59. A tensor network formulation of Lattice Gauge Theories based only on symmetric tensors
The Lattice Gauge Theory Hilbert space is divided into gauge-invariant sectors selected by the background charges. Such a projector can be directly embedded in a tensor network ansatz for gauge-invariant states as originally discussed in [Phys. Rev. B 83, 115127 (2011)] and in [Phys. Rev. X 4, 041024 (2014)] in the context of PEPS. The original ansatz is based on sparse tensors, though parts of them are not explicitly symmetric, and thus their actual implementation in numerical simulations has been hindered by the complexity of developing ad hoc libraries. Here we provide a new PEPS tensor network formulation of gauge-invariant theories purely based on symmetric elementary tensors. The new formulation can be implemented in numerical simulation using available state-of-the-art tensor network libraries but also holds interest from a purely theoretical perspective since it requires embedding the original gauge theory with gauge symmetry G into an enlarged globally symmetric theory with symmetry GxG. By revisiting the original ansatz in the modern landscape of i) duality transformations between gauge and spin systems, ii) finite depth quantum circuits followed by measurements that allow generating topologically ordered states, and iii) Clifford enhanced tensor networks, we show that such a new formulation provides a novel duality transformation between lattice gauge theories and specific sectors of globally invariant systems.
58. Accurate solution of the Index Tracking problem with a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm
57. Anomalous Floquet Phases. A resonance phenomena
Floquet topological phases emerge when systems are periodically driven out-of-equilibrium. They gained attention due to their external control, which allows to simulate a wide variety of static systems by just tuning the external field in the high frequency regime. However, it was soon clear that their relevance goes beyond that, as for lower frequencies, anomalous phases without a static counterpart are present and the bulk-to-boundary correspondence can fail. In this work we discuss the important role of resonances in Floquet phases. For that, we present a method to find analytical solutions when the frequency of the drive matches the band gap, extending the well-known high frequency analysis of Floquet systems. With this formalism, we show that the topology of Floquet phases with resonances can be accurately captured in analytical terms. We also find a bulk-to-boundary correspondence between the number of edge states in finite systems and a set of topological invariants in different frames of reference, which crucially do not explicitly involve the micromotion. To illustrate our results, we periodically drive a SSH chain and a $\pi$-flux lattice, showing that our findings remain valid in various two-band systems and in different dimensions. In addition, we notice that the competition between rotating and counter-rotating terms must be carefully treated when the undriven system is a semi-metal. To conclude, we discuss the implications to experimental setups, including the direct detection of anomalous topological phases and the measurement of their invariants.
56. Cavity Control of Topological Qubits: Fusion Rule, Anyon Braiding and Majorana-Schr\”odinger Cat States
We investigate the impact of introducing a local cavity within the center of a topological chain, revealing profound effects on the system’s quantum states. Notably, the cavity induces a scissor-like effect that bisects the chain, liberating Majorana zero modes (MZMs) within the bulk. Our results demonstrate that this setup enables the observation of non-trivial fusion rules and braiding — key signatures of non-Abelian anyons — facilitated by the spatially selective ultra-strong coupling of the cavity photon field. These MZM characteristics can be directly probed through fermionic parity readouts and photon Berry phases, respectively. Furthermore, by leveraging the symmetry properties of fermion modes within a two-site cavity, we propose a novel method for generating MZM-polariton Schr\”odinger cat states. Our findings present a significant advancement in the control of topological quantum systems, offering new avenues for both fundamental research and potential quantum computing applications.
55. Chebyshev approximation and composition of functions in matrix product states for quantum-inspired numerical analysis
This work explores the representation of univariate and multivariate functions as matrix product states (MPS), also known as quantized tensor-trains (QTT). It proposes an algorithm that employs iterative Chebyshev expansions and Clenshaw evaluations to represent analytic and highly differentiable functions as MPS Chebyshev interpolants. It demonstrates rapid convergence for highly-differentiable functions, aligning with theoretical predictions, and generalizes efficiently to multidimensional scenarios. The performance of the algorithm is compared with that of tensor cross-interpolation (TCI) and multiscale interpolative constructions through a comprehensive comparative study. When function evaluation is inexpensive or when the function is not analytical, TCI is generally more efficient for function loading. However, the proposed method shows competitive performance, outperforming TCI in certain multivariate scenarios. Moreover, it shows advantageous scaling rates and generalizes to a wider range of tasks by providing a framework for function composition in MPS, which is useful for non-linear problems and many-body statistical physics.
54. Chiral quantum optics: recent developments, and future directions
Chiral quantum optics is a growing field of research where light-matter interactions become asymmetrically dependent on momentum and spin, offering novel control over photonic and electronic degrees of freedom. Recently, the platforms for investigating chiral light-matter interactions have expanded from laser-cooled atoms and quantum dots to various solid-state systems, such as microcavity polaritons and two-dimensional layered materials, integrated into photonic structures like waveguides, cavities, and ring resonators. In this perspective, we begin by establishing the foundation for understanding and engineering these chiral light-matter regimes. We review the cutting-edge platforms that have enabled their successful realization in recent years, focusing on solid-state platforms, and discuss the most relevant experimental challenges to fully harness their potential. Finally, we explore the vast opportunities these chiral light-matter interfaces present, particularly their ability to reveal exotic quantum many-body phenomena, such as chiral many-body superradiance and fractional quantum Hall physics.
53. Connection between single-layer quantum approximate optimization algorithm interferometry and thermal distribution sampling
The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is an algorithm originally proposed to find approximate solutions to Combinatorial Optimization problems on quantum computers. However, the algorithm has also attracted interest for sampling purposes since it was theoretically demonstrated under reasonable complexity assumptions that one layer of the algorithm already engineers a probability distribution beyond what can be simulated by classical computers. In this regard, a recent study has shown as well that, in universal Ising models, this global probability distribution resembles pure but thermal-like distributions at a temperature that depends on internal correlations of the spin model. In this work, through an interferometric interpretation of the algorithm, we extend the theoretical derivation of the amplitudes of the eigenstates, and the Boltzmann distributions generated by single-layer QAOA. We also review the implications that this behavior has from both a practical and fundamental perspective.
52. Converting Long-Range Entanglement into Mixture: Tensor-Network Approach to Local Equilibration
In the out-of-equilibrium evolution induced by a quench, fast degrees of freedom generate long-range entanglement that is hard to encode with standard tensor networks. However, local observables only sense such long-range correlations through their contribution to the reduced local state as a mixture. We present a tensor network method that identifies such long-range entanglement and efficiently transforms it into mixture, much easier to represent. In this way, we obtain an effective description of the time-evolved state as a density matrix that captures the long-time behavior of local operators with finite computational resources.
51. Detecting Entanglement from Macroscopic Measurements of the Electric Field and Its Fluctuations
To address the outstanding task of detecting entanglement in large quantum systems, entanglement witnesses have emerged, addressing the separable nature of a state. Yet optimizing witnesses, or accessing them experimentally, often remains a challenge. We here introduce a family of entanglement witnesses for open quantum systems, based on the electric field — its quadratures and the total fluorescence. More general than spin-squeezing inequalities, it can detect new classes of entangled states, as changing the direction for far-field observation opens up a continuous family of witnesses, without the need for a state tomography. Their efficiency is demonstrated by detecting, from almost any direction, the entanglement of collective single-photon states, such as long-lived states generated by cooperative spontaneous emission. Able to detect entanglement in large quantum systems, these electric-field-based witnesses can be used on any set of emitters described by the Pauli group, such as atomic systems (cold atoms and trapped ions), giant atoms, color centers, and superconducting qubits.
50. Deterministic multipartite entanglement via fractional state transfer across quantum networks
The generation of entanglement across different nodes in distributed quantum architectures plays a pivotal role for different applications. In particular, deterministic, robust, and fast protocols that prepare genuine multipartite entangled states are highly desirable. In this article, we propose a fractional quantum state transfer, in which the excitation of an emitter is partially transmitted through the quantum communication channel and then absorbed at a spatially separated node. This protocol is based on wavepacket shaping allowing for a fast deterministic generation of Bell states among two quantum registers and $W$ states for a general setting of $N$ qubits, either in a sequential or simultaneous fashion, depending on the topology of the network. By means of detailed numerical simulations, we show that genuine multipartite entangled states can be faithfully prepared within current experimental platforms and discuss the role of the main decoherence sources, qubit dephasing and relaxation, depending on the network topology.
49. Dipole-dipole interactions mediated by a photonic flat band
Flat bands (FBs) are energy bands with zero group velocity, which in electronic systems were shown to favor strongly correlated phenomena. Indeed, a FB can be spanned with a basis of strictly localized states, the so called “compact localized states” (CLSs), which are yet generally non-orthogonal. Here, we study emergent dipole-dipole interactions between emitters dispersively coupled to the photonic analogue of a FB, a setup within reach in state-of the-art experimental platforms. We show that the strength of such photon-mediated interactions decays exponentially with distance with a characteristic localization length which, unlike typical behaviours with standard bands, saturates to a finite value as the emitter’s energy approaches the FB. Remarkably, we find that the localization length grows with the overlap between CLSs according to an analytically-derived universal scaling law valid for a large class of FBs both in 1D and 2D. Using giant atoms (non-local atom-field coupling) allows to tailor interaction potentials having the same shape of a CLS or a superposition of a few of these.
48. Dissipative stabilization of maximal entanglement between nonidentical emitters via two-photon excitation
47. Edge-dependent anomalous topology in synthetic photonic lattices subject to discrete step walks
Anomalous topological phases, where edge states coexist with topologically trivial Chern bands, can only appear in periodically driven lattices. When the driving is smooth and continuous, the bulk-edge correspondence is guaranteed by the existence of a bulk invariant known as the winding number. However, in lattices subject to periodic discrete step walks the existence of edge states does not only depend on bulk invariants but also on the boundary. This is a consequence of the absence of an intrinsic time dependence or micromotion in discrete step walks. We report the observation of edge states and a simultaneous measurement of the bulk invariants in anomalous topological phases in a two-dimensional synthetic photonic lattice subject to discrete step walks. The lattice is implemented using time multiplexing of light pulses in two coupled fibre rings, in which one of the dimensions displays real-space dynamics and the other one is parametric. The presence of edge states is inherent to the periodic driving and depends on the properties of the boundary in the implemented two-band model with zero Chern number. We provide a suitable expression for the topological invariants whose calculation does not rely on micromotion dynamics.
46. Emerging Non-Hermitian Topology in a Chiral Driven-Dissipative Bose-Hubbard Model
We introduce a driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard chain describing coupled lossy photonic modes, in which time-reversal symmetry is broken by a coherent drive with a uniform phase gradient. We investigate this model by means of a Gaussian variational ansatz and numerically prove that the steady-state solution is stabilized by an inhomogeneous profile of the driving amplitude, which damps out boundary effects. Our calculations unveil a non-equilibrium phase diagram showing low- and high-density phases for photons separated by a phase coexistence region in which the system exhibits the phenomenon of topological amplification and is characterized by a finite non-Hermitian winding number. Our work shows the emergence of non-Hermitian topological phases in an interacting model that can be naturally implemented with superconducting circuits.
45. Exploring Quantum Annealing Architectures: A Spin Glass Perspective
We study the spin-glass transition in several Ising models of relevance for quantum annealers. We extract the spin-glass critical temperature by extrapolating the pseudo-critical properties obtained with Replica-Exchange Monte-Carlo for finite-size systems. We find a spin-glass phase for some random lattices (random-regular and small-world graphs) in good agreement with previous results. However, our results for the quasi-two-dimensional graphs implemented in the D-Wave annealers (Chimera, Zephyr, and Pegasus) indicate only a zero-temperature spin-glass state, as their pseudo-critical temperature drifts towards smaller values. This implies that the asymptotic runtime to find the low-energy configuration of those graphs is likely to be polynomial in system size, nevertheless, this scaling may only be reached for very large system sizes — much larger than existing annealers — as we observe an abrupt increase in the computational cost of the simulations around the pseudo-critical temperatures. Thus, two-dimensional systems with local crossings can display enough complexity to make unfeasible the search with classical methods of low-energy configurations.
44. Exploring Supersymmetry: Interchangeability Between Jaynes-Cummings and Anti-Jaynes-Cummings Models
The supersymmetric connection that exists between the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) and anti-Jaynes Cummings (AJC) models in quantum optics is unraveled entirely. A new method is proposed to obtain the temporal evolution of observables in the AJC model using supersymmetric techniques, providing an overview of its dynamics and extending the calculation to full photon counting statistics. The approach is general and can be applied to determine the high-order cumulants given an initial state. The analysis reveals that engineering the collapse-revival behavior and the quantum properties of the interacting field is possible by controlling the initial state of the atomic subsystem and the corresponding atomic frequency in the AJC model. The substantial potential for applications of supersymmetric techniques in the context of photonic quantum technologies is thus demonstrated.
43. Exploring supersymmetry: Interchangeability between Jaynes-Cummings and anti-Jaynes-Cummings models
42. Exploring the Phase Diagram of the quantum one-dimensional ANNNI model
In this manuscript, we explore the intersection of QML and TN in the context of the one-dimensional ANNNI model with a transverse field. The study aims to concretely connect QML and TN by combining them in various stages of algorithm construction, focusing on phase diagram reconstruction for the ANNNI model, with supervised and unsupervised techniques. The model’s significance lies in its representation of quantum fluctuations and frustrated exchange interactions, making it a paradigm for studying magnetic ordering, frustration, and the presence of a floating phase. It concludes with discussions of the results, including insights from increased system sizes and considerations for future work, such as addressing limitations in QCNN and exploring more realistic implementations of QC.
41. Frequency-Resolved Purcell Effect for the Dissipative Generation of Steady-State Entanglement
40. Gapless deconfined phase in a
-symmetric Hamiltonian created in a cold-atom setup
39. Gapless deconfined phase in a $\mathbb{Z}_N$ symmetric Hamiltonian created in a cold-atom setup
We investigate a quasi-two-dimensional system consisting of two species of alkali atoms confined in a specific optical lattice potential [Phys. Rev. A 95, 053608 (2017)]. In the low-energy regime, this system is governed by a unique $\mathbb{Z}_N$ gauge theory, where field theory arguments have suggested that it may exhibit two exotic gapless deconfined phases, namely a dipolar liquid phase and a Bose liquid phase, along with two gapped (confined and deconfined) phases. We address these predictions numerically by using large-scale density matrix renormalization group simulations. Our findings provide conclusive evidence for the existence of a gapless Bose liquid phase for $N \geq 7$. We demonstrate that this gapless phase shares the same critical properties as one-dimensional critical phases, resembling weakly coupled chains of Luttinger liquids. In the range of geometries and $N$ considered, the gapless dipolar phase predicted theoretically is still elusive and its characterization will probably require a full two-dimensional treatment.
38. High-quality poor man’s Majorana bound states from cavity embedding
Poor man’s Majorana Bound States (MBS) arise in minimal Kitaev chains when the parameters are fine-tuned to a sweet spot. We consider an interacting two-site Kitaev chain coupled to a single-mode cavity and show that the sweet spot condition can be controlled with the cavity frequency and the hopping between sites. Furthermore, we demonstrate that photon-mediated effective interactions can be used to screen intrinsic interactions, improving the original quality of the MBS. We describe experimental signatures in the cavity transmission to detect their presence and quality. Our work proposes a new way to tune poor man’s MBS in a quantum dot array coupled to a cavity.
37. Improving quantum metrology protocols with programmable photonic circuits
Photonic quantum metrology enables the measurement of physical parameters with precision surpassing classical limits by using quantum states of light. However, generating states providing a large metrological advantage is hard because standard probabilistic methods suffer from low generation rates. Deterministic protocols using non-linear interactions offer a path to overcome this problem, but they are currently limited by the errors introduced during the interaction time. Thus, finding strategies to minimize the interaction time of these non-linearities is still a relevant question. In this work, we introduce and compare different deterministic strategies based on continuous and programmable Jaynes-Cummings and Kerr-type interactions, aiming to maximize the metrological advantage while minimizing the interaction time. We find that programmable interactions provide a larger metrological advantage than continuous operations at the expense of slightly larger interaction times. We show that while for Jaynes-Cummings non-linearities the interaction time grows with the photon number, for Kerr-type ones it decreases, favoring the scalability to big photon numbers. Finally, we also optimize different measurement strategies for the deterministically generated states based on photon-counting and homodyne detection.
36. Laser-assisted motional-mode spectroscopy in a Penning trap and the generalized invariance theorem
35. Learning Generalized Statistical Mechanics with Matrix Product States
We introduce a variational algorithm based on Matrix Product States that is trained by minimizing a generalized free energy defined using Tsallis entropy instead of the standard Gibbs entropy. As a result, our model can generate the probability distributions associated with generalized statistical mechanics. The resulting model can be efficiently trained, since the resulting free energy and its gradient can be calculated exactly through tensor network contractions, as opposed to standard methods which require estimating the Gibbs entropy by sampling. We devise a variational annealing scheme by ramping up the inverse temperature, which allows us to train the model while avoiding getting trapped in local minima. We show the validity of our approach in Ising spin-glass problems by comparing it to exact numerical results and quasi-exact analytical approximations. Our work opens up new possibilities for studying generalized statistical physics and solving combinatorial optimization problems with tensor networks.
34. Light–matter interactions in quantum nanophotonic devices
33. Long-range interactions in Weyl dense atomic arrays protected from dissipation and disorder
Long-range interactions are a key resource in many quantum phenomena and technologies. Free-space photons mediate power-law interactions but lack tunability and suffer from decoherence processes due to their omnidirectional emission. Engineered dielectrics can yield tunable and coherent interactions, but typically at the expense of making them both shorter-ranged and sensitive to material disorder and photon loss. Here, we propose a platform that can circumvent all these limitations based on three-dimensional subwavelength atomic arrays subjected to magnetic fields. Our key result is to show how to design the polaritonic bands of these atomic metamaterials to feature a pair of frequency-isolated Weyl points. These Weyl excitations can thus mediate interactions that are simultaneously long-range, due to their gapless nature; robust, due to the topological protection of Weyl points; and decoherence-free, due to their subradiant character. We demonstrate the robustness of these isolated Weyl points for a large regime of interatomic distances and magnetic field values and characterize the emergence of their corresponding Fermi arcs surface states. The latter can as well lead to two-dimensional, non-reciprocal atomic interactions with no analogue in other chiral quantum optical setups.
32. Loschmidt echo, emerging dual unitarity and scaling of generalized temporal entropies after quenches to the critical point
We show how the Loschmidt echo of a product state after a quench to a conformal invariant critical point and its leading finite time corrections can be predicted by using conformal field theories (CFT). We check such predictions with tensor networks, finding excellent agreement. As a result, we can use the Loschmidt echo to extract the universal information of the underlying CFT including the central charge, the operator content, and its generalized temporal entropies. We are also able to predict and confirm an emerging dual-unitarity of the evolution at late times, since the spatial transfer matrix operator that evolves the system in space becomes unitary in such limit. Our results on the growth of temporal entropies also imply that, using state-of-the art tensor networks algorithms, such calculations only require resources that increase polynomially with the duration of the quench, thus providing an example of numerically efficiently solvable out-of-equilibrium scenario.
31. Measuring temporal entanglement in experiments as a hallmark for integrability
We introduce a novel experimental approach to probe many-body quantum systems by developing a protocol to measure generalized temporal entropies. We demonstrate that the recently proposed generalized temporal entropies [Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033021] are equivalent to observing the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a replicated system induced by a double quench protocol using local operators as probes. This equivalence, confirmed through state-of-the-art tensor network simulations for one-dimensional systems, validates the feasibility of measuring generalized temporal entropies experimentally. Our results reveal that the dynamics governed by the transverse field Ising model integrable Hamiltonian differ qualitatively from those driven by the same model with an additional parallel field, breaking integrability. They thus suggest that generalized temporal entropies can serve as a tool for identifying different dynamical classes. This work represents the first practical application of generalized temporal entropy characterization in one-dimensional many-body quantum systems and offers a new pathway for experimentally detecting integrability. We conclude by outlining the experimental requirements for implementing this protocol with state of the art quantum simulators.
30. Mitigating noise in digital and digital–analog quantum computation
Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices lack error correction, limiting scalability for quantum algorithms. In this context, digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) offers a more resilient alternative quantum computing paradigm that outperforms digital quantum computation by combining the flexibility of single-qubit gates with the robustness of analog simulations. This work explores the impact of noise on both digital and DAQC paradigms and demonstrates DAQC’s effectiveness in error mitigation. We compare the quantum Fourier transform and quantum phase estimation algorithms under a wide range of single and two-qubit noise sources in superconducting processors. DAQC consistently surpasses digital approaches in fidelity, particularly as processor size increases. Moreover, zero-noise extrapolation further enhances DAQC by mitigating decoherence and intrinsic errors, achieving fidelities above 0.95 for 8 qubits, and reducing computation errors to the order of $10^{-3}$. These results establish DAQC as a viable alternative for quantum computing in the NISQ era.
29. Multi-qubit quantum state preparation enabled by topology optimization
Using topology optimization, we inverse-design nanophotonic cavities enabling the preparation of pure states of pairs and triples of quantum emitters. Our devices involve moderate values of the dielectric constant, operate under continuous laser driving, and yield fidelities to the target (Bell and W) states approaching unity for distant qubits (several natural wavelengths apart). In the fidelity optimization procedure, our algorithm generates entanglement by maximizing the dissipative coupling between the emitters, which allows the formation of multipartite pure steady states in the driven-dissipative dynamics of the system. Our findings open the way towards the efficient and fast preparation of multiqubit quantum states with engineered features, with potential applications for nonclassical light generation, quantum simulation, and quantum sensing.
28. Multiplexed quantum state transfer in waveguides
27. Nonlinearity-enabled localization in driven-dissipative photonic lattices
Recent experimental work has demonstrated the ability to achieve reconfigurable photon localization in lossy photonic lattices by continuously driving them with lasers strategically positioned at specific locations. This localization results from the perfect, destructive interference of light emitted from different positions and, because of that, occurs only at very specific frequencies. Here, we examine this localization regime in the presence of standard optical Kerr non-linearities, such as those found in polaritonic lattices, and show that they stabilize driven-dissipative localization across frequency ranges significantly broader than those observed in the linear regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that, contrary to intuition, in most siutations this driven-dissipative localization does not enhance non-linear effects like optical bistabilities, due to a concurrent reduction in overall intensities. Nevertheless, we are able to identify certain parameter regions where non-linear enhancement is achieved, corresponding to situations where emission from different spots constructively interferes.
26. Numerical simulation of large-scale nonlinear open quantum mechanics
25. Observing Topological Insulator Phases with a Programmable Quantum Simulator
24. Optimal quantum circuit generation for pixel segmentation in multiband images
23. Parameter estimation from quantum-jump data using neural networks
22. Passive photonic CZ gate with two-level emitters in chiral multi-mode waveguide QED
Engineering deterministic photonic gates with simple resources is one of the long-standing challenges in photonic quantum computing. Here, we design a passive conditional gate between co-propagating photons using an array of only two-level emitters. The key resource is to harness the effective photon-photon interaction induced by the chiral coupling of the emitter array to two waveguide modes with different resonant momenta at the emitter’s transition frequency. By studying the system’s multi-photon scattering response, we demonstrate that, in certain limits, this configuration induces a non-linear $\pi$-phase shift between the polariton eigenstates of the system without distorting spectrally the wavepackets. Then, we show how to harness this non-linear phase shift to engineer a conditional, deterministic photonic gate in different qubit encodings, with a fidelity arbitrarily close to 1 in the limit of large number of emitters and coupling efficiency. Our configuration can be implemented in topological photonic platforms with multiple chiral edge modes, opening their use for quantum information processing, or in other setups where such chiral multi-mode waveguide scenario can be obtained, e.g., in spin-orbit coupled optical fibers or photonic crystal waveguides.
21. Pauli weight requirement of the matrix elements in time-evolved local operators: dependence beyond the equilibration temperature
The complexity of simulating the out-of-equilibrium evolution of local operators in the Heisenberg picture is governed by the operator entanglement, which grows linearly in time for generic non-integrable systems, leading to an exponential increase in computational resources. A promising approach to simplify this challenge involves discarding parts of the operator and focusing on a subspace formed by “light” Pauli strings – strings with few Pauli matrices – as proposed by Rakovszki et al. [PRB 105, 075131 (2022)]. In this work, we investigate whether this strategy can be applied to quenches starting from homogeneous product states. For ergodic dynamics, these initial states grant access to a wide range of equilibration temperatures. By concentrating on the desired matrix elements and retaining only the portion of the operator that contains Pauli strings parallel to the initial state, we uncover a complex scenario. In some cases, the light Pauli strings suffice to describe the dynamics, enabling efficient simulation with current algorithms. However, in other cases, heavier strings become necessary, pushing computational demands beyond our current capabilities. We analyze this behavior using a newly introduced measure of complexity, the Operator Weight Entropy, which we compute for different operators across most points on the Bloch sphere.
20. Phononic bright and dark states: Investigating multi-mode light-matter interactions with a single trapped ion
Interference underpins some of the most practical and impactful properties of both the classical and quantum worlds. In this work we experimentally investigate a new formalism to describe interference effects, based on collective states which have enhanced or suppressed coupling to a two-level system. We employ a single trapped ion, whose electronic state is coupled to two of the ion’s motional modes in order to simulate a multi-mode light-matter interaction. We observe the emergence of phononic bright and dark states for both a single phonon and a superposition of coherent states and demonstrate that a view of interference which is based solely on their decomposition in the collective basis is able to intuitively describe their coupling to a single atom. This work also marks the first time that multi-mode bright and dark states have been formed with the bounded motion of a single trapped ion and we highlight the potential of the methods discussed here for use in quantum information processing.
19. Photon Antibunching in Single-Molecule Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation
Sum-frequency generation (SFG) allows for coherent upconversion of an electromagnetic signal and has applications in mid-infrared vibrational spectroscopy of molecules. Recent experimental and theoretical studies have shown that plasmonic nanocavities, with their deep sub-wavelength mode volumes, may allow to obtain vibrational SFG signals from a single molecule. In this article, we compute the degree of second order coherence ($g^{(2)}(0)$) of the upconverted mid-infrared field under realistic parameters and accounting for the anharmonic potential that characterizes vibrational modes of individual molecules. On the one hand, we delineate the regime in which the device should operate in order to preserve the second-order coherence of the mid-infrared source, as required in quantum applications. On the other hand, we show that an anharmonic molecular potential can lead to antibunching of the upconverted photons under coherent, Poisson-distributed mid-infrared and visible drives. Our results therefore open a path toward a new kind of bright and tunable source of indistinguishable single photons by leveraging “vibrational blockade” in a resonantly and parametrically driven molecule, without the need for strong light-matter coupling.
18. Photonic quantum metrology with variational quantum optical nonlinearities
Photonic quantum metrology harnesses quantum states of light, such as NOON or Twin-Fock states, to measure unknown parameters beyond classical precision limits. Current protocols suffer from two severe limitations that preclude their scalability: the exponential decrease in fidelities (or probabilities) when generating states with large photon numbers due to gate errors, and the increased sensitivity of such states to noise. Here, we develop a deterministic protocol combining quantum optical non-linearities and variational quantum algorithms that provides a substantial improvement on both fronts. First, we show how the variational protocol can generate metrologically-relevant states with a small number of operations which does not significantly depend on photon-number, resulting in exponential improvements in fidelities when gate errors are considered. Second, we show that such states offer a better robustness to noise compared to other states in the literature. Since our protocol harnesses interactions already appearing in state-of-the-art setups, such as cavity QED, we expect that it will lead to more scalable photonic quantum metrology in the near future.
17. Pseudospectral method for solving PDEs using Matrix Product States
This research focuses on solving time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs), in particular the time-dependent Schr\”odinger equation, using matrix product states (MPS). We propose an extension of Hermite Distributed Approximating Functionals (HDAF) to MPS, a highly accurate pseudospectral method for approximating functions of derivatives. Integrating HDAF into an MPS finite precision algebra, we test four types of quantum-inspired algorithms for time evolution: explicit Runge-Kutta methods, Crank-Nicolson method, explicitly restarted Arnoli iteration and split-step. The benchmark problem is the expansion of a particle in a quantum quench, characterized by a rapid increase in space requirements, where HDAF surpasses traditional finite difference methods in accuracy with a comparable cost. Moreover, the efficient HDAF approximation to the free propagator avoids the need for Fourier transforms in split-step methods, significantly enhancing their performance with an improved balance in cost and accuracy. Both approaches exhibit similar error scaling and run times compared to FFT vector methods; however, MPS offer an exponential advantage in memory, overcoming vector limitations to enable larger discretizations and expansions. Finally, the MPS HDAF split-step method successfully reproduces the physical behavior of a particle expansion in a double-well potential, demonstrating viability for actual research scenarios.
16. Quantum Chaos in Random Ising Networks
We report a systematic investigation of universal quantum chaotic signatures in the transverse field Ising model on an Erd\H{o}s-R\’enyi network. This is achieved by studying local spectral measures such as the level spacing and the level velocity statistics. A spectral form factor analysis is also performed as a global measure, probing energy level correlations at arbitrary spectral distances. Our findings show that these measures capture the breakdown of chaotic behavior upon varying the connectivity and strength of the transverse field in various regimes. We demonstrate that the level spacing statistics and the spectral form factor signal this breakdown for sparsely and densely connected networks. The velocity statistics capture the surviving chaotic signatures in the sparse limit. However, these integrable-like regimes extend over a vanishingly small segment in the full range of connectivity.
15. Quantum Information Scrambling in Adiabatically Driven Critical Systems
Quantum information scrambling refers to the spread of the initially stored information over many degrees of freedom of a quantum many-body system. Information scrambling is intimately linked to the thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems, and has been typically studied in a sudden quench scenario. Here, we extend the notion of quantum information scrambling to critical quantum many-body systems undergoing an adiabatic evolution. In particular, we analyze how the symmetry-breaking information of an initial state is scrambled in adiabatically driven integrable systems, such as the Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick and quantum Rabi models. Following a time-dependent protocol that drives the system from symmetry-breaking to a normal phase, we show how the initial information is scrambled, even for perfect adiabatic evolutions, as indicated by the expectation value of a suitable observable. We detail the underlying mechanism for quantum information scrambling, its relation to ground- and excited-state quantum phase transitions, and quantify the degree of scrambling in terms of the number of eigenstates that participate in the encoding of the initial symmetry-breaking information. While the energy of the final state remains unaltered in an adiabatic protocol, the relative phases among eigenstates are scrambled, and so is the symmetry-breaking information. We show that a potential information retrieval, following a time-reversed protocol, is hindered by small perturbations, as indicated by a vanishingly small Loschmidt echo and out-of-time-ordered correlators. The reported phenomenon is amenable for its experimental verification, and may help in the understanding of information scrambling in critical quantum many-body systems.
14. Quantum battery supercharging via counter-diabatic dynamics
We introduce a counter-diabatic approach for deriving Hamiltonians modeling superchargable quantum batteries (QBs). A necessary requirement for the supercharging process is the existence of multipartite interactions among the cells of the battery. Remarkably, this condition may be insufficient no matter the number of multipartite terms in the Hamiltonian. We analytically illustrate this kind of insufficiency through a model of QB based on the adiabatic version for the Grover search problem. On the other hand, we provide QB supercharging with just a mild number of global connections in the system. To this aim, we consider a spin-$1/2$ chain with $n$ sites in the presence of Ising multipartite interactions. We then show that, by considering the validity of the adiabatic approximation and by adding $n$ terms of $(n-1)$-site interactions, we can achieve a Hamiltonian exhibiting maximum QB power, with respect to a normalized evolution time, growing quadratically with $n$. Therefore, supercharging can be achieved by $O(n)$ terms of multipartite connections. The time constraint required by the adiabatic approximation can be surpassed by considering a counter-diabatic expansion in terms of the gauge potential for the original Hamiltonian, with a limited $O(n)$ many-body interaction terms assured via a Floquet approach for the counter-diabatic implementation.
13. Quantum origin of anomalous Floquet phases in cavity-QED materials
12. Random matrix theory approach to quantum Fisher information in quantum ergodic systems
11. Scalable multiphoton generation from cavity-synchronized single-photon sources
10. Scalable quantum eraser for superconducting integrated circuits
A fast and scalable scheme for multi-qubit resetting in superconducting quantum processors is proposed by exploiting the feasibility of frequency-tunable transmon qubits and transmon-like couplers to engineer a full programmable superconducting erasing head. The scalability of the device is verified by simultaneously resetting two qubits, where we show that collectivity effects may emerge as an fundamental ingredient to speed up the erasing process. Conversely, we also describe the appearance of decoherence-free subspace in multi-qubit chips, causing it to damage the device performance. To overcome this problem, a special set of parameters for the tunable frequency coupler is proposed, which allows us to erase even states within such subspace. To end, we offer a proposal to buildup integrated superconducting processors that can be efficiently connected to erasure heads in a scalable way.
9. Self-congruent point in critical matrix product states: An effective field theory for finite-entanglement scaling
We set up an effective field theory formulation for the renormalization flow of matrix product states (MPS) with finite bond dimension, focusing on systems exhibiting finite-entanglement scaling close to a conformally invariant critical fixed point. We show that the finite MPS bond dimension $\chi$ is equivalent to introducing a perturbation by a relevant operator to the fixed-point Hamiltonian. The fingerprint of this mechanism is encoded in the $\chi$-independent universal transfer matrix’s gap ratios, which are distinct from those predicted by the unperturbed Conformal Field Theory. This phenomenon defines a renormalization group self-congruent point, where the relevant coupling constant ceases to flow due to a balance of two effects; When increasing $\chi$, the infrared scale, set by the correlation length $\xi(\chi)$, increases, while the strength of the perturbation at the lattice scale decreases. The presence of a self-congruent point does not alter the validity of the finite-entanglement scaling hypothesis, since the self-congruent point is located at a finite distance from the critical fixed point, well inside the scaling regime of the CFT. We corroborate this framework with numerical evidences from the exact solution of the Ising model and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations of an effective lattice model.
8. Single-Photon Source Over the Terahertz Regime
7. Spectral properties of the critical (1+1)-dimensional Abelian-Higgs model
The presence of gauge symmetry in 1+1 dimensions is known to be redundant, since it does not imply the existence of dynamical gauge bosons. As a consequence, in the continuum, the Abelian-Higgs model (i.e., the theory of bosonic matter interacting with photons) just possesses a single phase, as the higher-dimensional Higgs and Coulomb phases are connected via nonperturbative effects. However, recent research published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 090601 (2022) has revealed an unexpected phase transition when the system is discretized on the lattice. This transition is described by a conformal field theory with a central charge of c=3/2. In this paper, we aim to characterize the two components of this c=3/2 theory—namely the free Majorana fermionic and bosonic parts—through equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium spectral analyses.
6. Stable collective charging of ultracold-atom quantum batteries
We propose a novel quantum battery realized with a few interacting particles in a three-well system with different on-site energies, which could be realized with ultracold atom platforms. We prepare the initial state in the lowest energy well and charge the battery using a Spatial Adiabatic Passage (SAP)-based protocol, enabling the population of a higher energy well. We examine the charging under varying interaction strengths and reveal that the consideration of collective charging results in an intriguing oscillatory behavior of the final charge for finite interactions, through diabatic evolution. Our findings open a new avenue for building stable and controllable quantum batteries.
5. Strong Quantum Mpemba Effect with Squeezed Thermal Reservoirs
The phenomena where a quantum system can be exponentially accelerated to its stationary state has been refereed to as Quantum Mpemba Effect (QMpE). Due to its analogy with the classical Mpemba effect, hot water freezes faster than cold water, this phenomena has garnered significant attention. Although QMpE has been characterized and experimentally verified in different scenarios, sufficient and necessary conditions to achieve such a phenomenon are still under investigation. In this paper we address a sufficient condition for QMpE through a general approach for open quantum systems dynamics. With help of the Mpemba parameter introduced in this work to quantify how strong the QMpE can be, we discuss how our conditions can predict and explain the emergence of weak and strong QMpE in a robust way. As application, by harnessing intrinsic non-classical nature of squeezed thermal environments, we show how strong QMpE can be effectively induced when our conditions are met. Due to the thermal nature of environment considered in our model, our work demonstrates that a hot qubit freezes faster than a cold qubit only in presence of squeezed reservoirs. Our results provide tools and new insights opening a broad avenue for further investigation at most fundamental levels of this peculiar phenomena in the quantum realm.
4. Strongly Coupled Spin Waves and Surface Acoustic Waves at Room Temperature
3. Temporal entropy and the complexity of computing the expectation value of local operators after a quench
We study the computational complexity of simulating the time-dependent expectation value of a local operator in a one-dimensional quantum system by using temporal matrix product states. We argue that such cost is intimately related to that of encoding temporal transition matrices and their partial traces. In particular, we show that we can upper-bound the rank of these reduced transition matrices by the one of the Heisenberg evolution of local operators, thus making connection between two apparently different quantities, the temporal entanglement and the local operator entanglement. As a result, whenever the local operator entanglement grows slower than linearly in time, we show that computing time-dependent expectation values of local operators using temporal matrix product states is likely advantageous with respect to computing the same quantities using standard matrix product states techniques.
2. Topological, multi-mode amplification induced by non-reciprocal, long-range dissipative couplings
Non-reciprocal couplings or drivings are known to induce steady-state, directional, amplification in driven-dissipative bosonic lattices. This amplification phenomena has been recently linked to the existence of a non-zero topological invariant defined with the system’s dynamical matrix, and thus, it depends critically on the couplings’ structure. In this work, we demonstrate the emergence of unconventional, non-reciprocal, long-range dissipative couplings induced by the interaction of the bosonic chain with a chiral, multi-mode channel, and then study their impact on topological amplification phenomena. We show that these couplings can lead to topological invariant values greater than one which induce topological, multi-mode amplification and metastability behaviour not predicted in other setups. Besides, we also show how these couplings can also stabilize topological amplifying phases in the presence of local parametric drivings. Finally, we conclude by showing how such phenomena can be naturally obtained in two-dimensional topological insulators hosting multiple edge modes.
1. Validity condition for high-fidelity Digitized Quantum Annealing
Digitizing an adiabatic evolution is a strategy able to combine the good performance of gate-based quantum processors with the advantages of adiabatic algorithms, providing then a hybrid model for efficient quantum information processing. In this work we develop validity conditions for high fidelity digital adiabatic tasks. To this end, we assume a digitizing process based on the Suzuki-Trotter decomposition, which allows us to introduce a $Digitized$ $Adiabatic$ $Theorem$. As consequence of this theorem, we show that the performance of such a hybrid model is limited by the fundamental constraints on the adiabatic theorem validity, even in ideal quantum processors. We argue how our approach predicts the existence of intrinsic non-adiabatic errors reported by R. Barends $et$ $al$., Nature 534, 222 (2016) through an empirical study of digital annealing. In addition, our approach allows us to explain the existence of a scaling of the number of Suzuki-Trotter blocks for the optimal digital circuit with respect to the optimal adiabatic total evolution time, as reported by G. B. Mbeng $et$ $al$, Phys. Rev. B 100, 224201 (2019) through robust numerical analysis of digital annealing. We illustrate our results through two examples of digitized adiabatic algorithms, namely, the two-qubits exact-cover problem and the three-qubits adiabatic factorization of the number 21.