Alejandro González-Tudela Premio Miguel Catalán 2021 for young researchers


Alejandro González-Tudela, researcher at the Institute of Fundamental Physics and member of QUINFOG, has been awarded the Miguel Catalán Prize 2021 awarded to science researchers under 40 in the Comunidad de Madrid. The award recognizes his contributions to the fields of quatnum optics and nanophotonics and the international impact of his works.

Alejandro finished his doctorate in 2013 at the Condensed Matter Physics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. During his PhD he worked on the theoretical modelization of quantum plasmonics and strongly correlated photons. He then moved to the MPI of Quantum Optics, to work as postdoctoral researcher in the group of Ignacio Cirac. In 2017, our colleague received the NJP Early Career Award, a distinction bestowed on highly promising young investigators by the Editorial Board of the New Journal of Physics, the German Physical Society (DPG) and the Institute of Physics (IOP). In 2018 In 2018 he joined CSIC as Associate Professor (Científico Titular), where he continues his work on quantum nanophotonics and quantum technologies.

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