
High performance simulations to improve classical and quantum computations

Ref: Programa Momentum 2024
Duration: 20-12-2024 to 20-12-2028
IP: Luca Tagliacozzo, Tomás Ramos

Sensores con Correlaciones Cuánticas en Sistemas Luz Materia Abiertos

Ref: PID2023-149969NA-I00
Duration: 1-9-2024 to 1-9-2027
IP: Carlos Sánchez-Muñoz

Explotando efectos de muchos cuerpos en interfaces cuánticas de luz-materia

Ref: PID2023-146531NA-I00
Duration: 1-9-2024 to 1-9-2027
IP: Álvaro Gómez-León, Tomás Ramos

Molecular Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics

Ref: Quantera 2023 PCI2024-153449
Duration: 1-9-2024 to 31-8-2027
IP: Alejandro González-Tudela

Algoritmos de inspiración cuántica para análisis numérico y aprendizaje automático

This project is devoted to the design of quantum-inspired algorithms of industrial or commercial interest, for the exploitation in collaboration with CSIC’s spin-off Inspiration-Q.
Ref: PDC2022-133486-I00
Duration: 1-12-2022 to 30-11-2025
IP: Diego Porras-Torre, Juan José García-Ripoll

Acelerando la transición digital con nanofotóncia cuántica

Ref: TED2021-130552B-C22
Duration: 1-12-2022 to 30-11-2025
IP: Alejandro González-Tudela

Hardware efficient quantum advantage

Ref: PID2021-127968NB-I00
Duration: 1-9-2022 to 31-8-2025
IP: Alejandro González-Tudela, Luca Tagliacozzo

Annealing-based VAriational QUantum processorS(Avaqus)

Avaqus is a Horizon 2020 FET-Open project to develop quantum annealers and quantum computers based on coupled flux qubits. Quinfog collaborates both designing hardware (qubits and couplers) and also the annealing architecture, and callibrating the hardness of simulations.
Ref: FET-Open 899561
Duration: 1-10-2020 to 30-9-2025
IP: Juan José García-Ripoll


Metamateriales para tecnologías cuánticas

Ref: Becas Leonardo 2022
Duration: 1-11-2022 to 31-3-2024
IP: Alejandro González-Tudela

Nanophotonics for Quantum Computing(NanoQuCo-CM)

Nanoquco is a Sinérgicos 2020 project from Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, working in the applications of nanophotonics to quantum technologies. Quinfog coordinates the project and works with the UAM node in both modelling nanophotonic systems and developing quantum algorithms for such platforms.
Ref: Proyectos Sinérgicos Y2020/TCS-6545
Duration: 1-7-2021 to 30-6-2024
IP: Juan José García Ripoll

Superconducting Quantum Local Area Networks(SuperQuLAN)

SuperQuLAN is a Horizon 2020 FET-Open project to quantum links between superconducting quantum computers. Quinfog collaborates in the modelization of such links, and also in developing quantum protocols for distributed quantum gates and quantum computations.
Ref: FET-Open 899354
Duration: 1-9-2020 to 31-8-2023
IP: Juan José García-Ripoll

Frontiers of Quantum Simulation(FRONQUS)

FRONQUS is a project from the Spanish National Plan 2018, exploring the application of quantum technologies and quantum-inspired algorithms to quantum chemistry, the study of non-equilibrium phenomena, quantum optimization and the simulation of financial problems.
Ref: PGC2018-094792-B-100
Duration: 1-1-2019 to 30-9-2022
IP: Diego Porras-Torre, Alejandro González-Tudela

Quantum Information Technologies in Madrid(QUITEMAD-CM)

Quitemad (Quantum Information Technologies in Madrid) is a collaborative PRYCIT project, funded by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, to foster research and technology transfer in quantum technologies.
Ref: PRYCIT P2018/TCS-4342
Duration: 1-1-2019 to 31-12-2022
IP: Juan José García-Ripoll