A mini-workshop on bound states in the continuum will take place on Tuesday, June 4th. The schedule for this activity, co-organized by researchers from several institutes of the CSIC Serrano campus (IEM, IFF, IQF, IO), and the book of abstracts are both found below. Where? Sala de Conferencias CFMAC, C/ Serrano […]
This summer school is a 5-day introduction to quantum computing, organized together with the International University Menéndez-Pelayo and sponsored by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the European project SuperQuLAN. The school is oriented to PhD students, master and final year undergraduate students, as well as professionals interested in this exciting […]
November 6-8, 2019 This meeting intends to develop synergies and continue with existing collaborations between the QUINFOG group at the Institute of Fundamental Physics in Madrid (IFF-CSIC) and the groups of Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) leaded by Prof. Romero-Isart and Prof. Kirchmair, respectively. This is the […]
January 26-27, 2017 This workshop will be an informal meeting of scientists working in Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Many-body Physics, with the aim of discussing numerical methods based techniques such as matrix product states, DMRG, tensor-network states, stochastic unravellings, mean-field or cluster decompositions, etc, in particular with applications to […]
Workshop Información Cuántica en España (ICE-0) Madrid, Septiembre 17-19, 2012 El objetivo de este congreso es reunir a los investigadores españoles que trabajan en el campo de la información y las tecnologías cuánticas. El formato del workshop es abierto, con charlas invitadas de primer nivel, pero espacio para charlas contribuídas y […]
Quantum theory and general relativity are famously at loggerheads. Their mathematical languages are different and conceptual bases are discordant, if not outright conflicting. For more than sixty years this conceptual gap and scant experimental evidence has been preventing unification of the two theories. At the close of the last century […]