39. Benchmarking quantum annealing dynamics: The spin-vector Langevin model
The classical spin-vector Monte Carlo (SVMC) model is a reference benchmark for the performance of a quantum annealer. Yet, as a Monte Carlo method, SVMC is unsuited for an accurate description of the annealing dynamics in real-time. We introduce the spin-vector Langevin (SVL) model as an alternative benchmark in which the time evolution is described by Langevin dynamics. The SVL model is shown to provide a more stringent test than the SVMC model for the identification of quantum signatures in the performance of quantum annealing devices, as we illustrate by describing the Kibble-Zurek scaling associated with the dynamics of symmetry breaking in the transverse field Ising model, recently probed using D-Wave machines. Specifically, we show that D-Wave data are reproduced by the SVL model.
38. Bound states in the continuum in a fluxonium qutrit
Heavy fluxonium at zero external flux has a long-lived state when coupled capacitively to any other system. We analyze it by projecting all the fluxonium-relevant operators into the qutrit subspace, as this long-lived configuration corresponds to the second excited fluxonium level. This state becomes a bound state in the continuum (BIC) when the coupling occurs to an extended system supporting a continuum of modes. In the case without noise, we find BIC lifetimes T_1 that can be much larger than seconds when the fluxonium is coupled to a superconducting waveguide, while typical device frequencies are on the order of gigahertz. We have performed a detailed study of the different sources of decoherence in a realistic experiment, finding that upwards transitions caused by a finite temperature in the waveguide and decay induced by 1/f flux noise are the most dangerous ones. Even in their presence, BIC decay times could reach the range of T_1∼10^{−1} ms, while preparation times are of the order of 10^2 ns
37. Bridging the gap between topological non-Hermitian physics and open quantum systems
We relate observables in open quantum systems with the topology of non-Hermitian models using the Keldysh path-integral method. This allows to extract an effective Hamiltonian from the Green’s function which contains all the relevant topological information and produces ω-dependent topological invariants, linked to the response functions at a given frequency. Then, we show how to detect a transition between different topological phases by measuring the response to local perturbations. Our formalism is exemplified in a one-dimensional Hatano-Nelson model, highlighting the difference between the bosonic and the fermionic case.
36. Complete Physical Characterization of Quantum Nondemolition Measurements via Tomography
We introduce a self-consistent tomography for arbitrary quantum nondemolition (QND) detectors. Based on this, we build a complete physical characterization of the detector, including the measurement processes and a quantification of the fidelity, ideality, and backaction of the measurement. This framework is a diagnostic tool for the dynamics of QND detectors, allowing us to identify errors, and to improve their calibration and design. We illustrate this on a realistic Jaynes-Cummings simulation of a superconducting qubit readout. We characterize nondispersive errors, quantify the backaction introduced by the readout cavity, and calibrate the optimal measurement point.
35. Connecting steady-states of driven-dissipative photonic lattices with spontaneous collective emission phenomena
34. Critical quantum metrology with fully-connected models: from Heisenberg to Kibble–Zurek scaling
33. Decimation technique for open quantum systems: A case study with driven-dissipative bosonic chains
The unavoidable coupling of quantum systems to external degrees of freedom leads to dissipative (nonunitary) dynamics, which can be radically different from closed-system scenarios. Such open quantum system dynamics is generally described by Lindblad master equations, whose dynamical and steady-state properties are challenging to obtain, especially in the many-particle regime. Here, we introduce a method to deal with these systems based on the calculation of a (dissipative) lattice Green’s function with a real-space decimation technique. Compared to other methods, such a technique enables us to obtain compact analytical expressions for the dynamics and steady-state properties, such as asymptotic decays or correlation lengths. We illustrate the power of this method with several examples of driven-dissipative bosonic chains of increasing complexity, including the Hatano-Nelson model. The latter is especially illustrative because its surface and bulk dissipative behavior are linked due to its nontrivial topology, which manifests in directional amplification.
32. Devil’s staircase of topological Peierls insulators and Peierls supersolids
We consider a mixture of ultracold bosonic atoms on a one-dimensional lattice described by the XXZ-Bose-Hubbard model, where the tunneling of one species depends on the spin state of a second deeply trapped species. We show how the inclusion of antiferromagnetic interactions among the spin degrees of freedom generates a Devil’s staircase of symmetry-protected topological phases for a wide parameter regime via a bosonic analog of the Peierls mechanism in electron-phonon systems. These topological Peierls insulators are examples of symmetry-breaking topological phases, where long-range order due to spontaneous symmetry breaking coexists with topological properties such as fractionalized edge states. Moreover, we identify a region of supersolid phases that do not require long-range interactions. They appear instead due to a Peierls incommensurability mechanism, where competing orders modify the underlying crystalline structure of Peierls insulators, becoming superfluid. Our work show the possibilities that ultracold atomic systems offer to investigate strongly-correlated topological phenomena beyond those found in natural materials.
31. Dispersive Readout of Molecular Spin Qudits
We study the physics of a magnetic molecule described by a “giant” spin with multiple (d>2) spin states interacting with the quantized cavity field produced by a superconducting resonator. By means of the input-output formalism, we derive an expression for the output modes in the dispersive regime of operation. It includes the effect of magnetic anisotropy, which makes different spin transitions addressable. We find that the measurement of the cavity transmission allows us to uniquely determine the spin state of the qudits. We discuss, from an effective Hamiltonian perspective, the conditions under which the qudit readout is a nondemolition measurement and consider possible experimental protocols to perform it. Finally, we illustrate our results with simulations performed for realistic models of existing magnetic molecules.
30. Dynamical photon–photon interaction mediated by a quantum emitter
Single photons role in the development of quantum science and technology. They can carry quantum information over extended distances to act as the backbone of a future quantum internet and can be manipulated in advanced photonic circuits, enabling scalable photonic quantum computing. However, more sophisticated devices and protocols need access to multi-photon states with particular forms of entanglement. Efficient light–matter interfaces offer a route to reliably generating these entangled resource states. Here we utilize the efficient and coherent coupling of a single quantum emitter to a nanophotonic waveguide to realize a quantum nonlinear interaction between single-photon wavepackets. We demonstrate the control of a photon using a second photon mediated by the quantum emitter. The dynamical response of the two-photon interaction is experimentally unravelled and reveals quantum correlations controlled by the pulse duration. Further development of this platform work, which constitutes a new research frontier in quantum optics, will enable the tailoring of complex photonic quantum resource states.
29. Experimental validation of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism on a digital quantum computer
The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) captures the essential physics of nonequilibrium quantum phase transitions with symmetry breaking. KZM predicts a universal scaling power law for the defect density which is fully determined by the system’s critical exponents at equilibrium and the quenching rate. We experimentally tested the KZM for the simplest quantum case, a single qubit under the Landau-Zener evolution, on an open access IBM quantum computer (IBM-Q). We find that for this simple one-qubit model, experimental data validates the central KZM assumption of the adiabatic-impulse approximation for a well isolated qubit. Furthermore, we report on extensive IBM-Q experiments on individual qubits embedded in different circuit environments and topologies, separately elucidating the role of crosstalk between qubits and the increasing decoherence effects associated with the quantum circuit depth on the KZM predictions. Our results strongly suggest that increasing circuit depth acts as a decoherence source, producing a rapid deviation of experimental data from theoretical unitary predictions.
28. Fermionic Gaussian states: an introduction to numerical approaches
This document is meant to be a practical introduction to the analytical and numerical manipulation of Fermionic Gaussian systems. Starting from the basics, we move to relevant modern results and techniques, presenting numerical examples and studying relevant Hamiltonians, such as the transverse field Ising Hamiltonian, in detail. We finish introducing novel algorithms connecting Fermionic Guassian states with matrix product states techniques. All the numerical examples make use of the free Julia package F_utilities.
27. Harnessing nonadiabatic excitations promoted by a quantum critical point: Quantum battery and spin squeezing
26. Improving quantum state transfer: Correcting non-Markovian and distortion effects
Quantum state transfer is a key operation for quantum information processing. The original pitch-and-catch protocols rely on flying qubits or single photons with engineered wavepacket shapes to achieve a deterministic, fast and high-fidelity transfer. Yet, these protocols overlook two important factors, namely, the distortion of the wavepacket during the propagation and non-Markovian effects during the emission and reabsorption processes due to time-dependent controls. Here we address both difficulties in a general quantum-optical model and propose a correction strategy to improve quantum state transfer protocols. Including non-Markovian effects in our theoretical description, we show how to derive control pulses that imprint phases on the wavepacket that compensate the distortion caused by propagation. Our theoretical results are supported by detailed numerical simulations showing that a suitable correction strategy can improve state transfer fidelities up to three orders of magnitude.
25. Locality of spontaneous symmetry breaking and universal spacing distribution of topological defects formed across a phase transition
The crossing of a continuous phase transition results in the formation of topological defects with a density predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). We characterize the spatial distribution of pointlike topological defects in the resulting nonequilibrium state and model it using a Poisson point process in arbitrary spatial dimensions with KZM density. Numerical simulations in a one-dimensional ϕ4 theory unveil short-distance defect-defect corrections stemming from the kink excluded volume, while in two spatial dimensions, our model accurately describes the vortex spacing distribution in a strongly coupled superconductor indicating the suppression of defect-defect spatial correlations.
24. Manipulating generalized Dirac cones in subwavelength dipolar arrays
23. Multiqudit interactions in molecular spins
We study photon-mediated interactions between molecular spin qudits in the dispersive regime of operation. We derive from a microscopic model the effective interaction between molecular spins, including their crystal field anisotropy (i.e., the presence of non-linear spin terms) and their multi-level structure. Finally, we calculate the long time dynamics for a pair of interacting molecular spins using the method of multiple scales analysis. This allows to find the set of 2-qudit gates that can be realized for a specific choice of molecular spins and to determine the time required for their implementation. Our results are relevant for the implementation of logical gates in general systems of qudits with unequally spaced levels or to determine an adequate computational subspace to encode and process the information.
22. Optical isolators based on nonreciprocal four-wave mixing
In this work we propose and theoretically characterize optical isolators consisting of an all-dielectric and non-magnetic resonator featuring an intensity-dependent refractive index and a strong coherent field propagating in a single direction. Such devices can be straightforwardly realized in state-of-the-art integrated photonics platforms. The mechanism underlying optical isolation is based on the breaking of optical reciprocity induced by the asymmetric action of four-wave mixing processes coupling a strong propagating pump field with co-propagating signal/idler modes but not with reverse-propagating ones. Taking advantage of a close analogy with fluids of light, our proposed isolation mechanism is physically understood in terms of the Bogoliubov dispersion of collective excitations on top of the strong pump beam. A few most relevant set-ups realizing our proposal are specifically investigated, such as a coherently illuminated passive ring resonator and unidirectionally lasing ring or Taiji resonators.
21. Optimal simulation of quantum dynamics
Tensor networks are mathematical structures that efficiently compress the data required to describe quantum systems. An algorithm for the optimal simulation of quantum dynamics based on tensor networks has now been implemented on a trapped-ion processor.
20. Out-of-time-order correlator in the quantum Rabi model
19. Phase Diagram of
1 + 1 D
Abelian-Higgs Model and Its Critical Point
We determine the phase diagram of the Abelian-Higgs model in one spatial dimension and time (1+ 1 D) on a lattice. We identify a line of first order phase transitions separating the Higgs region from the confined one. This line terminates in a quantum critical point above which the two regions are connected by a smooth crossover. We analyze the critical point and find compelling evidence for its description as the product of two noninteracting systems: a massless free fermion and a massless free boson. However, we find also some surprising results that cannot be explained by our simple picture, suggesting this newly discovered critical point is an unusual one.
18. Portfolio optimization with discrete simulated annealing
Portfolio optimization is an important process in finance that consists in finding the optimal asset allocation that maximizes expected returns while minimizing risk. When assets are allocated in discrete units, this is a combinatorial optimization problem that can be addressed by quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms. In this work we present an integer simulated annealing method to find optimal portfolios in the presence of discretized convex and non-convex cost functions. Our algorithm can deal with large size portfolios with hundreds of assets. We introduce a performance metric, the time to target, based on a lower bound to the cost function obtained with the continuous relaxation of the combinatorial optimization problem. This metric allows us to quantify the time required to achieve a solution with a given quality. We carry out numerical experiments and we benchmark the algorithm in two situations: (i) Monte Carlo instances are started at random, and (ii) the algorithm is warm-started with an initial instance close to the continuous relaxation of the problem. We find that in the case of warm-starting with convex cost functions, the time to target does not grow with the size of the optimization problem, so discretized versions of convex portfolio optimization problems are not hard to solve using classical resources. We have applied our method to the problem of re-balancing in the presence of non-convex transaction costs, and we have found that our algorithm can efficiently minimize those terms.
17. Quantum Fourier analysis for multivariate functions and applications to a class of Schrödinger-type partial differential equations
In this work we develop a highly efficient representation of functions and differential operators based on Fourier analysis. Using this representation, we create a variational hybrid quantum algorithm to solve static, Schrödinger-type, Hamiltonian partial differential equations (PDEs), using space-efficient variational circuits, including the symmetries of the problem, and global and gradient-based optimizers. We use this algorithm to benchmark the performance of the representation techniques by means of the computation of the ground state in three PDEs, i.e., the one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator and the transmon and flux qubits, studying how they would perform in ideal and near-term quantum computers. With the Fourier methods developed here, we obtain low infidelities of order 10^{−4}–10^{−5} using only three to four qubits, demonstrating the high compression of information in a quantum computer. Practical fidelities are limited by the noise and the errors of the evaluation of the cost function in real computers, but they can also be improved through error mitigation techniques.
16. Quantum Information and Quantum Optics with Superconducting Circuits
15. Quantum control of tunable-coupling transmons using dynamical invariants of motion
We analyse the implementation of a fast nonadiabatic CZ gate between two transmon qubits with tuneable coupling. The gate control method is based on a theory of dynamical invariants which leads to reduced leakage and robustness against decoherence. The gate is based on a description of the resonance between the $|11\rangle$ and $|20\rangle$ using an effective Hamiltonian with the 6 lowest energy states. A modification of the invariants method allows us to take into account the higher-order perturbative corrections of this effective model. This enables a gate fidelity several orders of magnitude higher than other quasiadiabatic protocols, with gate times that approach the theoretical limit.
14. Quantum dynamics in a single excitation subspace: deviations from eigenstate thermalization via long time correlations
13. Quenches to the critical point of the three-state Potts model: Matrix product state simulations and conformal field theory
Conformal field theories (CFTs) have been used extensively to understand the physics of critical lattice models at equilibrium. However, the applicability of CFT calculations to the behavior of the lattice systems in the out-of-equilibrium setting is not entirely understood. In this work, we compare the CFT results of the evolution of the entanglement spectrum after a quantum quench with numerical calculations of the entanglement spectrum of the three-state Potts model using matrix product state simulations. Our results lead us to conjecture that CFT does not describe the entanglement spectrum of the three-state Potts model at long times, contrary to what happens in the Ising model. We thus numerically simulate the out-of-equilibrium behavior of the Potts model according to the CFT protocol, i.e., by taking a particular product state and “cooling” it, then quenching to the critical point and finding that, in this case, the entanglement spectrum is indeed described by the CFT at long times.
12. Reconfigurable photon localization by coherent drive and dissipation in photonic lattices
11. Role of boundary conditions in the full counting statistics of topological defects after crossing a continuous phase transition
In a scenario of spontaneous symmetry breaking in finite time, topological defects are generated at a density that scales with the driving time according to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). Signatures of universality beyond the KZM have recently been unveiled: The number distribution of topological defects has been shown to follow a binomial distribution, in which all cumulants inherit the universal power-law scaling with the quench rate, with cumulant rations being constant. In this work, we analyze the role of boundary conditions in the statistics of topological defects. In particular, we consider a lattice system with nearest-neighbor interactions subject to soft antiperiodic, open, and periodic boundary conditions implemented by an energy penalty term. We show that for fast and moderate quenches, the cumulants of the kink number distribution present a universal scaling with the quench rate that is independent of the boundary conditions except for an additive term, which becomes prominent in the limit of slow quenches, leading to the breaking of power-law behavior. We test our theoretical predictions with a one-dimensional scalar theory on a lattice.
10. Spin Many-Body Phases in Standard- and Topological-Waveguide QED Simulators
9. Topological Josephson parametric amplifier array: A proposal for directional, broadband, and low-noise amplification
Low-noise microwave amplifiers are crucial for detecting weak signals in fields such as quantum technology and radio astronomy. However, designing an ideal amplifier is challenging, as it must cover a wide frequency range, add minimal noise, and operate directionally – amplifying signals only in the observer’s direction while protecting the source from environmental interference. In this work, we demonstrate that an array of non-linearly coupled Josephson parametric amplifiers (JPAs) can collectively function as a directional, broadband quantum amplifier by harnessing topological effects. By applying a collective four-wave-mixing pump with inhomogeneous amplitudes and linearly increasing phase, we break time-reversal symmetry in the JPA array and stabilize a topological amplification regime where signals are exponentially amplified in one direction and exponentially suppressed in the opposite. We show that compact devices with few sites $N\sim 11-17$ can achieve exceptional performance, with gains exceeding 20 dB over a bandwidth ranging from hundreds of MHz to GHz, and reverse isolation suppressing backward noise by more than 30 dB across all frequencies. The device also operates near the quantum noise limit and provides topological protection against up to 15% fabrication disorder, effectively suppressing gain ripples. The amplifier’s intrinsic directionality eliminates the need for external isolators, paving the way for fully on-chip, near-ideal superconducting pre-amplifiers.
8. Topological multi-mode waveguide QED
7. Topology detection in cavity QED
We explore the physics of topological lattice models immersed in c-QED architectures for arbitrary coupling strength with the photon field. We propose the use of the cavity transmission as a topological marker and study its behavior. For this, we develop an approach combining the input–output formalism with a Mean-Field plus fluctuations description of the setup. We illustrate our results with the specific case of a fermionic Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) chain coupled to a single-mode cavity. Our findings confirm that the cavity can indeed act as a quantum sensor for topological phases, where the initial state preparation plays a crucial role. Additionally, we discuss the persistence of topological features when the coupling strength increases, in terms of an effective Hamiltonian, and calculate the entanglement entropy. Our approach can be applied to other fermionic systems, opening a route to the characterization of their topological properties in terms of experimental observables.
6. Tunable Directional Emission and Collective Dissipation with Quantum Metasurfaces
5. Tunable photon-mediated interactions between spin-1 systems
4. Tuning Long-Range Fermion-Mediated Interactions in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators
3. Ultrastrong Capacitive Coupling of Flux Qubits
A flux qubit can interact strongly when it is capacitively coupled to other circuit elements. This interaction can be separated into two parts, one acting on the qubit subspaces and one in which excited states mediate the interaction. The first term dominates the interaction between the flux qubit and an LC-resonator, leading to ultrastrong couplings of the form σ_y(a+a†), which complement the inductive iσ_x(a†−a) coupling. However, when coupling two flux qubits capacitively, all terms need to be taken into account, leading to complex nonstoquastic ultrastrong interaction of types σ_yσ_y, σ_zσ_z, and σ_xσ_x. Our theory explains all these interactions, describing them in terms of general circuit properties—coupling capacitances, qubit gaps, inductive, Josephson and capacitive energies—that apply to a wide variety of circuits and flux qubit designs.