3. Quantum Optics versus Circuit QED
Enrique Solano (Prof. Ikerbasque / EHU-UPV, Bilbao)
13/05/2009 14:00
We introduce and discuss the analogies and differences between Quantum Optics and Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). In particular, we will present novel regimes and quantum effects that can be studied in Circuit QED going beyond quantum optical possibilities, and viceversa.
Seminar Room, Serrano 121 (CFMAC)
2. Superconducting flux qubits and circuit QED
Pol Forn-Díaz (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft (The Netherlads))
13/05/2009 13:00
A system of two superconducting flux quantum bits coupled to a high quality LC resonator will be presented. This is one of the representations in what is known today as circuit quantum electrodynamics (c-QED). The qubits act as engineered artificial atoms whose properties can be tuned. The combination of a large electromagnetic field of the cavity in a small volume and the large magnetic dipole moment of the qubits, put the system well into the strong coupling regime, and even beyond where cavity QED can’t reach. Descriptions about the fabrication, circuit layout and measurements will be shown and perspectives on what the system could offer in the future will be discussed.
Seminar Room, Serrano 121 (CFMAC)
1. Aspectos de la dinámica del desentrelazamiento cuántico en sistemas disipativos
Guillermo Romero H. (Univ. de Santiago de Chile)
11/02/2009 14:30
En este seminario se presentarán algunos rasgos en la dinámica del desentrelazamiento cuántico en sistemas disipativos. En particular, se considera un sistema bipartito de cavidades QED preparados inicialmente en estados cuánticos bien particulares. En una primera parte, se analizará la dinámica de una cota inferior para el entrelazamiento cuántico al considerar estados iniciales de dos qutrits. Para finalizar, se presentará el fenómeno de muerte súbita y nacimiento súbito del entrelazamiento cuántico en sistemas de dos qubits.
Seminar Room, Serrano 121 (CFMAC)