and photon counting of the scattered photons and show that both measurements give the modulus and phase of the single-photon transmittance despite the presence of noise and dissipation. In addition, we demonstrate that these spectroscopic measurements contain the same information as standard time-resolved Ramsey interferometry, and thus they can be used to fully characterize the noise correlations without direct access to the emitter. The method is exemplified with paradigmatic correlated dephasing models such as colored Gaussian noise, white noise, telegraph noise, and 1/f-noise, as typically encountered in solid-state environments.
10. Quantum probe of an on-chip broadband interferometer for quantum microwave photonics
Quantum microwave photonics aims at generating, routing, and manipulating propagating quantum microwave fields in the spirit of optical photonics. To this end, the strong nonlinearities of superconducting quantum circuits can be used to either improve or move beyond the implementation of concepts from the optical domain. In this context, the design of a well-controlled broadband environment for the superconducting quantum circuits is a central task. In this work, we place a superconducting transmon qubit in one arm of an on-chip Mach-Zehnder interferometer composed of two superconducting microwave beam splitters. By measuring its relaxation and dephasing rates we use the qubit as a sensitive spectrometer at the quantum level to probe the broadband electromagnetic environment. At high frequencies, this environment can be well described by an ensemble of harmonic oscillators coupled to the transmon qubit. At low frequencies, we find experimental evidence for colored quasi-static Gaussian noise with a high spectral weight, as it is typical for ensembles of two-level fluctuators. Our work paves the way towards possible applications of propagating microwave photons, such as emulating quantum impurity models or a novel architecture for quantum information processing.
9. Multiphoton Scattering Tomography with Coherent States
In this work we develop an experimental procedure to interrogate the single- and multiphoton scattering matrices of an unknown quantum system interacting with propagating photons. Our proposal requires coherent state laser or microwave inputs and homodyne detection at the scatterer’s output, and provides simultaneous information about multiple —elastic and inelastic— segments of the scattering matrix. The method is resilient to detector noise and its errors can be made arbitrarily small by combining experiments at various laser powers. Finally, we show that the tomography of scattering has to be performed using pulsed lasers to efficiently gather information about the nonlinear processes in the scatterer.
8. Implementation of chiral quantum optics with Rydberg and trapped-ion setups
We propose two setups for realizing a chiral quantum network, where two-level systems representing the nodes interact via directional emission into discrete waveguides, as introduced in T. Ramos et al. [Phys. Rev. A 93, 062104 (2016)]. The first implementation realizes a spin waveguide via Rydberg states in a chain of atoms, whereas the second one realizes a phonon waveguide via the localized vibrations of a string of trapped ions. For both architectures, we show that strong chirality can be obtained by a proper design of synthetic gauge fields in the couplings from the nodes to the waveguide. In the Rydberg case, this is achieved via intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in the dipole-dipole interactions, while for the trapped ions it is obtained by engineered sideband transitions. We take long-range couplings into account that appear naturally in these implementations, discuss useful experimental parameters, and analyze potential error sources. Finally, we describe effects that can be observed in these implementations within state-of-the-art technology, such as the driven-dissipative formation of entangled dimer states.
7. Non-Markovian dynamics in chiral quantum networks with spins and photons
We study the dynamics of chiral quantum networks consisting of nodes coupled by unidirectional or asymmetric bidirectional quantum channels. In contrast to familiar photonic networks where driven two-level atoms exchange photons via 1D photonic nanostructures, we propose and study a setup where interactions between the atoms are mediated by spin excitations (magnons) in 1D $XX$ spin chains representing spin waveguides. While Markovian quantum network theory eliminates quantum channels as structureless reservoirs in a Born-Markov approximation to obtain a master equation for the nodes, we are interested in non-Markovian dynamics. This arises from the nonlinear character of the dispersion with band-edge effects, and from finite spin propagation velocities leading to time delays in interactions. To account for the non-Markovian dynamics we treat the quantum degrees of freedom of the nodes and connecting channels as a composite spin system with the surrounding of the quantum network as a Markovian bath, allowing for an efficient solution with time-dependent density matrix renormalization group techniques. We illustrate our approach showing non-Markovian effects in the driven-dissipative formation of quantum dimers, and we present examples for quantum information protocols involving quantum state transfer with engineered elements as basic building blocks of quantum spintronic circuits.
6. Quantum optics of chiral spin networks
We study the driven-dissipative dynamics of a network of spin-1/2 systems coupled to one or more chiral 1D bosonic waveguides within the framework of a Markovian master equation. We determine how the interplay between a coherent drive and collective decay processes can lead to the formation of pure multipartite entangled steady states. The key ingredient for the emergence of these many-body dark states is an asymmetric coupling of the spins to left and right propagating guided modes. Such systems are motived by experimental possibilities with internal states of atoms coupled to optical fibers, or motional states of trapped atoms coupled to a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. We discuss the characterization of the emerging multipartite entanglement in this system in terms of the Fisher information.
5. First principles approach to the Abraham–Minkowski controversy for the momentum of light in general linear non-dispersive media
We study the problem of the definition of the energy-momentum tensor of light in general moving non-dispersive media with linear constitutive law. Using the basic principles of classical field theory, we show that for the correct understanding of the problem, one needs to carefully distinguish situations when the material medium is modeled either as a background on which light propagates or as a dynamical part of the total system. In the former case, we prove that the (generalized) Belinfante-Rosenfeld (BR) tensor for the electromagnetic field coincides with the Minkowski tensor. We derive a complete set of balance equations for this open system and show that the symmetries of the background medium are directly related to the conservation of the Minkowski quantities. In particular, for isotropic media, the angular momentum of light is conserved despite of the fact that the Minkowski tensor is non-symmetric. For the closed system of light interacting with matter, we model the material medium as a relativistic non-dissipative fluid and we prove that it is always possible to express the total BR tensor of the closed system either in the Abraham or in the Minkowski separation. However, in the case of dynamical media, the balance equations have a particularly convenient form in terms of the Abraham tensor. Our results generalize previous attempts and provide a first principles basis for a unified understanding of the long-standing Abraham-Minkowski controversy without ad hoc arguments.
4. Quantum Spin Dimers from Chiral Dissipation in Cold-Atom Chains
We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a driven dissipative spin chain with chiral coupling to a 1D bosonic bath, and its atomic implementation with a two-species mixture of cold quantum gases. The reservoir is represented by a spin-orbit coupled 1D quasi-condensate of atoms in a magnetized phase, while the spins are identified with motional states of a separate species of atoms in an optical lattice. The chirality of reservoir excitations allows the spins to couple differently to left and right moving modes, which in our atomic setup can be tuned from bidirectional to purely unidirectional. Remarkably, this leads to a pure steady state in which pairs of neighboring spins form dimers that decouple from the remainder of the chain. Our results also apply to current experiments with two-level emitters coupled to photonic waveguides.
3. Nonlinear Quantum Optomechanics via Individual Intrinsic Two-Level Defects
We propose to use the intrinsic two-level system (TLS) defect states found naturally in integrated optomechanical devices for exploring cavity QED-like phenomena with localized phonons. The Jaynes-Cummings-type interaction between TLS and mechanics can reach the strong coupling regime for existing nano-optomechanical systems, observable via clear signatures in the optomechanical output spectrum. These signatures persist even at finite temperature, and we derive an explicit expression for the temperature at which they vanish. Further, the ability to drive the defect with a microwave field allows for realization of phonon blockade, and the available controls are sufficient to deterministically prepare non-classical states of the mechanical resonator.
2. Relativistic Lagrangian model of a nematic liquid crystal interacting with an electromagnetic field
We develop a relativistic variational model for a nematic liquid crystal interacting with an electro- magnetic field. The constitutive relation for a general anisotropic uniaxial diamagnetic and dielectric medium is analyzed. We discuss light wave propagation in this moving uniaxial medium, for which the corresponding optical metrics are identified explicitly. A Lagrangian for the coupled system of a nematic liquid crystal and the electromagnetic field is constructed, from which a complete set of equations of motion for the system is derived. The canonical energy-momentum and spin tensors are systematically obtained. We compare our results with those within the non-relativistic models. As an application of our general formalism, we discuss the so-called Abraham-Minkowski controversy on the momentum of light in a medium.
1. Relativistic analysis of the dielectric Einstein box: Abraham, Minkowski and total energy–momentum tensors
We analyse the “Einstein box” thought experiment and the definition of the momentum of light inside matter. We stress the importance of the total energy-momentum tensor of the closed system (electromagnetic field plus material medium) and derive in detail the relativistic expressions for the Abraham and Minkowski momenta, together with the corresponding balance equations for an isotropic and homogeneous medium. We identify some assumptions hidden in the Einstein box argument, which make it weaker than it is usually recognized. In particular, we show that the Abraham momentum is not uniquely selected as the momentum of light in this case.